academy open house 9 25 and 9 26

Academy & Open House | 9/25 and 9/26 1 Project Partners + - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Academy & Open House | 9/25 and 9/26 1 Project Partners + Consultant Team 2 PROJECT PURPOSE Develop a vision for the East Lake MARTA Station and surrounding neighborhoods 3 PROJECT TASKS Public Outreach Analysis & Research

  1. Academy & Open House | 9/25 and 9/26 1

  2. Project Partners + Consultant Team 2

  3. PROJECT PURPOSE Develop a vision for the East Lake MARTA Station and surrounding neighborhoods 3

  4. PROJECT TASKS Public Outreach Analysis & Research ƒ Market Assessment ƒ Tonight’s meeting ƒ Existing conditions ƒ MARTA Intercept (October 9th ƒ Surveys Plan Development ƒ Design Workshop (November) ƒ Concept Plan Open House ƒ Development Concept Plans ƒ Final Public Meeting ƒ Circulation Plan ƒ City Commission & City Council ƒ Preferred Development Plan Adoption Processes Implementation Plan ƒ Action Plan ƒ Implementation Strategy 4

  5. WHAT WE KNOW Zoning Implications Market Conditions Transportation and Transit COMMUNITY Context 5

  6. Site Context Focus Area 6

  7. Neighborhoods Lenox Druid Place Hills Lake Claire Oakhurst Kirkwood 7

  8. Zoning ƒ Station is zoned C-1 in Atlanta and Institutional in Decatur 8

  9. Connectivity Proposed DeKalb Ave Stone Complete Street Mountain Trail Bus Stops Proposed Trails Bus Stops shown are from the most recent GIS shapefjle, and are subject to change. 9

  10. Potential for Change 10

  11. MARTA TOD GUIDELINES Definition of TOD ƒ Development that is vibrant, pedestrian-friendly, and genuinely integrated with transit 11

  12. MARTA TOD GUIDELINES East Lake is a What are we trying to create? Neighborhood Station All Photos Courtesy of MARTA New Approach to Relative Density Mix of Uses Great Public Realm Parking 12

  13. MARTA TOD GUIDELINES What does “Neighborhood Station” mean? ƒ Located primarily in residential district ƒ Function is to get people who live nearby to work, school, etc. ƒ Pedestrian network to station is critical ƒ Heavy rail stations are grade-separated ƒ Multi-family residential and/or neighborhood-scaled mixed-use ƒ Low to mid-rise buildings ƒ Mixed-use and mixed-income development ƒ Retail, restaurant, service-oriented offices 13

  14. MARTA TOD GUIDELINES What does “Neighborhood Station” mean? ƒ Density ranges: 15-50 residential units per acre; 2-8 stories ƒ Baseline density is denser than surrounding area, but context-sensitive ƒ Not uniform; step-down farther from station ƒ Density bonuses: vertical mixed use, affordable housing, sustainable design features, public realm enhancements 14

  15. Avondale MARTA TOD Projects ƒ 503 Apartments (92 affordable) ƒ 41,500 SF retail & 25,000 SF institutional space Edgewood- Candler Park Phase 1: Chamblee ƒ 224 Apartments (26 ƒ 77,800 SF retail affordable) & office ƒ 26,000 SF retail & performing arts space ƒ 1/2-acre park 15

  16. ? What does all this mean for the future, and how will we address it? 16

  17. 5 PROJECT GOALS 1. 4. Create a vision for under- Increase ridership and revenue used properties along the at the East Lake MARTA commercial corridors with Station. neighborhood-oriented uses. 2. 5. Make the East Lake MARTA Establish the scale of future Station a community development that enhances destination with short-term and protects the surrounding and long-term solutions. residential neighborhoods. 3. Design better connections to the East Lake MARTA Station and between residential neighborhoods by improving safety for pedestrians and bicyclists. 22 22

  18. How do we address the goals? MAKE EAST LAKE MARTA THE FRONT PORCH Station Entrance 24

  19. EAST LAKE MARTA The front porch. RETAIL destinations Public Housing Art Thoughtful options Community Parking Events Community Approach open space Natural systems & stormwater 25

  20. How do we address the goals? MAKE THE STREETS WALKABLE & FUN DeKalb Avenue 26

  21. How do we address the goals? MAKE ROOM FOR MORE NEIGHBORS Townhomes on DeKalb Avenue 27

  22. How do we address the goals? MAKE YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD’S STORY Residential Neighborhoods 28

  23. How do we address the goals? MAKE MORE SOCIAL & CONNECTED PLACES Restaurants & Retail 29

  24. Where everybody knows your name. Candler Park / Downtown Decatur Lake Claire East Decatur Little Five Points Oakhurst Edgewood Retail Kirkwood 30


  26. TONIGHT’S Activities ƒ Academy Presentations & Feedback ƒ 3 Kiosks for Input: ƒ MARTA short- and long-term changes, & mapping exercise ƒ Neighborhood SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) ƒ Neighborhood Development Boards ƒ Goals Board - fill out a sticky note with other ideas! ƒ Chalkboard for other ideas ƒ Paper surveys 32

  27. Just love talking to us? Fill out our survey tonight on paper or online at: COURB.CO/EASTLAKE Come talk to use at MARTA: Edgewood & East Lake Stations October 9th 7:30 - 9:30 AM & 4:30 - 6:30 PM Tell your neighbors!! 33


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