anal yst investor briefing

ANAL YST & INVESTOR BRIEFING NOVEMBER 13, 2018 | 2:00 -3:30 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

ANAL YST & INVESTOR BRIEFING NOVEMBER 13, 2018 | 2:00 -3:30 Introduction MARC CABI VP, Strategy & Head of Investor Relations Safe Harbor This presentation includes forward-looking statements,

  1. ANAL YST & INVESTOR BRIEFING NOVEMBER 13, 2018 | 2:00 -3:30

  2. Introduction MARC CABI VP, Strategy & 
 Head of Investor Relations

 Safe Harbor This presentation includes forward-looking statements, including, among other things, statements Zendesk makes with the Securities and Exchange Commission from time to time, including its regarding Zendesk’s future financial performance, its continued investment to grow its business, Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2018.Support. Please see the and progress toward its long-term financial objectives. The words such as “may,” “should,” “will,” Appendix for details regarding the definition and calculation of these operating metrics.. “believe,” “expect,” “anticipate,” “target,” “project,” and similar phrases that denote future expectation or intent regarding Zendesk’s financial results, operations, and other matters are Forward-looking statements represent Zendesk’s management’s beliefs and assumptions only as of intended to identify forward-looking statements. You should not rely upon forward-looking the date such statements are made. Zendesk undertakes no obligation to update any forward- statements as predictions of future events. 
 looking statements made in this presentation to reflect events or circumstances after the date of this presentation or to reflect new information or the occurrence of unanticipated events, except as The outcome of the events described in these forward-looking statements is subject to known and required by law. 
 unknown risks, uncertainties, and other factors that may cause Zendesk’s actual results, performance, or achievements to differ materially, including (i) adverse changes in general This presentation and the accompanying oral presentation include certain non-GAAP financial economic or market conditions; (ii) Zendesk’s ability to adapt its products to changing market measures as defined by the Securities and Exchange Commission rules. These non-GAAP financial dynamics and customer preferences or achieve increased market acceptance of its products; (iii) measures are in addition to, and not as a substitute for or superior to measures of financial Zendesk’s ability to effectively expand its sales capabilities, (iv) Zendesk’s ability to effectively performance prepared in accordance with GAAP. There are a number of limitations related to the market and sell its products to larger enterprises, (v) Zendesk’s expectation that the future growth use of these non-GAAP financial measures versus their nearest GAAP equivalents. For example, rate of its revenues will decline, and that, as its costs increase, Zendesk may not be able to other companies may calculate non-GAAP financial measures differently or may use other measures generate sufficient revenues to achieve or sustain profitability; (vi) the intensely competitive market to evaluate their performance, all of which could reduce the usefulness of our non-GAAP financial in which Zendesk operates and the difficulty that Zendesk may have in competing effectively; (vii) measures as tools for comparison. As required by Regulation G, we have provided a reconciliation the development of the market for software as a service business software applications; (viii) of those measures to the most directly comparable GAAP measures, which is available in the Zendesk’s ability to introduce and market new products and to support its products on a shared Appendix. 
 services platform; (ix) Zendesk’s ability to integrate acquired businesses and technologies successfully or achieve the expected benefits of such acquisitions; (x) Zendesk’s ability to effectively This presentation and the accompanying oral presentation include a number of operating metrics manage its growth and organizational change; (xi) potential breaches in Zendesk’s security that Zendesk uses to evaluate its business, measure performance, identify trends, formulate measures or unauthorized access to its customers’ data; (xii) potential service interruptions or business plans, and make strategic decisions. These operating metrics include the number of paid performance problems associated with Zendesk’s technology and infrastructure; (xiii) real or customer accounts, dollar-based net expansion rate, and the percentage of its monthly recurring perceived errors, failures, or bugs in its products; (xiv) Zendesk’s substantial reliance on its revenue from Zendesk Support originating from customers with more than 100 agents on Zendesk customers renewing their subscriptions and purchasing additional subscriptions; and (xv) Zendesk’s Support. Please see the Appendix for details regarding the definition and calculation of these ability to accurately forecast expenditures on third-party managed hosting services. operating metrics. 
 The forward-looking statements contained in this presentation are also subject to additional risks, This presentation utilizes certain trademarks and service marks for reference purposes. All such uncertainties, and factors, including those more fully described in Zendesk’s filings with the trademarks and service marks are and remain the property of their respective owners. 
 Securities and Exchange Commission, including its Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter Any unreleased services or features referenced in this or other presentations, press releases or ended September 30, 2018 and its Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, public statements are not currently available and may not be delivered or released on time or at all. 2017, as amended by Form 10-K/A. Further information on potential risks that could affect actual Customers who purchase our services should make their purchase decisions based upon features results will be included in the subsequent periodic and current reports and other filings that that are currently available.

  4. Agenda Mikkel Svane, Founder, CEO REL AT E ANNOUNC EMEN TS Adrian McDermott, President of Products SU NSHINE P LATF OR M Elena Gomez, Chief Financial Officer BE C O MIN G A MU LT IBIL L IO N D O L L AR RE VE N U E C O MPAN Y Q&A

  5. Relate 
 Announcements MIKKEL 
 SVANE Founder & CEO, Zendesk

  6. Mexico City São Paulo Singapore New York London Melbourne Dallas Chicago San Francisco Relate and Future of Customer Experience events combined.

  7. L A U N C H E S 1 2 3 E X P L O R E S U N S H I N E S E L L

  8. Dig in 3,000 602

  9. The Zendesk Suite

  10. Share Schedule Clone More Customer Satisfaction Dashboard CSAT by Agent Touches Satisfaction Score % Satisfaction Rated % Satisfaction Forecast 86.4% 29.3% 110 100 90 80 Date Group 70 60 50 Churn risk customers 40 30 Saw Records 20 Globe Media 10 0 Grasshopper, Inc. Week Fortunenetworks Hammerair CSAT by Agent Touches Flowershow 100 Acewalk 80 94.9% 90.0% 93.4% 91.9% Tiger Limited 60 40 Pixyaid FULL Y 

  11. Make a big deal of it

  12. What is Zendesk Sell? A sales tool built for sales people : For managers, the data you need to An unified set of tools that provide 
 drive your team to consistently 
 Less time updating tasks, 
 the full context of a 
 hit your targets more time selling customer account

  13. An open and 
 flexible CRM platform

  14. Platform More complex use cases aligns with Move Upmarket 
 Integration across business in Support Reach CIO/IT leaders our strategy Move beyond 
 CRM Platform for all Sales and Marketing Platform Zendesk products and Custom CRM apps and Support custom customer apps customer experiences and services

  15. Sunshine lets you Connect and Build and deploy Break free with open understand all of 
 customer apps standards and the your data and services faster public cloud

  16. Sunshine Platform ADRIAN MCDERMOTT President of Products

  17. Powering all Zendesk products and your own customer apps 
 U S E R E X P E R I E N C E S and services S E RV I C E S C U STO M E R DATA

  18. U S E R E X P E R I E N C E S S E RV I C E S C U STO M E R DATA N E W D A T A L A Y E R W I T H Events Objects Relationships Profiles Conversations Open Modern Flexible I N F R A ST R U CT U R E

  19. B U I L T O N U S E R E X P E R I E N C E S S E RV I C E S Amazon Web Services N A T I V E 
 T O AWS Services I N F R A ST R U CT U R E


  21. Add user notes New Zendesk Lisa Kant Tic Interactions User Profile Lisa Kant Maintenance required O 15 mins ago · 1 comment Reservation start +1 (415) 123-4567 Nov 12 12 : 01 pm • Sunshine Acme, Inc. Reservation made Pacific time (US & Canada) Nov 12 12 : 01 pm • Pendo English Plan upgrade laguage_english status_vip Nov 12 12 : 01 pm • Segment Add user notes Lead conversion S Nov 5, 2017 · 5 comments Profiles Events Objects Define and capture events Natively store and connect Identify each customer from any application across new data entities and with a unified profile every customer touchpoint model your entire business across every application Coming Soon Available Today Available Today


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