accountable communities for health and financing health

Accountable Communities for Health and Financing Health Equity - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Accountable Communities for Health and Financing Health Equity Jeffrey Levi, PhD Professor of Health Policy and Management Funders Learning Initiative April 18, 2019 Key Assumptions Health equity will only be achieved if we address social

  1. Accountable Communities for Health and Financing Health Equity Jeffrey Levi, PhD Professor of Health Policy and Management Funders Learning Initiative April 18, 2019

  2. Key Assumptions • Health equity will only be achieved if we address social determinants of health (SDOH) • Addressing SDOH requires going upstream and downstream – we should value individual and community- level approaches • There isn’t a universal solution to SDOH or equity – what is needed varies by geography, by nature of health and social systems in a community and must be driven by community definition of need built from sound, granular data.

  3. The health care system is important but…. • Value-based purchasing is driving health care to think about SDOH – but addressing SDOH should not just mean the low-hanging fruit that can provide a health care ROI within a set period of time…even if that is the starting point. • We are still learning the best way for health systems to engage on SDOH • Whether upstream or downstream – health care system is a part of the answer, but only a part – it takes multisector partnerships to address SDOH and achieve equity • Health care, public health, social services, community

  4. What is the Funders Forum on Accountable Health? The Funders Forum on Accountable Health creates a common table for public and philanthropic funders of Accountable Communities for Health (ACHs) to share learnings and opens the door to future collaboration. The Forum also explores best practices in assessing the impact of ACHs on population health and identifies policy options for supporting the ACH model.

  5. If this is a promising approach for addressing equity…we must fund it • Need to move from special/demonstration/foundation start up to capitalization and sustainability using the current financing system: braiding and blending entitlement dollars, categorical funds, community benefit, etc. • Core part of our work moving forward • Need to invest in creating the multisector capacity throughout the country – through dedicated funding that builds partnerships that can later become the foundation for an ACH • Unless we figure out how to create the capacity to scale, then we will be leaving behind those communities facing the highest levels of inequity

  6. For further information Jeffrey Levi


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