ancient ancient world world


11/14/19 CIVILIZATIONS OF THE ANCIENT ANCIENT WORLD WORLD Early Rome MEETI NG 21 ME 21 Clouds Wrap-Up Early Italy: Etruscans, Greeks, and Phoenicians Indo-Europeans: Hill Peoples and Latins 1 Clouds 2 Aspects of Clouds

  1. 11/14/19 CIVILIZATIONS OF THE ANCIENT ANCIENT WORLD WORLD Early Rome MEETI NG 21 ME 21 � Clouds Wrap-Up � Early Italy: Etruscans, Greeks, and Phoenicians � Indo-Europeans: Hill Peoples and Latins 1 Clouds 2 Aspects of Clouds � What is the play about? � Women � The debate � Religion � Socrates � The ending 3 1

  2. 11/14/19 Old vs. New in The Clouds Morality Amorality Tradition (gods, festivals, rituals) Novelty (intellectualism, materialism) Country life (Strepsiades’s origins) City life (Pheidippides) Lower class (peasantry) Upper class (aristocracy) Agriculture (honest labor) Political skills, rhetoric Outdoor life (health, physical strength) Indoor life (pallor, the Thinkery) Hard physical work Idleness and up-in-the-air nebulosities Physical exercise Mental exercise Peasant rascality and vulgarism Sophistic intricacy and deception 4 ANCIENT ITALY 5 Italy A P E N N I N E M O U N T A I N S 6 2

  3. 11/14/19 Italy Etruscans “ H i l l P e o p l e s Latins ” Magna Graecia 7 Etruscans 8 Latium 9 3

  4. 11/14/19 EARLY ROME 10 Etruscan influence: The triumph 11 Etruscan religion 12 4

  5. 11/14/19 Rome 13 Periods of Roman History Regal Republic Principate Byzantine Empire Period 800 600 400 200 1 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 BCE BCE CE CE 14 Roman names C. IVLIVS C.f. C.n. CAESAR IMP. nomen cognomen praenomen filiation (formal records) 15 5

  6. 11/14/19 Adoption C. OCTAVIVS C.f. C. IVLIVS C.f. CAESAR OCTAVIANVS 16 Female names IVLIA 17 ROME UNDER THE KINGS 18 6

  7. 11/14/19 Greece and Rome – Timelines Persian Aegean Homer Alexander Wars Minoans Mycenaean Greeks Greek Dark Age Archaic Classical Hellenistic (Roman Empire —to 1453 CE) B R O N Z E A G E I R O N A G E 2000 1500 1000 500 1 500 BCE BCE CE Second Fall of Tarquin Punic War Caesar Constantine Rome Italy Regal Roman Republic Principate Dominate Period Etruscans 19 The Roman king 20 Regal period Rome � Family and clan � Census and class � Origins of later institutions � The pomerium 21 7

  8. 11/14/19 (I) Romulus 22 (II) Numa Pompilius 23 (VII) L. Tarquinius Superbus 24 8

  9. 11/14/19 The Rape of Lucretia 25 Early Roman values � Virtus � Pietas � Fides � Gravitas and Constantia � Auctoritas � Later described as the mos maiorum (the ways of our ancestors) 26 9


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