acute kidney inj ury

Acute Kidney Inj ury Focus on Perioperative S etting Oct ober 10, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Acute Kidney Inj ury Focus on Perioperative S etting Oct ober 10, 2018 Banff, Albert a Disclosures Part icipat e in a research group wit h funding from several sources including indust ry funding is at arms lengt h, no overlap wit h

  1. Acute Kidney Inj ury Focus on Perioperative S etting Oct ober 10, 2018 Banff, Albert a

  2. Disclosures  Part icipat e in a research group wit h funding from several sources including indust ry – funding is at arms lengt h, no overlap wit h AKI

  3. Disclosures  A lot of t he dat a discussed t oday is populat ion dat abase derived- met hodology varies , definit ions vary, and analysis varies. I am aware of t he issues but am not an expert in t hese met hodologies.

  4. Obj ectives  Increase awareness of t he import ance of AKI event s and survivors  Review some aspect s of diagnosis and management  Review some emerging processes in diagnosis and management

  5. Meht a RL, et al. Lancet 2015; 385: 2616-2643 S usant it aphong P et al. Clin J Am S oc Nephrol 2013; 8: 1482-1493

  6. RIFLE (2004), AKIN (2007), KD:IGO (2012) Consensus Definitions for AKI criteria Stage Serum Creatinine or eGFR Urine Output RIFLE KD:IGO RIFLE KD:IGO AKIN AKIN Increased sCr ≥ 1.5 x baseline or GFR > < 0.5 ml/kg/h ≥ 6 h Risk 1 Increased sCr 1.5 – 1.9 x baseline 25% within prior 7 days or Increased sCr x 26.4 µmol/ L [0.3 mg/ dl] within 48 hours Increased sCr ≥ 2 x baseline or GFR > 50% < 0.5 ml/kg/h ≥ 12 h Inj ury 2 Increased sCr 2– 2.9 x from baseline Increased sCr ≥ 3 x baseline or GFR > < 0.3 ml/kg/h ≥ 24 h Failure 3 Increased sCr 3 x from baseline, 75% , or or ≥ 354 µmol/L, with an acute ≥ 44 anuria ≥ 12 h or ≥ 354 µmol/L], with an acute ≥ 44 µmol/ L µmol/ L or receiving RRT Bellomo R, et al. RIFLE. Crit Care 2004; 8(4): R204-12 Meht a RL, et al. AKIN. Crit Care 2007; 11: R31-38 KDOGI. KD:IGO. Kidney Int 2012; 2(suppl 1):19-36

  7. Minj ae K et al Anest hesia & Analgesia 2014; 119(5): 1121-1132

  8. S usant it aphong P et al. Clin J Am S oc Nephrol 2013; 8: 1482-1493

  9. Acute Kidney Inj ury – a continuum  Definition:  “ abrupt and sustained decrease in glomerular filtration, urine output, or both.”  S ubclinical AKI  does not meet AKI criteria and Biomarker concentration increased  AKI  Meets AKI criteria and rapid reversal within 48 hrs up to 7 days (renal recovery)  AKD  S ustained reduced renal function > 7 days  CKD  S ustained reduced renal function > 90 days

  10. KDIGO. Kid Int S upplement s 2012; 2(S uppl 1): 19-36

  11. Forni LG et al Int ensive Care Med (2017) 43:855– 866

  12. AKI Outcomes Deat h? Deat h Deat h Dedhia P and Thakar CV . Core Concept s in Acut e Kidney Inj ury. S . S . Waikar et al. (eds.) S pringer S cience+Business Media, LLC 2018

  13. KDIGO. Kid Int 2012; 2(S uppl 1): 19-36 Ferenbach DA and Bonvent re JV . Nephrologie & Therapeut ique 2016; 12S : S 41– S 48 Y ang Y et al. Pharmacology and Therapeut ics 2016;163: 58-73

  14. AKI, Renal Recovery, CKD risk No AKI AKI - R AKI- NR Pannu N et al Clin J Am S oc Nephrol 2013; 8: 194– 202 Bucaloui ID et al Kidney Int 2012; 81: 477-485 Heung M et al Am J of Kidney Dis 2015; 67(5):742-

  15. Bihorac A et al Annals of S urgery 2009; 249 (5):851-858

  16. Kork F et al Anest hesiology 2015; 123(6): 1301-1311

  17. S ummary  Normal kidneys wit h minimal risk can develop AKI  The more risk fact ors for AKI, t he great er t he risk for an AKI event  Wit h AKI t here is an increased risk of  S hort erm and longt erm mort alit y,  repeat AKI, hospit al readmission,  Incident CKD  progression t o CKD and ES RD  CKD is a significant AKI risk fact or

  18. AKI Management – Moving to the 5Rs?  Hx:  Co-morbidit ies, prior AKI event s/ CKD, FHx, acut e clinical set t ing,  Medicat ion exposure  Px:  Hemodynamic st at us, infect ion, sepsis, anemia, hypovolemia, chronic organ dysfunct ion (Heart , Lung, Liver), presence of 3 rd spacing  Invest igat ions:  urine dipst ick/ micro , +/ - renal U/ S , and as indicat ed  Management  S t op Nephrot oxins, renal dose remaining medicat ions  Volume resuscit at e, do not volume overload  Serial follow-up ; volume st at us, Cr/ eGFR, manage associat ed complicat ions  Treat hyperglycemia  Consult colleagues as required (Nephro, Cardio, hepat ol, ICU)

  19.  Ult rasonography should be performed:  when t here is no ident ified cause of acut e kidney inj ury  when pt s present wit h risk fact ors/ sympt oms of urinary t ract obst ruct ion  when an infect ed and obst ruct ed kidney is suspect ed, or when t hey are at medium or high risk of obst ruct ion based on t he risk scoring syst em  Rout ine ult rasonography of t he urinary t ract is not required:  when a non-obst ruct ive cause of t he acut e kidney inj ury has been ident ified  for pat ient s wit hout sympt oms of obst ruct ion, wit hout risk fact ors  when at low risk of urinary t ract obst ruct ion based on t he risk scoring syst em

  20. Provincial Clinical Knowledge Topic Acut e Kidney Inj ury, Adult – Inpat ient V 2.0 December 2017, page 7

  21. Hospital AKI  Incidence overall 2-23% (more recent ly 2-9% ) (Albert a 20-30% )  Varies wit h set t ing – ICU, ward, surgery  ICU 22- 57%  Medical ward (18% )  Incidence of in-hospit al (non-ICU/ S urgical) AKI likely plat eauing (4% )  mort alit y rat es have generally fallen by 50% wit h and wit hout dialysis Bellomo R et al. Lancet 2012; 380: 756-766 Host e EA et al. Int ensive Care Med 2015; 41: 1411- 1423 Finlay S et al. Clin Med 2013; 13(3): 233-238 Bihorac A, et al. Crit Care Med 2013; 41(11): 2570- 2583 O’ Neal JB et al. Crit Care 2016; 20: 187-195 G ME t l A J Kid Di 2016 67(6) 872 880

  22. Perioperative AKI  For general surgery 1-2% (7% )?  Higher risk surgeries:  Cardiac 15%  Trauma 26%  Transplant 71%  Neuro 13%  AKI is associat ed wit h higher rat es of all post op complicat ions, including CV Bellomo R et al. Lancet 2012; 380: 756-766 Host e EA et al. Int ensive Care Med 2015; 41: 1411-1423 Finlay S et al. Clin Med 2013; 13(3): 233-238 Bihorac A, et al. Crit Care Med 2013; 41(11): 2570-2583 O’ Neal JB et al. Crit Care 2016; 20: 187-195 Grams ME et al. Am J Kid Dis 2016; 67(6): 872-880 Wang HE et al. Am J Nephrol. 2012;35:349– 355

  23. Case #1 - ED  64 yr old male, married, ret ired handyman, present ing wit h sympt oms of bowel obst ruct ion x 24 hours and 6 mont h hx of int ermit t ent BRBPR) wit h progressive const ipat ion.  PMHx – HTN, obesit y, ex-smoker (age 57, 40+ pk yrs). Ret ired 7 years ago due t o chronic low back pain. Had gained 10 kg since t hen but loss 5 kg recent ly. No prior S x or hospit alizat ions.  FHx - Only child, mot her 84 (T2DM, HTN, Chol, CAD, prior TIA). Fat her died of lung cancer remot ely  Meds – perindopril 4/ 12.5, aodipine 2.5 mg (t ook yest erday) NKDA

  24. Case #1-ED  ROS - sedent ary, fat igued, denies CV sympt oms or syncope, MRC class 2 dyspnea (t rue? ), no obvious OS A, no oral int ake last 24 hours  Non-drinker,  Vit als: 115/ 85 P 95 (reg) afebrile O2sat 93%  PX: conj unct iva pale, dist ended abdomen(BS ), JVP low, no S 3S 4, no carot id bruit , prolonged exp phase, no edema, no rash, no nodes, no hepat osplenomegaly  Lab: Cr 98, K 3.9, Na 132, CO2 21, Cl 96 ; Hgb 120, Plt 276, WBC 14, cholest at ic liver profile, albumin 38, INR/ PTT normal

  25. Case #1  What do you t hink his risk is high, low, somet hing else?  What are his risk fact ors for AKI?  What t o do preop?  Investigations  interventions

  26. AKI Risk Factors   Hypovolemia COPD   Cirrhosis Hypoalbuminemia  Advanced age >60, >75  Hypotension   Female MM   Black CTD   Prior AKI Cancer   CKD (wit h or wit hout prot einuria) Sepsis   DM CIN   CHFrEF (35% cardiac S x) (50% CIN) Drugs

  27. Communit y AKI General S x Cont rast Cardiac S x

  28. Wilson T et al. Nephrol Dial Transplant (2016) 31: 231– 240

  29. Comparison of 3 perioperative AKI evaluations Biteker M et al 2014 Bell S et al 2015 Keterpal S et al 2009 N = 1200 prospect ive single N = 10,615 (6220 development N = 15,102 from 65,043 cs acut e care facilit y cohort , 4395 validat ion cohort ) ret rospect ive single acut e care 2010-2012 facilit y 2003-2006 AKI 6.7% N = 80 AKI 10.8 and 6.7 % AKI 0.8% N = 121 Age Age Age RCRI Male S ex Male DM DM DM AS A AS A CHF NS AID/ Cox-2 Renal insufficiency Tot al #of drugs Int raperit oneal S x ACEI/ ARB Ascit es Emergency S x Bit eker M et al Am J of S urgery 2014; 207(1): 53-59 Ket erpal S et al Anest hesiology 2007; 107: 892-902 Bell S et al BMJ 2015;351:h5639

  30. Our patient  Age  Male  ACE-I  Hypovolemic  Intraperitoneal S x  Emergency S x?  What we added:  HgbA1C 6.3%  Urine dispstick +1; ACR 22  Urinalysis

  31. Dipstic ACR k Neg <10 Trace 10-29 +1 30-299 +2 300-999 James MT et al Am J of Kidney Dis 2015 66(4): 602-612 ≥ +3 ≥ 1000

  32. Part ridge JS et al Age and Ageing 2012; 41: 142– 147

  33. TJA S ilva Clinics(S ao Paulo)2009 Jul; 64(7): 613– 618


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