academic council task force on diversity

Academic Council Task Force on Diversity Co-Chairs Nan Jokerst, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Academic Council Task Force on Diversity Co-Chairs Nan Jokerst, Trina Jones Steering Committee Carla Brady Grinne Fitzsimons Jos Mara Rodriguez-Garcia Kerry Haynie Emily Klein Viviana Martinez-Bianchi Anathea Portier-Young Don Taylor

  1. Academic Council Task Force on Diversity Co-Chairs Nan Jokerst, Trina Jones Steering Committee Carla Brady Gráinne Fitzsimons José María Rodriguez-Garcia Kerry Haynie Emily Klein Viviana Martinez-Bianchi Anathea Portier-Young Don Taylor Kate Whetten Josh Socolar, ECAC Chair (Ex-Officio)

  2. Motivation and Charge On behalf of the Academic Council, ECAC will establish a faculty Task Force on Diversity charged with § articulating a vision of a diverse and inclusive Duke University for the next decade and beyond, § examining our current position in relation to that vision, and § recommending actions that will move us toward it. Approved by Duke Academic Council, February 20, 2014

  3. Goals of this Presentation § Provide the Council with an update on the DTF’s structure and processes § Solicit comments and input from Council members and other faculty Note: This is not a presentation of results or conclusions!

  4. Diversity Task Force Focus and Goals § Goals q To understand Duke’s current status with regard to diversity and inclusion q To examine best practices, internal and external to Duke q To articulate a vision for the future, including: q Recommendations for specific actionable items q Development of mechanisms for on-going review of recommendations q Identify next phases in the process § Focus - Faculty Diversity § 59 Faculty Volunteers, 7 Subcommittees

  5. DTF Subcommittees 1. Diversity, Values and Vision at Duke: History and Challenges 2. Institutional Excellence: Examining the Value of Diversity 3. Institutional Design: Understanding Existing Mechanisms for Advancing Diversity at Duke 4. Assessing Diversity in the Duke Faculty: Patterns and Profiles 5. Benchmarking Diversity at Duke: National Trends and Projections 6 . Identifying Best Practices in Faculty and Administrative Diversity 7 . Listening to the Duke Community

  6. SUBCOMMITTEE 1 Diversity, Values, and Vision at Duke: History and Challenges Co-Chairs: Kerry Haynie , Trina Jones, Kate Whetten 1. Review Duke’s institutional values: Public documents 2. Review Duke’s past diversity efforts for an understanding of diversity and how it relates to Duke’s institutional values 3. Define diversity and inclusion: Compile list of factors that contribute to diversity and articulate rationales for their inclusion on the list

  7. SUBCOMMITTEE 2 Diversity and Institutional Excellence Co-Chairs: Gráinne Fitzsimons and José María Rodriguez-Garcia Examine scholarly studies regarding the effects of diversity on : 1. The education and training of students 2. Research and scholarship 3. Campus communities and social life 4. Other ways in which universities contribute to the broader society

  8. SUBCOMMITTEE 3 Diversity and Institutional Design Co-Chairs: Trina Jones , Nan Jokerst 1. Understand existing institutional mechanisms for advancing diversity at Duke, including: A. Office for Institutional Equity (OIE) B. Ombudsperson (independent of the AC Ombuds Committee) C. Vice Provost for Faculty Development and Diversity and efforts within Duke’s individual schools D. Human Resources 2. Meet with administrators and deans (28 completed) 3. Examine feedback for recommendations regarding best practices

  9. SUBCOMMITTEE 4 Assessing Diversity in the Duke Faculty: Patterns and Profiles Chair: Emily Klein 1. Understand the demographic diversity of the Duke faculty 2. Process A. Review 10-year Duke faculty demographic data in searchable Tableau database B. Review Faculty Climate Survey data (2010) in Tableau format C. Review Faculty Climate Survey data (2015), if available D. Data examined by: • school, division, department • gender, race/ethnicity and rank

  10. SUBCOMMITTEE 4 Assessing Diversity in the Duke Faculty: Patterns and Profiles TT Professor TT Associate Professor TT Assistant Professor NTT Regular Rank Faculty

  11. SUBCOMMITTEE 5 Benchmarking Diversity at Duke: National Trends and Projections Co-Chairs: Nan Jokerst , Viviana Martinez-Bianchi 1. Compare Duke faculty demographics to 2012 American Association of University Data Exchange (AAUDE) and American Association of Medical Colleges (AAMC) databases for each School/Department/Division 2. Pipeline: Assess PhD graduation rates to establish pool (e.g. NSF) 3. Estimating “customer” population demographics and trends A. College-bound students B. DUHS patients C. US population

  12. SUBCOMMITTEE 5 Benchmarking Diversity at Duke

  13. SUBCOMMITTEE 5 Benchmarking Diversity at Duke Asian Black Hispanic Native American White >1 Race

  14. SUBCOMMITTEE 6 Identifying Best Practices in Faculty and Administrative Diversity Co-Chairs: Anathea Portier-Young , Carla Brady, Kate Whetten 1 . Identify Components to Address within Key Action Areas: Faculty searches and recruitment Tenure and promotion Mentoring Equity Retention Administration Culture Climate 2. Examine data, programs and practices by other schools/departments 3. Examine Best Practices as developed by other entities 4. Examine Best Practices at Duke

  15. SUBCOMMITTEE 7 Listening to the Duke Community Co-Chairs: Don Taylor , Gráinne Fitzsimons Inform and solicit input from the Duke community, especially faculty, using: 1. Website 2. Email 3. Letters 4. Town Hall Meetings 5. Focus Groups/Informal Conversations 6. Meetings with Individual Faculty

  16. Progress and Next Steps 1. Preliminary drafts of subcommittee reports received (6 of 7) 2. Synthesis and development of recommendations is beginning 3. Final report to the Academic Council in early May 2015

  17. Thank You! The DTF would like to thank the Duke faculty, administrators and staff who have given generously of their time to support the DTF’s ongoing efforts. The DTF would also like to thank David Jamieson-Drake and his staff and OIE for their assistance with faculty demographic and AAU data.

  18. Questions and Comments?

  19. DTF Subcommittees 1. Diversity, Values and Vision at Duke: History and Challenges 2. Institutional Excellence: Examining the Value of Diversity 3. Institutional Design: Understanding Existing Mechanisms for Advancing Diversity at Duke 4. Assessing Diversity in the Duke Faculty: Patterns and Profiles 5. Benchmarking Diversity at Duke: National Trends and Projections 6 . Identifying Best Practices in Faculty and Administrative Diversity 7 . Listening to the Duke Community

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