Actofit Joey Hoy Brooks Tiffany Francis Estrada
About Actofit Actofit tracks movement in three dimensions, enabling it to recognize specific exercises and provide users with repetition and set count, active/rest time, projected one-rep max, and more. Actofit also provides form evaluation so users can correct their form. Problem Space + Evaluate the overall user experience of product - Onboarding - Training/calibration & workout session - Post-workout analytics + Product validation - General user sentiment - Product appeal - Ease of use
Methods Cognitive walkthrough Heuristic evaluation User studies + Performed by each of us + Nielsen’s 10 Heuristics + 7 participants + Increased familiarity with + Actofit full evaluation + Pre-study questionnaire product + Competitor evaluations for + Full user study + Identified key usability tasks Strava and Nike+ Training app + Post-study interview
How do you currently track your fitness goals? People set loosely-defined goals to gauge their fitness level. “I usually don’t track my workouts because most fitness trackers are made for running. I just try to go to the gym 4 to 5 times a week.” Current fitness trackers in market don’t provide the appropriate metrics for people who weight-train. “I have a Fitbit but it doesn’t help too much because it only gives me step count and calories. I wish it did more.” People validate their progress the old-fashioned way. “I look in the mirror.”
Findings Onboarding ● ● In-workout Analytics ●
Key Findings: Onboarding - Overview + Users have a difficult time activating, navigating, and understanding the wristband. + Users have a difficult time with the bluetooth pairing and syncing process. + Users had a difficult time referencing the user manual.
Key Findings: Wristband Navigation I don't know how I got here, I just touched it and it was here. I'm not exactly sure what I'm doing, what touches make it reveal. I don’t know how I’m doing this. I’m pressing random spots. I can’t figure out how to keep it on.
Key Findings: Bluetooth Pairing and Syncing I’m not sure what’s going on there. Especially since it still says scanning for devices. I guess I have to go into settings to see if it’s connected...I’m assuming it’s connected. I keep wanting to press this [sync icon]. To me it seems like that would sync it, like put it together and I would see a light.
Key Findings: Referencing User Manual I’m not one to look at instructions, I just dive in. I would probably not [reference the user manual] on my phone. I would be on my laptop ‘cause it’s easier for me to do that. I would probably go to the Actofit App first, and if that didn’t work, then I’d go to
Key Findings: Training/Workout - Overview + Users didn’t understand the Personalized vs. Universal exercises and had trouble navigating these areas. + Users were daunted by the long list of exercises + Users found that going back and forth between exercising and the phone was burdensome.
Key Findings: Personalized vs. Universal Lists I’m assuming ‘personalized’ is the exercises it doesn’t know and ‘universal’ is the exercises it already knows. I’m not sure what the difference is, it seems as if ‘personalized’ should be ones I’ve done before and liked...and universal should be all exercises, but it looks the same between the two… Personalized’ form probably means how I’m doing it and ‘universal’ is how you should be doing it. I don’t know...
Key Findings: Users daunted by long exercise list It would be really helpful for somebody like me who is not a heavy gym goer to have some sort of diagram to explain what the exercises are, how to do them...cause I'm guessing right now. I definitely think that having some sort of graphic that indicates what you're supposed to do. Seems like a lot of stuff in here. Would I need to train them all? Um, yeah, I have no idea what a ‘skull crusher’ is.
Key Findings: Post-workout analytics + Users liked having workout details but weren’t exactly sure what all the data meant. They wanted a basic summary. More detail, I like that. That’s kind of vague, I’m not sure what that means. It’s good information but I’m not sure, I guess that’s a summary of my workout...I don’t know what the blue and the red mean. The work done... I assume it stands for Kilojoules...that’s a bit confusing.
Recommendations Onboarding ● ● Training & Workouts Analytics ●
Prioritized Design Recommendations - Onboarding Consider… 1. Adding contextual help or a tutorial in the app for general premise and what to expect 2. Providing visual and tactile feedback and system status via device 3. Preventing errors in initial setup by sharing preconditions (e.g. Bluetooth enabled on phone) for onboarding and pairing device with phone
Key Design Recommendations - Training & Workouts Consider... 1. Shifting as much work to device and app as possible, removing the friction of training from the user 2. Removing “Universal” and “Personalized” distinction of exercises and guide workflow 3. Separating ingresses to training the device and starting a workout 4. Adding system status and feedback during training to count reps and convey progress and confidence, providing notification immediately when training or workouts fail 5. Starting and ending workouts via device, relying less on app
Prioritized Design Recommendations - Analytics Consider… 1. Providing more information about how Actofit captures data and benchmarks itself for correct metrics to establish trust in accuracy 2. Connecting analytic data to user’s goals, routine, or recommendations 3. Aligning units of measurement and to user’s location or preference; define unknown terms or Actofit-specific terminology
Our Learnings Planning Evaluation Data Analysis + Beginning with Heuristic + Employing multiple evaluation + Having a comprehensive test Evaluations and Cognitive methods is helpful for plan and broad scope allowed Walkthroughs helped us triangulation of findings, but us to fall back and adapt so that understand the beta product there can be diminishing returns we could still leverage time with and prioritize what we wanted with accumulating data participants to get valuable data to evaluate with participants when things didn’t go as - Fixing the product at a stable planned - We underestimated the time it version for participant would take to complete each evaluations would have been - Working in the field with a method of evaluation, especially more helpful for finding trends product in beta limited usability the session with participants, findings; evaluating with paper and the amount of data we’d prototype would have been a have...we took on too much better strategy scope
Wrapping Up Our Study & Next Steps + Share our comprehensive final report and data with Actofit + Present key findings and prioritized list of recommendations to Actofit + Suggest next steps (and share lessons learned) for lightweight evaluation techniques the Actofit development can continue to employ
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