advanced electrochemical oxidation of antibiotics in

Advanced electrochemical oxidation of antibiotics in dairy slurry - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Advanced electrochemical oxidation of antibiotics in dairy slurry Helena I. Gomes @HelenaIGomes Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) European Union Strategic Approach to Pharmaceuticals in

  1. Advanced electrochemical oxidation of antibiotics in dairy slurry Helena I. Gomes @HelenaIGomes

  2. Antimicrobial resistance (AMR)

  3. European Union Strategic Approach to Pharmaceuticals in the Environment [COM(2019) 128 final] “ cost-efgective methods for reducing concentrations of pharmaceuticals including antimicrobials in slurry, manure and sewage sludge to enable their use in the circular

  4. Centre for Dairy Science Innovation, Sutton Bonington £6 million state-of-the-art dairy centre 240 to 360 high-yielding Holstein cows 3000 m 3 slurry tank

  5. Centre for Dairy Science Innovation, Sutton Bonington Slurry Heifer Tank Holdings Lagoon Green Dairy unit Bedding Bedding Storage Silos (Food storage) Aerial drone photography by Alex Wilkinson, 2016

  6. Antibiotics Groups Compounds Abbreviation Penicillin PEN Amoxycillin AMX Penicillins 75 ng mL -1 Ampicillin AMP Cloxacillin CLOX Cephalexin CLX Cephoperazone CPZ Cephalosporins Cephquinome CQM Cephtiofur CFT Lincosamides Lincomycin LCM Aminocoumarins Novobiocin NOV Tetracyclines Oxytetracycline OTC Macrolides Tylosin TYL Sulfonamides Sulphadiazine SDZ Trimethoprim TMP

  7. Advanced Electrochemical Oxidation Power supply Constant, 20 mA - + 2H 2 O + 2e - ➞ H 2 ↑ + 2OH - M + H 2 O → M(•OH) + H + + e − Electrodes Permascand type PSC101 Spiked slurry 0.01 M NaNO 3 Constant stirring at 100 rpm Anion exchange membrane AMI-7001 S; Membranes International, Inc.

  8. Experimental conditions Sampling • Triplicate • Dark conditions Solid-liquid • Controls: autoclaved slurry, no direct current extraction • 48 h duration • Samples collected at 1, 2, 4.5, 8, 24, 30 and 48 h Centrifugation Solid Phase Extraction Analysis LC-MS/MS

  9. Results • Recovery of antibiotics: 76-118%, except penicillins (10-20%) • COD removal was 85% in the bioelectrodialytic setup, 66% in the control experiment with autoclaved slurry, and 15% in the control without electric current • TSS removals were 48% in the bioelectrodialytic setup, 28% in the control experiment with autoclaved slurry, and 35% in the control without electric current

  10. Results Bioelectrodialytic setup Autoclaved slurry - control Biological activity 100 80 Removal (%) 60 40 20 0 AMP CLOX CLX CPZ CQM CFT LCM NOV OTC TYL SDZ TMP Antibiotic

  11. Degradation processes were dominated by advanced oxidation, with the biological activity removing less than 50% of the initial concentration of the antibiotic Feedstock shows high variability depending on the management practices and the climacteric conditions Exciting area of research – further research on degradation products and pathways and antimicrobial resistance genes

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