� � � Alignment with beam halo MC Andrea Parenti 05/05/2009 Outline: Alignment with Beam Halo (BH) only Alignment with Minimum Bias (MB) only Alignment with BH + MB 05/05/2009 A. Parenti 1
✁ ✂ � ✂ � ✁ Initial geometry and parameters Alignment is done of High level structures: 'TIDRingsLayers13,110001', 'TrackerTECDiskLayers11,cc000c', 'TrackerTECDiskLayers24,110001', 'TrackerTECDiskLayers55,cc000c', 'TrackerTECDiskLayers69,110001' Start from ideal geometry + custom misalignent TIDRings & TECDisks as in 10pbScenario TIDRings: 185 µ m (u,v), 850 µ rad ( γ ) TECDisks: 70 µ m (u,v), 30 µ rad ( γ ) no misalignment applied on smaller structures, and on the barrel sub-detectors 05/05/2009 A. Parenti 2
✁ � � ✁ � � ✁ ✁ ✁ ✁ Alignment with beam halo Based on 20X beam halo Monte Carlo the available statistics is limited: ~60k events Track collection: ALCARECOTkAlBeamHalo Track selection: ptMin = 0. etaMin = -999. / etaMax = +999. nHitMin = 6 / nHitMin2D = 2 chi2nMax = 50. minMultiplicity = 1 Nb. of selected tracks: ~31200 05/05/2009 A. Parenti 3
� � Alignment with BH: TEC results Initial and remaining Correlation of remaining misalignment: and initial misalignment: vs0_1Clone vs0_1Clone vs1_1Clone vs1_1Clone end0Clone end0Clone end1Clone end1Clone ∆ u: TEC ∆ v: TEC ∆ u: TEC ∆ v: TEC Entries Entries 14 14 Entries Entries 14 14 Entries Entries 14 14 Entries Entries 14 14 500 500 Mean Mean 1 1 Mean -4.605 Mean -4.605 Mean x 1 Mean x 1 Mean x Mean x -4.605 -4.605 #parameters #parameters m](start) m](start) 6 4 Mean y Mean y Mean y Mean y remaining misal. RMS 2.643 RMS 2.643 remaining misal. RMS 11.22 RMS 11.22 2.576 2.576 -33.79 -33.79 400 400 RMS x 2.643 RMS x 2.643 RMS x 11.22 RMS x 11.22 3.5 RMS y 66.47 RMS y 66.47 RMS y 81.1 RMS y 81.1 misaligned misaligned 5 300 300 µ µ u [ v [ 3 200 ∆ 200 ∆ 4 2.5 100 100 0 0 3 2 -100 -100 1.5 2 -200 -200 1 -300 -300 1 0.5 -400 -400 0 0 -500 -500 -100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 -100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 -100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 -100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 u [ m] v [ m] ∆ µ ∆ µ u [ m](end) v [ m](end) ∆ µ ∆ µ ∆ γ : TEC end5Clone end5Clone : TEC vs5_1Clone vs5_1Clone ∆ γ Entries Entries Entries Entries 14 14 14 14 500 Mean 0.6193 Mean 0.6193 Mean x Mean x 0.6193 0.6193 #parameters rad](start) 3 Mean y Mean y remaining misal. RMS 10.42 RMS 10.42 -4.459 -4.459 400 RMS x 10.42 RMS x 10.42 RMS y 39.52 RMS y 39.52 misaligned 2.5 300 µ [ γ 200 ∆ 2 100 0 1.5 -100 1 -200 -300 0.5 -400 05/05/2009 A. Parenti 4 0 -500 -100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 -100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 ∆ γ [ µ rad] ∆ γ [ µ rad](end)
Alignment with BH: TID results ∆ u: TID end0Clone end0Clone end1Clone end1Clone ∆ u: TID vs0Clone vs0Clone vs1Clone vs1Clone ∆ v: TID ∆ v: TID Entries Entries 18 18 Entries Entries 18 18 Entries Entries 18 18 Entries Entries 18 18 500 500 Mean -18.76 Mean -18.76 Mean x Mean x -4.745 -4.745 Mean -0.4426 Mean -0.4426 Mean x -0.4426 Mean x -0.4426 #parameters #parameters m](start) m](start) 8 Mean y Mean y remaining misal. RMS 58.52 RMS 58.52 remaining misal. RMS RMS 18.99 18.99 -36.36 -36.36 Mean y -42.74 Mean y -42.74 400 400 RMS x 9.499 RMS x 9.499 RMS x RMS x 18.99 18.99 12 RMS y 169.1 RMS y 169.1 RMS y RMS y 132.4 132.4 7 misaligned misaligned 300 300 µ µ u [ v [ 10 6 200 ∆ 200 ∆ 100 100 5 8 0 0 4 6 -100 -100 3 -200 -200 4 2 -300 -300 2 1 -400 -400 0 0 -500 -500 -500 -400 -300 -200 -100 0 100 200 300 400 500 -500 -400 -300 -200 -100 0 100 200 300 400 500 -100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 -100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 ∆ u [ µ m] ∆ v [ µ m] ∆ u [ µ m](end) ∆ v [ µ m](end) : TID end5Clone end5Clone : TID vs5Clone vs5Clone ∆ γ ∆ γ Entries Entries 18 18 Entries Entries 18 18 500 Mean 66.97 Mean 66.97 Mean x Mean x 49.08 49.08 #parameters rad](start) 5 Mean y Mean y remaining misal. RMS 107.4 RMS 107.4 131.6 131.6 400 RMS x 8.857 RMS x 8.857 RMS y 182.6 RMS y 182.6 misaligned 300 4 µ [ γ 200 ∆ 100 3 0 -100 2 -200 -300 1 -400 0 -500 -500 -400 -300 -200 -100 0 100 200 300 400 500 -100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 ∆ γ [ µ rad] ∆ γ [ µ rad](end) 05/05/2009 A. Parenti 5
✁ � � ✁ � � ✁ ✁ ✁ ✁ Alignment with Minimum Bias Based on 20X (CSA08) Monte Carlo expected similar rate as Beam Halo... using 175k events Track collection: ALCARECOTkAlMinBias Track selection: ptMin = 1.5 etaMin = -10. / etaMax = +10. nHitMin = 8 / nHitMin2D = 2 chi2nMax = 50. minMultiplicity = 1 Nb. of selected tracks: ~302200 05/05/2009 A. Parenti 6
Alignment with MB: TEC results end0Clone end0Clone end1Clone end1Clone ∆ u: TEC ∆ v: TEC vs0_1Clone vs0_1Clone vs1_1Clone vs1_1Clone ∆ u: TEC ∆ v: TEC Entries Entries 14 14 Entries Entries 14 14 Entries Entries Entries Entries 14 14 14 14 500 500 Mean Mean -7.38 -7.38 Mean -6.918 Mean -6.918 Mean x -7.38 Mean x -7.38 Mean x Mean x -6.918 -6.918 #parameters #parameters 5 m](start) m](start) 3 remaining misal. RMS 9.596 RMS 9.596 remaining misal. RMS RMS 11 11 Mean y Mean y Mean y Mean y 2.576 2.576 -33.79 -33.79 400 400 RMS x 9.596 RMS x 9.596 RMS x 11 RMS x 11 RMS y 66.47 RMS y 66.47 RMS y 81.1 RMS y 81.1 misaligned misaligned 2.5 300 300 µ µ 4 u [ v [ 200 ∆ 200 ∆ 2 100 100 3 0 0 1.5 -100 -100 2 1 -200 -200 -300 -300 1 0.5 -400 -400 0 0 -500 -500 -100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 -100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 -100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 -100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 ∆ u [ µ m] ∆ v [ µ m] ∆ u [ µ m](end) ∆ v [ µ m](end) : TEC ∆ γ end5Clone end5Clone : TEC vs5_1Clone vs5_1Clone ∆ γ Entries Entries 14 14 Entries Entries 14 14 500 Mean 10.72 Mean 10.72 Mean x 10.72 Mean x 10.72 #parameters rad](start) 2 remaining misal. RMS 29.63 RMS 29.63 Mean y -0.9889 Mean y -0.9889 400 RMS x RMS x 29.63 29.63 1.8 RMS y RMS y 40.11 40.11 misaligned 300 1.6 µ [ γ 200 ∆ 1.4 100 1.2 0 1 -100 0.8 -200 0.6 0.4 -300 0.2 -400 0 -500 -100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 -100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 [ rad] ∆ γ µ ∆ γ [ µ rad](end) 05/05/2009 A. Parenti 7
Alignment with MB: TID results ∆ u: TID end0Clone end0Clone end1Clone end1Clone ∆ u: TID vs0Clone vs0Clone vs1Clone vs1Clone ∆ v: TID ∆ v: TID Entries Entries 18 18 Entries Entries 18 18 Entries Entries 18 18 Entries Entries 18 18 500 500 Mean -7.264 Mean -7.264 Mean -5.711 Mean -5.711 Mean x Mean x -7.264 -7.264 Mean x Mean x -5.711 -5.711 #parameters #parameters m](start) m](start) 9 7 Mean y -32.6 Mean y -32.6 Mean y Mean y remaining misal. RMS 12.8 RMS 12.8 remaining misal. RMS 12.96 RMS 12.96 -42.74 -42.74 400 400 RMS x 12.8 RMS x 12.8 RMS x 12.96 RMS x 12.96 8 RMS y 165.1 RMS y 165.1 RMS y 132.4 RMS y 132.4 misaligned 6 misaligned 300 300 µ µ u [ v [ 7 200 ∆ 200 ∆ 5 6 100 100 4 5 0 0 4 3 -100 -100 3 -200 -200 2 2 -300 -300 1 1 -400 -400 0 0 -500 -500 -500 -400 -300 -200 -100 0 100 200 300 400 500 -500 -400 -300 -200 -100 0 100 200 300 400 500 -100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 -100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 ∆ u [ µ m] ∆ v [ µ m] ∆ u [ µ m](end) ∆ v [ µ m](end) : TID end5Clone end5Clone : TID vs5Clone vs5Clone ∆ γ ∆ γ Entries Entries 18 18 Entries Entries 18 18 500 Mean 148.2 Mean 148.2 Mean x Mean x 66.34 66.34 #parameters rad](start) 2 Mean y 153 Mean y 153 remaining misal. RMS 141.1 RMS 141.1 400 RMS x 15.63 RMS x 15.63 1.8 RMS y 206.5 RMS y 206.5 misaligned 300 1.6 µ [ γ 200 ∆ 1.4 100 1.2 0 1 -100 0.8 -200 0.6 -300 0.4 0.2 -400 0 -500 -500 -400 -300 -200 -100 0 100 200 300 400 500 -100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 ∆ γ [ µ rad] ∆ γ [ µ rad](end) 05/05/2009 A. Parenti 8
Alignment with Beam Halo + Minimum Bias 05/05/2009 A. Parenti 9
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