aca learning series

ACA Learning Series Mas Massac achusetts He Heal alth Car are - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

ACA Learning Series Mas Massac achusetts He Heal alth Car are Train aining Forum Septemb mber er 15, 2014 014 Member Transition Strategy for Fall 2014 Open Enrollment Massachusetts ACA Learning Series The purpose of this ACA Learning

  1. ACA Learning Series Mas Massac achusetts He Heal alth Car are Train aining Forum Septemb mber er 15, 2014 014 Member Transition Strategy for Fall 2014 Open Enrollment

  2. Massachusetts ACA Learning Series The purpose of this ACA Learning Series is to educate staff who currently assist Health Connector, MassHealth and Health Safety Net (HSN) members at Massachusetts hospitals, health centers and community-based organizations • Introduce key concepts and create awareness • Deliver important, detailed information that will prepare you for assisting populations you serve • Provide you with specific information and training to help populations obtain coverage 2

  3. Outreach & Communications Strategy Overview 3

  4. Massachusetts Health Care Reform: What’s at Stake • Health care reform is a values statement in Massachusetts, and is embraced by residents, government, providers, insurers, business and community organizations • More residents have coverage, more businesses offer employer-sponsored coverage and more people are going to the doctor and getting treatment since Massachusetts enacted health care reform in 2006 • The Commonwealth handled IT system challenges during the Affordable Care Act’s (ACA) first Open Enrollment by working together and collaboratively with our federal partners and stakeholder coalitions, allowing us to provide alternative pathways to coverage and coverage extensions where necessary • Because of those efforts, Massachusetts continues to be number one in the nation for health care coverage and has added to the ranks of the insured • As we move into the next O t Open E Enroll llment p t period, leveraging the new hCentive platform that will make the application and enrollment process easier than ever for consumers, we have the task of reaching out to members, many of whom are in legacy or temporary coverage. We need to encourage them to take advantage of the ACA Open Enrollment and submit n t new appli lications f for c coverage ge begi ginning g in 2 2015. 4

  5. Massachusetts Health Care Reform: What’s at Stake (cont’d) Cur urren ent Ma MassHea ealth m mem ember bers Current MassHealth members who are receiving benefits through MassHealth • programs including:  MassHealth Standard CarePlus   Family Assistance  Limited Health Safety Net   Children’s Medical Security Plan DO NOT need to submit a new application during the Open Enrollment period. DO 5

  6. What We Need To Accomplish During 2014 Open Enrollment Transiti tion P Populati tion Reach o out t to p predominant nantly l y low-income r residents a and nd assist th those th that ne need to t transit ition f n from legacy/ y/temporar ary c coverag age to ACA-compli liant c cove verage* Remai aining ning Unin insured Bring ng as many o y of th them a as possible i int nto c coverage offered by y MassHealth o or th the Health C Connect ctor Cur urrently I y Ins nsured & Newly S y Seeking ng C Coverage th throug ugh th the Health Conn nnector Allo llow t w them to a apply ly, , shop and e enroll b ll before re O Open E Enroll llment clo lose ses *Includes existing QHP population needing to transition to the new system 6

  7. High-Priority Populations For the upcoming Open Enrollment, our highest priority is to successfully transition current Health Connector and temporary MassHealth members in order to prevent coverage gaps. Transition Population Anticipate a number of people will not submit new applications because their circumstances may have changed and they may no longer require coverage through us. Temporary Medicaid New Shoppers seeking ~285K coverage through the Marketplace or Medicaid CommCare QHP ~100K (# unknown) ~ 34k • May be eligible for QHP or • Majority likely eligible for • About 10K enrolled via MH; some likely have and State Wrap “Fast Path” last year will keep ESI • Accustomed to the types • Historically a low-turnover • Have been subject to no and costs of plans they will population but accustomed premium and only nominal likely be eligible for to renewals instead of new cost-sharing, which will no applications longer be the case for many 7

  8. Challenges & Advantages Challenges: • Extremely short timeframe to transition a lot of people • All transition members need to re-apply – “behind the scenes” migration not feasible because: 1) member information on file is dated; and 2) the existing HIX system has significant data quality problems What We Achieved • Historically the low-income population, many with language During Fall 2013 Open Enrollment and literacy barriers, is very passive and hard to engage • Over 260,000 people affirmatively applied for coverage despite IT problems • Made ~500,000 outbound calls Advantages: • Knocked on over 50,000 doors • This is a population that is known to us – we can locate them − We have addresses for virtually all of them and phone numbers for approximately half of them • We have a market that continues to be favorable towards health reform (May/June 2014 Harvard School of Public Health found 63 percent of respondents favor health care reform), supported by a strong coalition of partners • CMS support – federal partners share our desire to maintain and expand coverage 8

  9. Multi-faceted Outreach Campaign Building upon the foundation from last year’s campaign, we will leverage high intensity, multi-faceted outreach strategies, with the goal of getting to every single person in need of coverage. • Mailing (Open Enrollment package, reminder postcards) Direct Member Contact • Outbound calls • Door knocking • Navigators & Certified Application Counselors Foundation Community Enrollment of strong, • Community enrollment fairs Assistance coordinated • Collaborate with community partners messaging • Radio, TV, print Media and Public • Earned media; corporate sponsorships Education • “Town halls” & “road shows” Centralized member outreach data reporting to track and measure our progress. 9

  10. Direct Member Contact • Our communications messages and cadence vary by population segment and are informed by their proposed coverage end dates QHP/QDP CommCare/MSP Temporary MassHealth December 31, 2014 January 31, 2015 January 15, January 31, February 15 - 2015 • We will direct our members to enroll online in all of our messaging, although we will send paper applications to a subset of the population that might be more likely to apply by paper − For Commonwealth Care and Medical Security Program (MSP) members, we will mail paper applications to ~35,000 individuals who did not reapply or who applied by paper last year, specifically those who may have language barriers or who have not had to pay a premium to remain in coverage − For temporary Medicaid members, we will mail paper applications in three waves (in line with their coverage end dates) to ~115,000-150,000 households that applied by paper last year. Final numbers will depend on the final count of individuals in temporary Medicaid (~285,030 members as of August 30, 2014) − We have also assessed the current workforce who enters these applications and will augment accordingly to mitigate paper backlogs and to ensure that applications get processed in a timely manner • Even those that receive paper applications will still be educated that the fastest and easiest way to apply for coverage this Open Enrollment is online 10

  11. Direct Member Contact (cont’d) Direct Member Mailings • Beginning in October, we will be sending transitioning members a variety of direct mailings − Postcards to reinforce important dates and provide calls to action to sign up (Open Enrollment start date, plan selection and payment deadline dates, etc.) − Open Enrollment packets providing population specific messaging, frequently asked questions and details on where individuals can go to receive help applying and enrolling − E-mail blasts will follow each mailing to members for whom we have an e-mail on file − Operational letters and invoices sent to current members will also include language about Open Enrollment and important dates − To a certain subset of the subsidized population, paper applications (further detailed in later slide) Outbound Call Campaign • Beginning in November, transitioning members and new applicants will also receive phone calls before, during and after the Open Enrollment period • Approximately 2.3 million calls will be deployed in total − Automated calls will be deployed to reinforce messaging provided in member mailings to all transition members. These can also be left on voicemail − Live agent calls will be deployed to provide education and enrollment support to transitioning 11 members

  12. Direct Member Contact (cont’d) Oct October Novembe ber December Janua nuary February Fe 10/20 11/3 QHP HP 12/8 12/31 1/12 2/9 (~34K 34K) CommCa Care / / MSP SP 12/8 1/12 11/3 11/17 1/31 2/9 (~100K) K) Tempo porary 11/15 1/12 1/15 Medica caid W Wave 1 1 (~100 100K) Tempo porary 12/1 1/12 Medica caid W Wave 2 2 1/31 (~100 100K) Tempo porary Medica caid W Wave 3 3 1/12 12/15 2/15 (~100 100K) Preview Postcard Automated and Live Agent Outbound Calls (~2.3M calls deployed) Open Enrollment Packet Reminder Postcard Door Knocking Campaign (target 200,000 doors) Paper Application 12 Coverage End Date


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