advanced modeling tools for laser plasma accelerators

Advanced modeling tools for laser- plasma accelerators (LPAs) 2/3 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Advanced modeling tools for laser- plasma accelerators (LPAs) 2/3 Carlo Benedetti LBNL, Berkeley, CA, USA (with contributions from R. Lehe, J.-L. Vay, T. Mehrling) Work supported by Office of Science, Office of HEP, US DOE Contract

  1. Advanced modeling tools for laser- plasma accelerators (LPAs) 2/3 Carlo Benedetti LBNL, Berkeley, CA, USA (with contributions from R. Lehe, J.-L. Vay, T. Mehrling) Work supported by Office of Science, Office of HEP, US DOE Contract DE-AC02-05CH11231

  2. Overview of lecture 2 ● Limitations of conventional PIC codes → numerical artifacts associated to finite resolution and/or poor sampling result in incorrect description of the physics: – error from particle pusher; – incorrect dispersion of EM waves on a grid; – unphysical kinetic effects. ● Solutions to some of the issues presented. 2

  3. Errors from particle pusher 3

  4. The Boris pusher (review) Conventional PIC codes use the Boris pusher (2 nd order accurate) to ● integrate the equations of motion for the numerical particles r n , [E n , B n ] r n+1 time (n-1)Δt nΔt (n+1)Δt p n-1/2 p n+1/2 p n-1/2 → p - = p n-1/2 + q E n (∆t/2) γ n = [1+( p - /mc) 2 ] 1/2 p - → p + : rotation t = q∆t B n /2mc γ n p ' = p - + p - x t momentum around B n by an angle s = 2t/(1+|t| 2 ) arctan[q∆t B n /2mc γ n ] p + = p - + p ' x s p + → p n+1/2 = p + + q E n (∆t/2) r n+1 = r n + v n+1/2 ∆t position 4

  5. Test: particle in a 1D plane wave/1 The motion of a particle (electron) in a 1D plane wave is integrable ● x Laser vector potential, a x Electron Norm. laser strength, a 0 =4 (initially at rest) a 0 – Δ t =T laser /10 – Δ t =T laser /15 – Δ t =T laser /20 z – Δ t =T laser /40 u z 2 /2 u z =p z /mc= a x u x =p x /mc =a x → u z (t)=[u x (t)] 2 /2 u x 5

  6. Test: particle in a 1D plane wave/2 Accuracy deteriorates with increasing wave amplitude ● Arefiev et al, Phys. Plasma, 22, 013103 (2015) 2 2u z /a 0 – Δ t =T laser /50 u x /a 0 N.B. a 0 can become very large in an LPA operating in a regime with P/P c >> 1 6

  7. Incorrect electron motion in the laser field affects wake excitation Convergence of the longitudinal phase space (z, p z ) in a self consistent simulation (laser a 0 = 4, τ = 10 fs, density 10 19 e/cm3, 30 particles/cell) changing the resolution 7

  8. Sub-cycling is an efficient solution to the problem Good accuracy requires the time step to satisfy: Δt/T laser << 1/a 0 ● → criterion ensures that the rotation in B-field during Δt is small at locations where B is max Besides decreasing uniformly the time-step (expensive), a more efficient ● solution is to use adaptive sub-cycling 1. check the estimated rotation angle ψ in Δt 2. if ψ > ψ * (threshold) redefine Δt → Δt'=Δt/4 (repeat until suitable time step 2 2u z /a 0 is found) 3. Revert to original time step when possible u x /a 0 Arefiev et al, Phys. Plasma 22, 013103 (2015) 8

  9. Spurious emittance growth for ultra-relativistic bunches due to spatial staggering of E and B For a highly relativistic bunch ( γ b >> 1), the electric (defocusing) and magnetic ● (focusing) forces experienced by a generic electron in the bunch due to the bunch 2 self-fields should cancel (almost) perfectly: F E /F B ~ 1/ γ b E F E = -e E v b ~c, γ b >> 1 F B =-e v b x B B E and B are spatially/temporally staggering → interpolation error → non-perfect ● cancellation between F E and F B causes emittance growth for bunches with ultra low emittance (problem for “collider” applications) → Problem can be mitigated by using nodal fields (no spatial staggering, but requires going beyond Yee) → Problem can be mitigated using “beam frame Poisson solve” technique [bunch self field computed in the rest frame of the [E. Cormier-Michel, AAC2012 Proc.] bunch and then added to the wakefield] (E. Cormier-Michel, AAC2012 Proc.) 9

  10. Incorrect dispersion of EM waves on a grid 10

  11. Discretized Maxwell equations (review) In conventional PIC codes Maxwell equations are discretized in space and ● time according to the Yee scheme (2 nd order accuracy via staggering in space and time) [E x =E, B y =B] (1D in vacuum) (E n+1 j - E n j )/Δt =-c (B n+1/2 j+1/2 - B n+1/2 j-1/2 )/Δz (B n+1/2 j+1/2 - B n-1/2 j+1/2 )/Δt =-c (E n j+1 - E n j )/Δz x (j+1) Δx = B field = E field j Δx → E and B are interlaced (j-1) Δx t (n-1)Δt nΔt (n+1)Δt 11

  12. Von Neumann analysis of 1D discretized wave equation (E n+1 j - 2E n j + E n+1 j )/Δt 2 =c 2 (E n j+1 - 2E n j + E n j-1 )/Δz 2 (1) [∂ 2 E/∂t 2 = c 2 ∂ 2 E/∂z 2 for Δz → 0 and Δt → 0] n =E 0 exp(ikjΔz-iωnΔt) in Eq. (1) E=E 0 exp(ikz-iωt) → E j Wave number Frequency [ω 2 = c 2 k 2 for Δz → 0 and Δt → 0] 12

  13. Numerical dispersion of EM waves on a grid [1D]/1 sin(ωΔt/2) = (cΔt/Δz) sin(kΔz/2) imaginary ω (unstable) cΔt/Δz = 0.99 l a c i t e r o cΔt/Δz = 0.9 e h t cΔt/Δz = 1.1 cΔt/Δz = 0.8 ω/ck max cΔt/Δz = 0.5 k max = π/Δz Sufficiently Poorly [λ min =2Δz] resolved resolved EM waves EM waves k/k max ● Standard PIC codes are unstable if cΔt>Δz [Courant/CFL limit] (in an EM code signals cannot travel faster than the speed of light) ● EM waves in PIC have a k-dependent (and Δt/Δz-dependent) velocity (≠ c) 13

  14. Numerical dispersion of EM waves on a grid [1D]/2 Phase velocity of EM waves on a grid v Φ = ω/k ● 0 1 k/k max Poorly resolved EM waves ● The shorter is the wavelength, the slower is the phase velocity; ● A k-dependent phase velocity implies a k-dependent group velocity (e.g., the laser group velocity is lower than the right one, this remains true for propagation in plasma); ● Best results for c Δt=Δz ; 14

  15. Numerical dispersion of EM waves on a grid [3D]/1 Von Neumann analysis in 3D gives ● [ω 2 = c 2 (k x 2 + k y 2 + k z 2 ) for Δx, Δy, Δz, Δt → 0] <Δz (long.) ● Velocity depends on the wavelength and propagation direction; ● Waves are always slower than c along the main axes (x, y, or z); ● Correct phase velocity can be obtained along the 3D diagonal (k x =k y =k z ) if Δx=Δy=Δz and cΔt=Δz/√3 (CFL condition); 15

  16. Numerical dispersion of EM waves on a grid [3D]/2 Example: expanding electromagnetic wave (anisotropic propagation) y y x x 16

  17. Numerical dispersion results in incorrect laser propagation in plasma β g ≈ 1 – λ 0 2 /(2λ p 2 ) [1D limit], a 0 <<1 n 0 =10 18 cm -3 n 0 =10 19 cm -3 17

  18. Incorrect laser propagation results in numerical dephasing (incorrect LPA description) Slower laser results in smaller energy gain for e-bunch in an LPA (the e-bunch catches up with the laser → shorter dephasing length). n 0 =10 18 cm -3 (channel) a 0 =1 k p L=1 ← high resolution, Δx=λ/32 k p w=5 L deph =4.3 cm ← low resolution, Δx=λ/16 Cowan et al, PRSTAB 16, 041303 (2013) 18

  19. Incorrect phase velocity for EM waves results in spurious numerical Cherenkov radiation ● Cherenkov radiation – whether physical or numerical – occurs when phase velocity of EM waves is < c. Relativistic particles traveling at ~c can excite these waves. ● In a PIC code where Maxwell equations are solved with Yee scheme EM waves have a phase velocity < c (numerical artifact) → spurious Cherenkov radiation → Cherenkov radiation induces spurious Cherenkov bunch emittance growth (degradation of radiation bunch quality) Lehe et al, PRSTAB 16, 021301 (2013) 19

  20. Numerical dispersion improved via non-standard FDTD schemes Standard Non-standard Ex.: Modified curl* operator (longitudinal component) ● Standard FDTD (Yee) α x =1, β x,y =β x,z =0, δ x =0 ● The choice of the coefficients allows to “tune” the dispersion properties of the solver (several options available, e.g. no dispersion along longitudinal axis) *Lehe et al, PRSTAB 16, 021301 (2013) 20

  21. Correct laser propagation with non-standard FDTD n 0 =10 18 cm -3 (channel) a 0 =1 k p L=1 k p w=5 L deph =4.3 cm LR: Δz=λ/16 HR: Δz=λ/32 Cowan et al, PRSTAB 16, 041303 (2013) 21

  22. Suppression of numerical Cherenkov radiation with non-standard FDTD Yee - - Yee –- Non-standard FDTD Non-standard FDTD → Less emittance growth → No spurious Cherenkov radiation around the bunch Lehe et al, PRSTAB 16, 021301 (2013) 22

  23. Improved dispersion with high-order finite difference schemes in space and time/1 Temporal evolution => Runge-Kutta 4 (for particles and fields) 23 Benedetti et al, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 36, 1790 (2008)

  24. Improved dispersion with high-order finite difference schemes in space and time/2 β g ≈ 1 – λ 0 2 /(2λ p 2 ) [1D limit], a 0 <<1 n 0 =10 18 cm -3 ← Accurate description of laser propagation with high-order schemes n 0 =10 19 cm -3 – Yee scheme (2 nd order) – High-order scheme (6 th order space + 4 th order in time) 24

  25. Pseudo Spectral Analytical Time Domain (PSATD) scheme ● PSATD scheme [1] features a Fourier representation for Maxwell equations - derivatives → multiplications in k-space - analytical time integration over Δt (if source assumed constant) where C=cos(k Δt ) S=sin(k Δt ) ==> no CFL condition ==> strongly mitigates numerical dispersion problems (better at low density, no dispersion in vacuum) 1. I. Haber et al., Advances In Electromagnetic Simulation Techniques, in Proc. Sixth Conf. Num. Sim. Plasmas, (Berkeley, Ca, 1251 1973) 25 2. J.-L. Vay et al., Journal of Computational Physics 243, 260 (2013)

  26. Unphysical kinetic effects 26

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