
Agenda 10.30 Summer update on key EFA and SFA funding and data - PDF document

26 Jun 14 Summer Data Conference 26 June 2014 Twitter #SDC14 Nick Linford Director at Lsect Agenda 10.30 Summer update on key EFA and SFA funding and data changes for 2014/15 and beyond Nick Linford, author of

  1. 26 ‐ Jun ‐ 14 Summer Data Conference 26 June 2014 Twitter #SDC14 Nick Linford Director at Lsect Agenda 10.30 Summer update on key EFA and SFA funding and data changes for 2014/15 and beyond Nick Linford, author of 11.50 Break for coffee, networking and time with the exhibitors 12.10 How Ofsted use DSATs for pre ‐ inspection data credibility checks Jo Parkman, Team Leader FE and Skills Data and Insight, Ofsted 13.00 Break for Lunch, networking and time with the exhibitors 13.50 ILR specification 2014/15, with a focus on the five new 'outcome' fields Lisa Macdougall, Senior Data Manager, Funding and Programmes, SFA 14.30 Update on the development of funding systems (DCFT) and plans for 2014/15 Rich Williams, Deputy Director for Programme Delivery & Performance, SFA 15.00 Top 5 tips when preparing for funding audit Karl Bentley, Lead ILR funding Auditor, Baker Tilly 15.30 Data Conference End For more events and training visit 1

  2. 26 ‐ Jun ‐ 14 Thank you to the exhibitors Summer update on key EFA and SFA funding and data changes for 2014/15 and beyond Nick Linford For more events and training visit 2

  3. 26 ‐ Jun ‐ 14 FE funding in 2014/ 15 S tudy programmes Changes for 2014/ 15: > English & math funding requirement > 17.5% rate cut for full-time 18 year-olds > Rates unchanged (except FT 18s) £ > Piloting the Level 3 Tech Bacc CEO, Peter Lauener 16-19 (young) Traineeships S ome limited new flexibility College/training provider 19+ (adult) Matthew Hancock, Minister for Skills and Enterprise Adult S kills Budget ? £ Changes for 2014/ 15: > No significant change to rules or rates, but big cull of fundable quals > New ‘ business rules’ for qual approval Could this be you? > Apprenticeships prioritised, with likely 15% reduction in everything else > Piloting new funding rates and employer mandatory fees for apprenticeships New ‘ per learner’ funding this year, but signs are there is a problem with it… “EFA is conducting a planned hours review this summer. This is to ensure EF A understands the increases in 16 to 19 programme size, based on planned hours, that have been indicated in the ILR returns (R06) for 2013 to 2014. EF A will ask institutions that have had the most significant increase in full time programmes to complete a straight forward return highlighting the main reasons for the increase. Institutions selected for funding audit, that have had an increase in full time programmes, will also be asked to complete this return. Planned hours testing will be included in the funding audit work conducted. To be eligible for funding all planned hours, whether for qualification or non-qualification activity must: • contribute towards a coherent study programme for the student • be timetabled, organised or supervised by the institution • be within the institution’s normal working pattern All institutions should ensure that planned hours recorded for the 2013 to 2014 academic year meet these criteria. EF A will continue to monitor the returns it receives to decide if further audit work is necessary.” https:/ / government/ publications/ efa-e-bulletin-19-j une-2014/ efa-e-bulletin-for-schools-colleges-and-other-16-to-19-providers-19-j une-2014 For more events and training visit 3

  4. 26 ‐ Jun ‐ 14 EF A funding guidance for 2014/ 15 https:/ / government/ upl https:/ / government/ up https:/ / government/ upl oads/ system/ uploads/ attachment_da loads/ system/ uploads/ attachment_d oads/ system/ uploads/ attachment_d ta/ file/ 306891/ Funding_Regulations_ ata/ file/ 304250/ Further_Education_ ata/ file/ 322428/ Funding_regulations 2014_15_S ub_contracting_regulations free_meals_guide.pdf _2014-15_-Version_1_0.pdf _28_April.pdf 19+ funding guidance & intervention The three trigger points for FE Commissioner intervention are: 1. an inadequate Ofsted inspection; and / or 2. failure to meet national minimum standards of performance set by BIS or DfE; and / or 3. an inadequate assessment for financial health and/ or financial management and control by the funding agencies. https:/ / government/ upl https:/ / government/ upl https:/ / government/ oads/ system/ uploads/ attachment_d oads/ system/ uploads/ attachment_d uploads/ system/ uploads/ attachm ata/ file/ 308113/ Funding_rules_2014 ata/ file/ 308105/ funding_rules_2014_ ent_data/ file/ 315432/ bis-14-862- _to_2015_version_2_summary_of_ch to_2015_version_2.pdf further-education-intervention- anges.pdf process.pdf For more events and training visit 4

  5. 26 ‐ Jun ‐ 14 S F A performance management gets tougher Published yesterday AS B and all age apprenticeship performance- management tolerances reduced Quarter 1 2 3 Month November February May Tolerance in 15% 8% 5% 2013/ 14 Tolerance in 12% 6% 3% 2014/15 Also new: “ For all non-Apprenticeship learners funded through the Adult S kills Budget there will be a monthly limit [£1000? ] on the amount of funding we will pay for each learner. We will monitor the https:/ / government/ upl amount that you earn per learner per month. If that amount is above oads/ system/ uploads/ attachment_d the monthly limit, we will review this as part of our performance- ata/ file/ 322955/ Operational_Perfor management arrangements. In due course we will publish details of mance_Management_Rules_2014_to_ 2015.pdf how we will work out whether you have gone over the limit.” The adult funding future beyond 2014/ 15 Expansion of FE loans to 19-23 year-olds and to level 2 Consultation runs from 19 Jun 2014 to 21 Aug 2014 https:/ / government/ consultations/ future-development-of-loans-in-further-education A new traineeship funding system with payment by results Consultation runs from 19 Jun 2014 to 14 Aug 2014 https:/ / government/ consultations/ traineeships-funding-reform-in-england A new employer owned apprenticeship funding system Trials begin within the next few months http:/ / 2014/ 05/ 30/ bosses-face-apprentice-bill-of-up-to-9k/ By 2016 will there be much adult funding beyond the above? For more events and training visit 5

  6. 26 ‐ Jun ‐ 14 Appren funding pilot rates & Lsect analysis The following summary chart sets out the Government funding available: Apprenticeship funding table from BIS document Core government funding (£2 for every £1 from employer) SFA funding cap: £2,000 £3,000 £6,000 £8,000 £18,000 Recruiting a 16-18 year old: £600 £900 £1,800 £2,400 £5,400 For a small business (<50): £500 £500 £900 £1,200 £2,700 Completion: £500 £500 £900 £1,200 £2,700 Maximum Total: £3,600 £4,900 £9,600 £12,800 £28,800 Employer mandatory fee at cap (half S FA funding) £1,000 £1,500 £3,000 £4,000 £9,000 Provider paid (S FA + employer fee) £3,000 £4,500 £9,000 £12,000 £27,000 Large employer (50+ staff) with completed 19+ keeps £500 £500 £900 £1,200 £2,700 Large employer (50+ staff) with completed 16-18 keeps £1,100 £1,400 £2,700 £3,600 £8,100 S mall employer (<50 staff) with completed 19+ keeps £1,000 £1,000 £1,800 £2,400 £5,400 S mall employer (<50 staff) with completed 16-18 keeps £1,600 £1,900 £3,600 £4,800 £10,800 Net cost to large employer (50+ staff) with completed 19+ -£500 -£1,000 -£2,100 -£2,800 -£6,300 £100 -£100 -£300 -£400 -£900 Net cost to large employer (50+ staff) with completed 16-18 £0 -£500 -£1,200 -£1,600 -£3,600 Net cost to small employer (<50 staff) with completed 19+ Net cost to small employer (<50 staff) with completed 16-18 £600 £400 £600 £800 £1,800 Red = Employer fee greater than funding Orange = Funding cancels out fee Green = Employer funding greater than fee Lsect analysis/ int erpret at ion Requires many new ILR fields – as you will see later… How Ofsted use DSATs for pre ‐ inspection data credibility checks Jo Parkman, Team Leader FE and Skills Data and Insight, Ofsted For more events and training visit 6

  7. 26 ‐ Jun ‐ 14 Data credibility • What has Ofsted been doing? • Why will this change? • What will happen in the future to assure data quality? Performance measures • Broader basket • DfE and BIS plans for the future • What will Ofsted do? For more events and training visit 7

  8. 26 ‐ Jun ‐ 14 Data Dashboard • Why have we produced it? • What will be future developments? And… • Maths and English – hot topics • Destinations • FSM and CLA • Official statistics For more events and training visit 8

  9. 26 ‐ Jun ‐ 14 ILR 2014/15 Specification 26 June 2014 Lsect FE data and funding conference Lisa Macdougall Welcome Summary • Reminder of main ILR changes for 2014/2015 • Collection of Destination and Progression data For more events and training visit 9


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