Adaptability and recommendations for the Identification of skills approaches Social SELF-I. Self-empowerment of guidance advisors and VET trainers for the promotion of social inclusion of refugees, asylum seekers and adults in career transition Project n. 2017-1-IT01-KA202-006139 CUP G86J17000810006 Second Short Training Event - C2 HdBA - Mannheim (Germany) 6-9 of November 2018 Gabriella Di Francesco ASPIC Lavoro
C2 – 6-9 November 2018 - Manheim (DE) hosted by HdBA Main focus Identification of skills, qualifications, competences in different stages of the reception process/ transition path/guidance and career counselling….. in continuity with the training in Bordeaux -C1
- Short introduction to the topic - The research and point of view of Cedefop on the Identification of skills tools ❑ Many existing national Identification, recognition, validation and/or certifications systems, approaches and tools have not been designed to deal with the current situation (refugees/asylum seeker) ❑ Validation approaches are different and not always suitable for refugees, expensive and standardized So far there has been no systematic sharing of experiences and solutions in this area
The Identification and Validation of Competences in Italy There are many National, Regional and sectoral experiences In Italy But only few Regions have formalized validation procedures even though we have a national law/decree and national standards that support it (2005), keeping in mind the EU Recommendation on Validation - 2012 There are many local different methods and tools for identification and validation of skills, counselling approaches, moving towards a national validation and certification systems In Europe only 10 countries out of 36 analysed, declare to have validation procedures specifically addressed to migrants and asylum seekers (Cedefop 2015)
Validation system in Italy National framework of Regional qualifications (Decree 2015)
The problem of language, competences of the practitioners , and lack of knowledge about different cultures of migrants are the main difficulties in many reception centers Majorino, The Italian reception system in the context of South of Italy, (2015) The most of the training of the operators/ counselor/ staff, is aimed at the quality of the services provided but not at the guidance, career guidance and counseling The services are mainly legal services, medical, language courses, professional training courses, and partly psychological support There is a need of theoretical and methodological guidance and orientation approaches addressed to refugees and asylum seekers, keeping in mind their unique, specific, culture and identity
The EU proposal “Skills Profile Tool”: a multilingual online tool within the New Skills Agenda (2016) The EARLY PROFILE TOOL for the documentation of skills, qualification and competences of the refugees and asylum seekers ……………………….. ……………… has been proposed by the European Commission within the New skills Agenda and Upskilling pathway Recommendation (2016)
Skills Profile Tool is a multilingual online tool It will be available in all official EU languages, Arabic, Farsi, Pashto, Sorani, It helps organisations Somali and Tigrinya, and can display any offering services to two of these at one time on screen identify specific needs, such as languages, employment advice It can be used by national authorities and or further training other services with asylum applicants, refugees, beneficiaries of international protection and other categories of migrants The tool allows users to systematically identify and document the range of skills an individual may have acquired in It is free of charge different settings (formal, informal and non formal training or work experience)
THE MAIN SECTIONS ❑ Personal Information (covering personal details and migration information) ❑ Expectations (including immediate goals, such as language learning, integration courses or finding a job or self- employment) ❑ Skills identification (encompassing a summary of language skills, education and training, literacy, numeracy, digital and professional skills, skills acquired outside the workplace, transversal skills such as team working or problem solving; qualifications and sectoral experiences)
SOME FEATURES ➢ The tool is flexible – individuals can enter as much or as little information as they wish, and may complete the form all in one go or in stages ➢ The vast majority of fields are optional ➢ Completed Skills Profiles are not stored on the servers of the European Commission ➢ The EU Skills Profile Tool can be accessed on The individual will receive a digital and copy summary of Skills Profile
Key elements on the tool, coming from the (Aspic) counselors of a reception centre in Rome Many strengths ……………………… The tool provides the user with a high added-value information to guide towards a training or a job (2500 qualifications and competences by ESCO) it is of great support for the operator because it provides tools that are not always available among the operators of a migrant reception center Instant translation in the screen in two languages is very useful for counselor and user Good add value to have the summary printed document. It is a comprehensive and full of information document
Key elements coming from the (Aspic) counselors of a reception centre in Rome But ……. It needs advice and support of a counselor (to give information, explain the aims, for whom, for what …….) Transversal and technical skills of the counselor are fondamental for these issues Need for a good relationship between counselor and user (asylum seeker or refugees) to motivate and to overcome the resistances The main obstacles are at the initial phase, a lot depends on the motivation, maturation of the individual, to be able to self - representations of the skills and qualifications possessed )
Working on the Process and contents This means (by our perspective) that the tool is, and perhaps especially, the “process ”………… better contextualise “personal competencies, professional skills, and qualifications ” in a host country Working on the Process and contents involve both migrants and operators (psychologists, educators, career counsellors, but also volunteers who, although not usually possessing specific counselling skills)
Working on the Process and contents It is important to refer to pre-existing models , by re-reading them in the light of these specific users , in order to guide the design and the interventions dedicated to them ❑ Life design (Savickas et al, 2009) ❑ The Social Cognitive Career Theory ❑ The humanistic approach (Rogers, 1961; Maslow, 1968) ❑ Career Development Interview (Savickas, 2005) & The constructivist counselling for adolescents and young adults (Guichard, 2008) ❑ The Integrated and pluralistic counselling approach (Norcross, Aspic Lavoro approach……) ❑ ……………………………….
The traditional model of counselling – needs to be gradually replaced by a model based on guidance, orientation, support, involvement and participation of the target populations of the counselling activities (refugees and asylum seekers, low- skilled; vulnerable people) The humanistic approach (Rogers, 1961; Maslow, 1968), Norcross) is the basis of the Integrated and pluralistic approach (Aspic Lavoro approach) This approach emphasizes the users’ strengths and their personal resources. The counselor has no ready answers he has to stimulate the acquisition of self- knowledge and self esteem, creates chances for improving self-analysis and self- empowerment, and giving opportunities to understand the social and professional context of the host country
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