alternatjves to unsustainable livestock farming and the

Alternatjves to Unsustainable Livestock Farming and the impacts of - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Alternatjves to Unsustainable Livestock Farming and the impacts of Public Private Partnerships Paraguay, a country devastated by the livestock industry Livestock productjon triggering food insecurity and land concentratjon Cantidad y

  1. Alternatjves to Unsustainable Livestock Farming and the impacts of Public Private Partnerships

  2. Paraguay, a country devastated by the livestock industry

  3. Livestock productjon triggering food insecurity and land concentratjon Cantidad y superficie de las unidades productivas CAN 2008 90,00% 80,00% 70,00% 60,00% Cantidad 50,00% Superficie 40,00% 30,00% 20,00% 10,00% 0,00% Hasta 20 has Hasta 1000 has Hasta 10000 has Participación de la soja y otros cultivos en el total de la producción agrícola 57,6% Superficie sembrada con soja zafra 2012/13 Superficie sembrada con otros cultivos 42,4%

  4. Current policies and trends in livestock productjon sector favor corporate concentratjon and expel small producers, most of whom are women, from the country-side E.g. In Mato Grosso Brazil, between 2012 and 2015, the market share of one beef processing company, JBS, grew from 47% to 61%.

  5. Communitjes all over the world contjnue to practjce sustainable livestock productjon India Colombia Iran

  6. Facilitatjng partjcipatory assessments of the resilience of community conservatjon initjatjves in more than 60 communitjes in at least 22 countries

  7. Results of the fjrst CCRI assessments - The main external threats included the expansion of monocultures of trees and other crops like soy, mining, hydro electric dams, overfjshing and climate change - Co-existence of community conservatjon with industrial forms of agriculture and forestry is not feasible in the long run – these practjces fundamentally undermines the resilience of community conservatjon - Governments and other actors have to chose between communitjes and corporatjons

  8. Public Private Partnerships form a major threat to sustainable livestock productjon by local communitjes

  9. Risks of PPPs and other forms of collaboratjon with the private sector - The fjnancial dependencies created by PPPs will form an incentjve for public instjtutjons like Governments and the UN to shy away from certain policies as they might hurt the commercial interests of their partner, thus compromising public interests (confmict of interests) - The climate crisis requires qualitatjve AND quantjtatjve measures to address unsustainable consumptjon and productjon in the livestock sector - Instjtutjonally, in a capitalist economy, a corporatjon cannot consent to measures that limit or reduce its growth. It can only consent to qualitatjve measures - Examples include GEF Integrated Approaches Program on zero- deforestatjon commoditjes that moves commodity productjon to areas occupied by small farmers, and fails to address quantjty-related aspects and the social dimensions of livestock productjon, including food sovereignty aspects.

  10. Thank you!


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