advancing the np in the caribbean

Advancing the NP in the Caribbean Project Summary Participating - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Advancing the NP in the Caribbean Project Summary Participating Countries Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica, Saint Lucia, The Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis, The Republic of Trinidad and Tobago Partners

  1. Advancing the NP in the Caribbean Project Summary Participating Countries Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica, Saint Lucia, The Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis, The Republic of Trinidad and Tobago Partners Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS), The GIZ, The secretaria of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and CARICOM Implementing Partner – IUCN Executing Partner - UNEnvironment

  2. Advancing the NP in the Caribbean Project Summary Cont . ∗ Funding – Global Environment Facility (1.826M) ∗ Duration – 36 Months ∗ Overall project Goal ∗ support countries of the Caribbean to facilitate access to their genetic resources and ensure benefit sharing in a fair and equitable way ∗ Primary Objective ∗ Assist the participating countries to operationalize the NP in their national frameworks

  3. Advancing the NP in the Caribbean Project Outcomes ∗ Component 1 ∗ This component has three outcomes ∗ Outcome 1.1: Countries have a common understanding of shared assets/values, issues and needs on which to base ABS policy

  4. Outcome 1.1 ∗ Activities: ∗ Caribbean Bio-prospecting Study ∗ Stocktaking of the of main application of Traditional Knowledge (TK) ∗ Stocktaking of non-regulators organizations involved in biodiversity and associated TK ∗ Generation of information sheets

  5. Outcome 1.1 Outputs ∗ ..\Bioprospecting Study\Final Report Documents\3-Biodiversity Summary of 8 Caribbean Countries-Final.pdf ∗ ..\Bioprospecting Study\Final Report Documents\4-TK stocktaking-Report-Final.pdf ∗ ..\Bioprospecting Study\Final Report Documents\2-Caribbean ABS Institutional Mapping Report-Final.pdf ∗ ..\Bioprospecting Study\Information Sheets\iUCN Case Study - Medicinal Treasures from the Caribbean Sea-FAW.pdf

  6. Outcome 1.2 ∗ Outcome 1.2 : Future directions of policy development for the region are defined. ∗ Activities ∗ National ABS Policies produced ∗ Draft Regional ABS Policy ∗ Dissemination of info on policy progress regionally

  7. Outcome 1.2 Outputs ∗ Policies developed for ST Kitts and Nevis, St Lucia, Antigua and Barbuda, Grenada and Barbados ∗ Regional guidelines for ABS developed

  8. Outcome 1.3 ∗ Outcome 1.3 : Countries understand their national assets/values and requirements in a regional context ∗ Activities ∗ Project Website and Virtual Regional ABS Forum ∗ CBD COP side-event on Caribbean ABS ∗ Roster of ABS experts for the region ∗ Inter-institutional coordination included in ABS National Work Plans

  9. Outcome 1.3 Outputs. ∗ ABS Caribbean Web Site ∗ Roster of Experts ∗ Over thirty inter-institutional workshops have been completed in the 8 participating countries

  10. COP 14 Side Event

  11. Component 2 ∗ Component 2: Uptake of the Nagoya Protocol ∗ Objectives: ∗ participating countries take steps and decisions conducive to ratification of the Nagoya Protocol ∗ This component only has one outcome ∗ Outcome 2.1 .: National authorities take informed decisions on, and steps towards, the ratification of the protocol and future implementation

  12. Outcome 2.1 ∗ Activities ∗ Assessment of existing national Legal Frameworks ∗ Cabinet Papers produced to highlight legislative and regulatory needs and the benefits and opportunities of NP ratification ∗ Draft ABS Bill or Regulations formulated ∗ Nagoya Protocol ratification requests sent to the relevant authorities ∗ A Regional Strategy and Action Plan (2016-2021)

  13. Component 2 - Outputs ∗ Legislative Assessments were done in all 8 countries ∗ Cabinet Note Cover Antigua and Barbuda ∗ Draft Bills/Regulations have been formulated for Antigua and Barbuda, Guyana, St Kitts and Nevis, St Lucia and Grenada ∗ A regional strategy has been drafted and is awaiting approval ∗ Three countries have now ratified the NP

  14. Component 3 ∗ Component 3. : Implementation of the Nagoya Protocol and establishing an enabling environment for the basic provisions of the NP ∗ Objective ∗ assist countries in developing the tools and guidelines required to implement the basic measures of the Nagoya Protocol ∗ This component has only one outcome (but a number of activities)

  15. Outcome 3.1 ∗ Outcome 3.1 : An enabling environment is created which will lead to the implementation of the basic provisions of the Nagoya Protocol. ∗ Activities ∗ ABS Dialogues for Parliamentarians ∗ Inter-institutional workshops for officials of ABS frontline ministries ∗ Radio interviews and TV air-time discussions with researchers to highlight the risks, opportunities and challenges with ABS and bio- prospecting

  16. Component 3 Cont. ∗ Activities Cont . ∗ Posters and banners for targeted placement in all project countries ∗ Local radio spots produced and aired in indigenous language for ABS awareness-raising for Indigenous Peoples ∗ Operational Guidelines for Implementing ABS policies at the national level

  17. Component 3 Cont. ∗ Activities Cont. ∗ Standardized Training Manual for ABS Implementation developed and used among key line agencies engaged in ABS throughout the region ∗ ..\..\Training Modules\Final Documents\Final ABS Train-the-Trainer Manual for the Nagoya Protocol in the Caribbean.docx ∗ At least twenty (20) trainers trained, with trainers identified on a Regional ABS Experts Roster, and available to provide expertise in the development of ABS capacity in the region ∗ Standardized Templates for ABS agreements for use through-out the Caribbean Region ∗ Protocols for PIC developed with indigenous communities

  18. Component 3 Cont. ∗ Activities Cont . ∗ Protocols for PIC developed with indigenous communities

  19. ABS CHM Training Grenada ∗ Technical Assistance provided in the use of the ABS Clearing House as an exchange and monitoring mechanism (e.g. for approved permits and agreements) ∗ Two trainings on the CHM held in Jamaica and Grenada

  20. Component 3 Cont. ∗ Activities Cont. ∗ A searchable Regional Inventory structured as web-based modules on Research into Caribbean Biological Resources and associated Traditional Knowledge, created on existing CHMs or institutional web pages ∗ Standardized Methodology for the creation of national inventories of marine and terrestrial biological resources ABS App and Database being finalized

  21. App and Permitting Page

  22. Component 3 ∗ Business Model for Countries of the Caribbean which highlights multiple economic scenarios possible through regulated bio- prospecting available as a tool for countries in their national ABS decision-making and negotiation processes Currently under development

  23. Conclusion ∗ The project has achieved much ∗ There are many gaps still existing ∗ Exploitation of traditional knowledge ∗ Lack of appropriate legislation ∗ Public awareness that reaches the most vulnerable peoples of the Caribbean ∗ Open borders through customs and foreign affairs ∗ More work needs to be done and this is critical


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