additive combinatorics methods in fractal geometry iii

Additive Combinatorics methods in Fractal Geometry III Pablo - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Additive Combinatorics methods in Fractal Geometry III Pablo Shmerkin Department of Mathematics and Statistics T. Di Tella University and CONICET Dynamics Beyond Uniform Hyperbolicity, CIRM, May 2019 P . Shmerkin (U.T. Di Tella/CONICET)

  1. Additive Combinatorics methods in Fractal Geometry III Pablo Shmerkin Department of Mathematics and Statistics T. Di Tella University and CONICET Dynamics Beyond Uniform Hyperbolicity, CIRM, May 2019 P . Shmerkin (U.T. Di Tella/CONICET) Additive Combinatorics & Fractals CIRM-Luminy, 15.05.2019 1 / 23

  2. Review: L q dimensions Definition Given a probability µ on R d and q ∈ ( 1 , ∞ ) , we let � µ ( I ) q , S n ( µ, q ) = I ∈D n log S n ( µ, q ) dim q ( µ ) = lim inf ∈ [ 0 , d ] . n ( 1 − q ) n →∞ q �→ dim q ( µ ) is non-increasing and dim q ( µ ) → dim ∞ ( µ ) as q → ∞ . The main theorem holds not only for Frostman exponents but also for L q dimensions. In the proof it is crucial that q < ∞ . P . Shmerkin (U.T. Di Tella/CONICET) Additive Combinatorics & Fractals CIRM-Luminy, 15.05.2019 2 / 23

  3. Review: L q dimensions Definition Given a probability µ on R d and q ∈ ( 1 , ∞ ) , we let � µ ( I ) q , S n ( µ, q ) = I ∈D n log S n ( µ, q ) dim q ( µ ) = lim inf ∈ [ 0 , d ] . n ( 1 − q ) n →∞ q �→ dim q ( µ ) is non-increasing and dim q ( µ ) → dim ∞ ( µ ) as q → ∞ . The main theorem holds not only for Frostman exponents but also for L q dimensions. In the proof it is crucial that q < ∞ . P . Shmerkin (U.T. Di Tella/CONICET) Additive Combinatorics & Fractals CIRM-Luminy, 15.05.2019 2 / 23

  4. Review: L q dimensions Definition Given a probability µ on R d and q ∈ ( 1 , ∞ ) , we let � µ ( I ) q , S n ( µ, q ) = I ∈D n log S n ( µ, q ) dim q ( µ ) = lim inf ∈ [ 0 , d ] . n ( 1 − q ) n →∞ q �→ dim q ( µ ) is non-increasing and dim q ( µ ) → dim ∞ ( µ ) as q → ∞ . The main theorem holds not only for Frostman exponents but also for L q dimensions. In the proof it is crucial that q < ∞ . P . Shmerkin (U.T. Di Tella/CONICET) Additive Combinatorics & Fractals CIRM-Luminy, 15.05.2019 2 / 23

  5. Review: L q dimensions Definition Given a probability µ on R d and q ∈ ( 1 , ∞ ) , we let � µ ( I ) q , S n ( µ, q ) = I ∈D n log S n ( µ, q ) dim q ( µ ) = lim inf ∈ [ 0 , d ] . n ( 1 − q ) n →∞ q �→ dim q ( µ ) is non-increasing and dim q ( µ ) → dim ∞ ( µ ) as q → ∞ . The main theorem holds not only for Frostman exponents but also for L q dimensions. In the proof it is crucial that q < ∞ . P . Shmerkin (U.T. Di Tella/CONICET) Additive Combinatorics & Fractals CIRM-Luminy, 15.05.2019 2 / 23

  6. Review: Main Theorem for L q dimensions Theorem (P .S.) Let ( G , T , λ, ∆) be a model with exponential separation on R . We also assume that the maps x �→ ∆( x ) and x �→ µ x are continuous a.e., and that µ x is supported on [ 0 , 1 ] . Let log � ∆( x ) � q �� � q dx s ( q ) = min , 1 , ( q − 1 ) log λ where � ∆ � q y ∆( y ) q . q = � Then dim q ( µ x ) = s ( q ) for every x ∈ G and q > 1 . P . Shmerkin (U.T. Di Tella/CONICET) Additive Combinatorics & Fractals CIRM-Luminy, 15.05.2019 3 / 23

  7. Tools involved in the proof Additive combinatorics: an inverse theorem for the L q norm of the 1 convolution of two finitely supported measures(Balog-Szemerédi-Gowers Theorem, Bourgain’s additive part of discretized sum-product results). Ergodic theory: key role played by subadditive cocycle over a 2 uniquely ergodic transformation (cocycle borrowed from Nazarov-Peres-S. 2012, uses the proof of the subadditive ergodic theorem given by Katznelson-Weiss). Multifractal analysis ( L q spectrum, regularity at points of 3 differentiability). General scheme of proof follows Mike Hochman’s strategy in his 4 landmark paper on the dimensions of self-similar measures, but there are substantial differences. P . Shmerkin (U.T. Di Tella/CONICET) Additive Combinatorics & Fractals CIRM-Luminy, 15.05.2019 4 / 23

  8. Tools involved in the proof Additive combinatorics: an inverse theorem for the L q norm of the 1 convolution of two finitely supported measures(Balog-Szemerédi-Gowers Theorem, Bourgain’s additive part of discretized sum-product results). Ergodic theory: key role played by subadditive cocycle over a 2 uniquely ergodic transformation (cocycle borrowed from Nazarov-Peres-S. 2012, uses the proof of the subadditive ergodic theorem given by Katznelson-Weiss). Multifractal analysis ( L q spectrum, regularity at points of 3 differentiability). General scheme of proof follows Mike Hochman’s strategy in his 4 landmark paper on the dimensions of self-similar measures, but there are substantial differences. P . Shmerkin (U.T. Di Tella/CONICET) Additive Combinatorics & Fractals CIRM-Luminy, 15.05.2019 4 / 23

  9. Tools involved in the proof Additive combinatorics: an inverse theorem for the L q norm of the 1 convolution of two finitely supported measures(Balog-Szemerédi-Gowers Theorem, Bourgain’s additive part of discretized sum-product results). Ergodic theory: key role played by subadditive cocycle over a 2 uniquely ergodic transformation (cocycle borrowed from Nazarov-Peres-S. 2012, uses the proof of the subadditive ergodic theorem given by Katznelson-Weiss). Multifractal analysis ( L q spectrum, regularity at points of 3 differentiability). General scheme of proof follows Mike Hochman’s strategy in his 4 landmark paper on the dimensions of self-similar measures, but there are substantial differences. P . Shmerkin (U.T. Di Tella/CONICET) Additive Combinatorics & Fractals CIRM-Luminy, 15.05.2019 4 / 23

  10. Tools involved in the proof Additive combinatorics: an inverse theorem for the L q norm of the 1 convolution of two finitely supported measures(Balog-Szemerédi-Gowers Theorem, Bourgain’s additive part of discretized sum-product results). Ergodic theory: key role played by subadditive cocycle over a 2 uniquely ergodic transformation (cocycle borrowed from Nazarov-Peres-S. 2012, uses the proof of the subadditive ergodic theorem given by Katznelson-Weiss). Multifractal analysis ( L q spectrum, regularity at points of 3 differentiability). General scheme of proof follows Mike Hochman’s strategy in his 4 landmark paper on the dimensions of self-similar measures, but there are substantial differences. P . Shmerkin (U.T. Di Tella/CONICET) Additive Combinatorics & Fractals CIRM-Luminy, 15.05.2019 4 / 23

  11. How much smoothing does convolution ensure? Question Let µ, ν be measures on R , R / Z , etc. What conditions of µ and/or ν ensure that µ ∗ ν is substantially smoother than µ ? Smoothness can be measured by entropy, L q norms, etc. We think in the case in which either the measures are discrete, or are discretizations of arbitrary measures at a finite resolution. So the problem is combinatorial in nature. P . Shmerkin (U.T. Di Tella/CONICET) Additive Combinatorics & Fractals CIRM-Luminy, 15.05.2019 5 / 23

  12. How much smoothing does convolution ensure? Question Let µ, ν be measures on R , R / Z , etc. What conditions of µ and/or ν ensure that µ ∗ ν is substantially smoother than µ ? Smoothness can be measured by entropy, L q norms, etc. We think in the case in which either the measures are discrete, or are discretizations of arbitrary measures at a finite resolution. So the problem is combinatorial in nature. P . Shmerkin (U.T. Di Tella/CONICET) Additive Combinatorics & Fractals CIRM-Luminy, 15.05.2019 5 / 23

  13. How much smoothing does convolution ensure? Question Let µ, ν be measures on R , R / Z , etc. What conditions of µ and/or ν ensure that µ ∗ ν is substantially smoother than µ ? Smoothness can be measured by entropy, L q norms, etc. We think in the case in which either the measures are discrete, or are discretizations of arbitrary measures at a finite resolution. So the problem is combinatorial in nature. P . Shmerkin (U.T. Di Tella/CONICET) Additive Combinatorics & Fractals CIRM-Luminy, 15.05.2019 5 / 23

  14. Size of sumsets and additive structure For any subset A of a group G , � 1 � | A | ≤ | A + A | ≤ min 2 | A | ( | A | + 1 ) , | G | . So, to first order, | A + A | varies between | A | and | A | 2 (or | G | if | G | ≤ | A | 2 ). We think of sets A with | A + A | ∼ | A | as sets with additive structure or as approximate subgroups. P . Shmerkin (U.T. Di Tella/CONICET) Additive Combinatorics & Fractals CIRM-Luminy, 15.05.2019 6 / 23

  15. Size of sumsets and additive structure For any subset A of a group G , � 1 � | A | ≤ | A + A | ≤ min 2 | A | ( | A | + 1 ) , | G | . So, to first order, | A + A | varies between | A | and | A | 2 (or | G | if | G | ≤ | A | 2 ). We think of sets A with | A + A | ∼ | A | as sets with additive structure or as approximate subgroups. P . Shmerkin (U.T. Di Tella/CONICET) Additive Combinatorics & Fractals CIRM-Luminy, 15.05.2019 6 / 23

  16. Examples of sets with/without additive structure Examples of sets for which | A + A | ∼ | A | : Subgroups (if they exist). Arithmetic progressions: | A + A | � 2 | A | . Proper GAP s: | A + A | ≤ 2 d | A | where d is the rank. A GAP of rank d is a set of the form { a + k 1 v 1 + · · · + k d v d : 0 ≤ k i < n i } . Dense subsets of a set with | A + A | ∼ | A | (such as a GAP ). Examples of sets for which | A + A | ∼ | A | 2 : Random sets (pick each element of Z / p Z with probability p − α ). Lacunary sets (powers of 2). A ∪ B where A , B are disjoint of the same size, A is one of the previous examples and B is arbitrary. P . Shmerkin (U.T. Di Tella/CONICET) Additive Combinatorics & Fractals CIRM-Luminy, 15.05.2019 7 / 23


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