MEN MENA CS A CSP Kn Knowled wledge ge an and Inno d Innovation ation Program Program Frank Wouters
So Some me key y en ener ergy gy objecti jectives es in M in MEN ENA • Relying on national energy sources • Technologies that can be produced locally • Flexible and dispatchable power supply • Attract low-cost financing
CSP SP can an hel elp p meet eet these ese objecti jectives es in in ME MENA NA • Great solar resource • Well developed industrial base and engineering skills • CSP with storage can become 24/7, 365 days • Costs are coming down as scale goes up • Very low-cost financing available from CTF, GCF, etc …
But kno nowl wled edge ge ne need eds s to flo flow w ef effici iciently ently between countries …
ME MENA CSP SP Kn Knowl wledge edge an and Inno nnovat ation ion Progr gram am • A three-year Program launched in late 2016 to bring technical and financial support to governments, utilities, and industries in the MENA region • From the Clean Technology Fund and the World Bank • Five activities
MENA NA CSP Kn Knowle ledg dge e and nd Inn nnovation ation Program ram To help accelerate MENA CSP investments, the CTF F la launched hed a Knowl wledg edge and In Innovat ation Pro rogram gram in in la late 2016. This three ee-yea ear r Pro rogr gram am is designed primarily as a resource to address knowledge and awareness gaps, to link projects with sources of finance and technical advice, and to promote innovation to enable CSP investments in MENA to move forward faster, and in more countries. tners : Pa Partne The he MEN ENA A CSP KI KIP is is work working ing in: n:
Activit ivity y 1: : Sm Smal all Gr l Grant ants s Program gram • Small grants to support CSP project development, local impact, and innovative in CSP technology • Sub-projects are likely to be in the three areas: in-depth technical assistance, small-scale innovative CSP applications, and development of CSP component manufacturing • The Program will award funding to competitive proposals • The KIP team will be evaluating the proposals for eligibility, both public and private sector proposals will be accepted
Activit ivity y 2: : In In-depth depth Tec echnical hnical Ass ssis istan ance ce an and Ju Just st-in in Tim ime e Ass ssis ista tance nce In In-dept depth h Technical hnical Assist stance ance Just-in in Time e Assistance stance: • Providing the in-depth technical assistance • Making available a team of experts to governments and utilities need to make decisions answer any questions regarding CSP about CSP planning and investments development • In Jordan, we are conducting an energy mix study to • Our experts are available via e-mail, provide policymakers and planners with information phone, or our web platform on the potential of CSP • All private and public actors along the • We are looking at: supply chain in all MENA countries, • Possible future generation scenarios including CSP others with a business/professional • Value of CSP in the system, as a provider of power, interest in CSP in MENA countries are storage, and ancillary services eligible • If CSP makes sense, the second phase of the study will recommend feasible CSP projects and financing options, focusing on concessional sources of finance • In-depth TA provided by our consortium is under Activity 2; in-depth TA can also be provided by others, under Activity 1
Act ctiv ivity ity 3: : Knowled ledge ge Ex Exchange ange an and Coo ooperat peration ion • Organizing workshops to share practices and lessons learned and facilitate networking between policy makers, CSP industry leaders, financiers and other stakeholders that together build CSP projects • We held a Workshop on ‘CSP Markets, System Value and Financing’ on March 6 -8, 2017, at the MASEN Center - Noor Solar Complex, Morocco
Act Activit ivity y 4: : Cap apacity acity Buil ildin ing g an and Tra rain inin ing • Provide training on CSP, support local institutions to develop training programs and capacity suited to local circumstances • Build capacity and know-how of professionals involved in the development of the CSP sector • Training will be delivered — in association with universities/training centers — directly to public sector decision-makers primarily, as well as to industry and academic sectors (professional, vocational)
Act ctiv ivity ity 5: : Knowled ledge ge Dis issemina semination tion an and Web- bas ased ed Pla latfor orm • Publicize MENA CSP Knowledge and Innovation Program through a web-based platform and newsletters • Create content that is informative and useful to the Program’s key target audiences (energy policy - makers and national utilities’ decision makers) and wider circle of stakeholders
Thank ank you! ou! Frank Wouters
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