Aging • is a Gravity Deprivation Syndrome J Vernikos PhD CSA/CSUF 2014
What is Aging? • Appearance It is time for US to take It is time for US to take Health action. action. Function Social
What Does it Look Like?
How are we Aging? Living Longer? Yes Aging Later? Some Living better? No
% Unhealthy in US Population
How did We Get Here?
Children No Longer….
Removing/Reducing Gravity
No Up or Down
Weightless Exercise – not quite the same…
Russian Homecoming!
Balance & Coordination
Do Astronauts Age Faster in Space?
You & I & Gravity
Answers came from Earth
Do Humans Age Faster in Bed?
We CAN Change – the Rate of Aging!
Roller Coaster !
Any Questions?
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