ak connect mentoring future health system pharmacists

AK CONNECT! Mentoring Future Health System Pharmacists Janelle - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

AK CONNECT! Mentoring Future Health System Pharmacists Janelle Solbos PharmD Candidate 2020 Disclosures I have no disclosures Learning Objectives Identify key barriers to establishing and maintaining mentor relationships List ways

  1. AK CONNECT! Mentoring Future Health System Pharmacists Janelle Solbos PharmD Candidate 2020

  2. Disclosures  I have no disclosures

  3. Learning Objectives  Identify key barriers to establishing and maintaining mentor relationships  List ways to overcome key mentor relationship barriers  Describe ways to keep informed regarding health-system pharmacy issues and topics

  4. Live CE Sessions  Modeled from ASHP ConnectLive!  Interactive  Allow participants to build connections and share information  Discuss knowledge and experiences

  5. Discussion  Discuss important barriers to developing mentor relationships you have experienced  Do these relationships always have to be formal?  Have these barriers changed over the course of the relationship?  How have you overcome these barriers?  How do mentors and mentees benefit from mentorship?

  6. Warning: 1 minute Left for Discussion

  7. Discussion  Pharmacists and technicians: share ways you keep updated on advancements affecting your practice?  Students: what information would you like to know about health-system pharmacy practice?

  8. Warning: 1 minute Left for Discussion

  9. Question 1  What key barriers to mentorship did your group identify?

  10. Question 2  How do the members of your group stay informed on current and developing pharmacy topics?

  11. Question 3  What did you learn today about mentorship? A) Both mentor and mentee can benefit from building relationships B) Mentorships do not have to be formally defined C) Barriers to mentorship can be overcome D) All of the above

  12. Question 4  Has this experience inspired you to change your practice?  Yes  No


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