active inclusion in d2n2

Active Inclusion in D2N2 Rachel Quinn, Active Engagement Officer, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

D2N2 Technical Assistance Workshop Active Inclusion in D2N2 Rachel Quinn, Active Engagement Officer, D2N2 LEP Richard Kirkland, ESIF Coordinator, D2N2 LEP Sabina Talib, ESF Development Officer, Derby & Derbyshire David Kelly, Economic

  1. D2N2 Technical Assistance Workshop Active Inclusion in D2N2 Rachel Quinn, Active Engagement Officer, D2N2 LEP Richard Kirkland, ESIF Coordinator, D2N2 LEP Sabina Talib, ESF Development Officer, Derby & Derbyshire David Kelly, Economic Development Officer, Nottm City Council This project is part-funded by the European Social Fund as part of the 2014-2020 European Structural and Investment Funds Growth Programme in England

  2. Welcome and Introductions Sabina Talib – Derby event 30/8/17 David Kelly – Nottingham event 6/9/17

  3. Active Inclusion in D2N2 Call Specification: Community Grants Module Rachel Quinn

  4. Vision for D2N2 Programmes  Relationship with LEP and Stakeholders  Links to existing services  Effective signposting  Local support  Performance management  Collaboration – strong provider consortium  Engagement  Employment  Skills  Gateways and Pathways  Joined up strategy  Effective signposting  Utilising the ‘right’ programmes to get people into ‘sustained employment’

  5. Background Investment priority 1.4: Active Inclusion • Evidence of need: • • D2N2 Social Inclusion Framework (2014) • Community Programme scoping research (2015) • SEP / ESIF Strategy • ESF Operational Programme

  6. Basics Managing agent for an ’inclusion grant fund’ • Ideally with an element of ‘developmental support’ for • beneficiary organisations Distribution which captures the contribution of small • organisations Locally distinctive and innovative delivery • Small grants of £10K to £50K* • Must work in coherence with other 1.4 projects – in • particular Building Better Opportunities Participants cannot take part in the same support via both • programmes *Open to variation – larger grants to focus on innovation and transformation

  7. Expectations Experience or robust methodology in relation to • management of community / small grants. ESF programme management knowledge and/or • experience Strong VCSE relationships / knowledge within area of • application PLUS ability to support CCT commitment – especially equalities • Value for money • Match funding: • Cash match • Existing complimentary programmes (match funding certificate) • Third party / beneficiary contributions • Volunteer time / in kind •

  8. Points to note No geographical limitations (min or max) within D2N2 • No maximum application threshold (within region) • minimum £50,000 ESF (£100K total) • Funding is for up to 3 years from point of contract • Coordination with SCR in overlap areas • Applicants using beneficiary match will need to • evidence availability of match AND ability to evidence contribution No retrospection possible • Call deadline: 27 th September 2017 •

  9. Outputs & Results Activity not prescribed but must be eligible for ESF, e.g. • Basic skills and ESOL • Pre-work or apprenticeship support • Wider life skills – communication, digital skills, problem solving • etc Financial management and literacy • Volunteering • First contact engagement • Employment support networks and peer groups • Economically inactive or unemployed • Results – participants in • Education or training on leaving • Employment or self employment • Job search • Accessing childcare •

  10. Participants Target participants: • Male 53% • Female 47% • Unemployed 54% • Economically inactive 39% • Over 50 20% • Ethnic minorities 10% • Disabilities 30% •

  11. Basics for the Current Tender Non duplicative / added value with existing • programmes – EMPLOY / SKILLS Local etc Partnership working with other providers • Flexible – responsive to changing policy priorities • and developing local needs Understanding of local stakeholder landscape • Ability to develop strong working relationships • Engage with D2N2 governance structures to add • value, share good practice, share performance management, to deliver seamless and integrated programme

  12. Core Delivery Principles ‘What good looks like’  Impact and Scale  Delivery Readiness  Added Value  Local Value  Quality, Performance and Efficiency  Strategic Partnerships and Co-ordination of Market Engagement  Flexibility and Responsiveness

  13. ESF Match Funding & Understanding the Landscape Richard Kirkland

  14. D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership By 2023 we will: Develop sector growth  agreements Deliver 55,000 new jobs  in the private sector Accelerate delivery of  77,000 new homes Deliver a step change in  skills outcomes Transport Creative Life Increase our business & Logistics  Industries Science base Share the benefits of  growth across our communities

  15. Skills Challenge 67,835 businesses in D2N2, employing 891,800 • 87.7% of businesses are micro’s (employing 1 to 9) • Jobs expected to rise by around 47,000 (2012-2022) • Relatively low rates of workers in high skill roles • Level of qualifications held by D2N2 residents lower • than UK average Jobs with low/no qualifications expected to decline • from 20% to 14% of the workforce Job growth expected to be concentrated in higher level • roles, half of which expected to be in professional roles

  16. Skills Challenge EMC Q3 54% of employers tried to recruit within past 3 months   53% experienced problems in finding suitable staff Job types where difficulties in recruitment were felt most  50% managerial / professional   47% skilled manual / technical 24% clerical / administrative   25% unskilled / semi-skilled 10% said Brexit influenced business's recruitment decisions  UKCES 2015 Survey 68% highlighted work experience as being critical or significant • factor in recruiting candidates Maths and English rated at 60%, vocational qualifications 48% •

  17. What is ESIF? European Structural and Investment Funds ESIF are the EC’s primary mechanism for reducing social and economic disparities across the EU. In England, these funds comprise the following elements:  European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) £104.4m  Supporting business, particularly SMEs , innovation, business development, ICT, low carbon etc.  European Social Fund (ESF) £104.4m  Supporting people and business with employment and skills, enhancing access to employment and social inclusion  European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) £5.5m  Supports economic development in our rural areas

  18. What will ESIF buy in D2N2 ESIF has specific outputs and outcomes: D2N2 have set the following broad targets for the programme:  5000 businesses receiving support – e.g. ICT, low carbon, SME competitiveness, innovation  400 new enterprises supported  15,000 people supported to find employment  8,000 people supported in relation to social inclusion  2,500 businesses improving skill levels

  19. Building Better Opportunities (BBO) Investment Priority 1.4 - £15.6m Three Strands Money Sorted (Financial Inclusion) 1. St. Ann's Advice Group Opportunity and Change (Multiple and 2. Complex Needs) Framework Housing Association Towards Work - Groundwork 3.  Provide intensive support and positive interventions to those people furthest away from the labour market  Support to address mental health challenges

  20. INSPIRE Local Investment Priority 1.1- £4.5m – Working Links Changing mind-sets and supporting access to employment  IAG and Goals  INSPIRE programme development and delivery  1 to 1 support  Mentoring and coaching  Sign-posting to existing provision  Pathway to EMPLOY Local  In-work support

  21. Nottingham YEI IP 1.3 £6.4m  Enhanced community-based engagement to employment pathway  Specialist intensive support for 16-29 year olds engaged with gangs, ex-offenders and those with mental health issues  Pre-traineeship assistance, including preparation for next steps and support during the traineeship.  Self-employment - support for 18 -29 year olds to start own business  Support to address barriers arising from limited access to transport through sustainable transport solutions  Focus on deprivation issues affecting 18 – 24 year olds in the Nottingham North parliamentary constituency

  22. D2N1 YOUTH Engagement IP 1.2 and 2.1 - £2.9m - CT Skills  Support 16-24 year olds NEET to reengage  Support tailored to individual need  Wrap around support / mentoring to support engagement and progression into sustained outcome  Support / incentivising employers to provide jobs and training opportunities including Apprenticeships and Traineeships  Alignment with D2N2 Employability Framework

  23. EMPLOY Local Investment Priority 1.1 £4.0m – DBC  Innovative support 16-24 year olds NEET into work and apprenticeships  Innovative support for those out of work for over 6 months to take up opportunities leading to employment including progression from BBO and INSPIRE Local  Increasing number of graduates into graduate level jobs  Supporting and incentivising SMEs to provide jobs / training for those out of work including apprenticeships and traineeships  Candidate Bank for individuals and employers

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