
Agenda Background Existing program requirements Goals for - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Agenda Background Existing program requirements Goals for update Key issues Community input Policy options Next steps Vacation Rental Workshop, PRMD May 18, 2015 Vacation Rentals Adopted 2010, effective

  1. Agenda  Background  Existing program requirements  Goals for update  Key issues  Community input  Policy options  Next steps Vacation Rental Workshop, PRMD May 18, 2015

  2. Vacation Rentals  Adopted 2010, effective 1/1/2011  822 permitted to date (non coastal)  Existing Vacation Rental program  Zoning Permit up to 5 rooms  2 persons per bedroom +2  Quiet hours 10 pm to 9 am  No amplified sound outdoors  No parties/events in R1, RR Jan. 2010 deck collapse  TOT # required + in listings  Permits expire upon sale or transfer of property Vacation Rental Workshop, PRMD May 18, 2015

  3. Vacation Rental Workshop, PRMD May 18, 2015

  4. Vacation Rentals by District Vacation Rental Workshop, PRMD May 18, 2015

  5. Vacation Rental Workshop, PRMD May 18, 2015

  6. Program Update Goals • Maintain character • Protect housing • Balance • Flexibility • Level the playing field Vacation Rental Workshop, PRMD May 18, 2015

  7. Tourism in Sonoma County • Visitors spend $1.6 billion annually • 19,350 jobs in tourism industry • TOT revenue $12.63 million 14/15 • Over $5 million from vacation rentals Vacation Rental Workshop, PRMD May 18, 2015

  8. Sheriff Calls by Complaint Type Vacation Rental Workshop, PRMD May 18, 2015

  9. Code Enforcement Complaints by Type Vacation Rental Workshop, PRMD May 18, 2015

  10. Sheriff Calls by Zoning Vacation Rental Workshop, PRMD May 18, 2015

  11. Community Forums traffic ▪ strangers ▪ trespassing ▪ security ▪ businesses ▪ pets ▪ safety ▪ water use ▪ tourism ▪ no events ▪ community character ▪ overconcentration ▪ noise ▪ code of conduct ▪ tourism ▪ loss of community ▪ compatibility ▪ CC&Rs ▪ not fair ▪ need limits ▪ loss of housing ▪ parking ▪ tension ▪ unresponsive property managers ▪ need enforcement ▪ economy ▪ visitors ▪ parties ▪ schools Vacation Rental Workshop, PRMD May 18, 2015

  12. Website Input Received Vacation Rental Workshop, PRMD May 18, 2015

  13. Website Input Received Vacation Rental Workshop, PRMD May 18, 2015

  14. Vacation Rental Home Sizes Average vacation rental home size 1,900 square feet 26% of vacation rentals are under 1200 square feet Vacation Rental Workshop, PRMD May 18, 2015

  15. Key Issues • Overconcentration/Commercialization • Loss of Housing Stock • Neighborhood Compatibility • Level the Playing Field • Same rules apply to everyone • Increase compliance with standards • Collect TOT Vacation Rental Workshop, PRMD May 18, 2015

  16. PROS CONS OBJECTIVE: OVERCONCENTRATION & COMMERCIALIZATION Exclusion Overlay Zone •Can apply to areas with CCR’s •Requires notice and hearings prohibition •Not all owners affected may •Flexible to limit only in certain agree areas •Separate action needed •Easily understood and available through zoning •Allows case by case review •More costly Use Permit •Can be conditioned or denied •May require septic permits •Neighbors are notified and can •Takes longer weigh in •Runs with the land unless term- limited Limit Vacation Rental to •Retains residential character for •Limits potential revenues to seasonal use only most of the year owners •Limits intrusion on neighbors •Could be difficult to enforce •Provides some flexibility for owners Separation criteria •Avoids overconcentration •Difficult to administer •Reduces parking, noise, and •Owners could limit others by traffic issues locking in a permit Vacation Rental Workshop, PRMD May 18, 2015

  17. PROS CONS OBJECTIVE: PROVIDE BETTER NEIGHBORHOOD COMPATIBILITY •Reduces parking, noise, and •Limits flexibility of Vacation Reduce the number of guests allowed traffic issues Rental for large groups •Limits parties •Reduces parking, noise, and •Discourages large home Reduce the number of rooms allowed with Zoning Permit traffic issues Vacation Rentals •Allows neighbors to weigh in on •Does not address concentration larger homes of smaller homes Limit the number of vehicles •Limits parties •May be difficult to enforce •Cannot limit parking on-street Increase required off-street •Reduces parking issues •Could eliminate many units in parking •Limits parties traditional resort areas Prohibit events •Reduces parking, noise, and •Limits flexibility for owners and traffic issues visitors Allow only on publicly •Avoids liability and burden on •Limits flexibility for owners maintained roads private owners •Makes visitors aware before Require quiet hours to be listed in advertisements renting •Reduces noise and parties Vacation Rental Workshop, PRMD May 18, 2015

  18. PROS CONS OBJECTIVE: PRESERVE HOUSING STOCK •Protects urban residential •Limits owner options Prohibit Vacation Rentals housing stock •Vacation Rental Overlay is in R1 Zone unless in Vacation Rental Overlay •Preserves residential costly and requires notices Zone integrity of neighborhoods and hearings •Could still allow in Vacation •Some owners may not Rental Overlay agree to the Overlay •Existing permitted uses can •Existing permitted uses continue continue in problem areas •Housing Element policy •Limits conversion of stock •Immediately freezes new No permits until vacancy rates are over 5% during tight markets permits •Provides some flexibility for •Reduces flexibility for owners in good market owners •Existing permitted uses can continue Cap total number of •Limits conversion of stock •Difficult to administer Vacation Rentals allowed •Existing permitted uses can •Artificial cap continue Vacation Rental Workshop, PRMD May 18, 2015

  19. PROS CONS OBJECTIVE: LEVEL THE PLAYING FIELD •More responsive management •Less flexibility for owners and 24/7 contact located within 30 miles •Easier to measure and enforce managers Require qualified Property •Assists owners in best practices •Training takes time and costs for management •Owners not always trained Manager with training •Enhance responsiveness •Less flexibility for owners •May reduce problems with poor tenant selection •Better tracking of problems and •May lead to revocation or non- Require reporting of all complaints and responses to responses renewal of permits with repeated •Increases accountability complaints or failure to report 24/7 internet site or email within 8 hours •Shifts responsibility to managers •May lead to disqualification of for reporting complaints property manager Impose larger penalties •Deterrent to noncompliance •May be hardship Two year renewal •Eliminates problem Vacation •Carries risk for owners Rentals •May penalize owners for •Increases scrutiny of renters renters’ behavior •Allows flexibility to apply new rules in two years •Ensures enforcement •Reduces revenue for owners 3 violations = automatic revocation •More effective than abatement •Difficult to validate complaints process Vacation Rental Workshop, PRMD May 18, 2015

  20. Next Steps Website comments through June 30 at: Policy Recommendations near end of July Planning Commission Hearing Aug 13 th Board of Supervisors in Fall 2015 Questions? Email Vacation Rental Workshop, PRMD May 18, 2015

  21. Public Comment Vacation Rental Workshop, PRMD May 18, 2015


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