01 PRODUCERS OF NATURAL AND ENGINEERED STONE A sophisticated appreciation for architecture and interiors
Ora Stone crafts and produces natural and 02 engineered stone surfaces. We facilitate a process that gives new life and purpose to this magnificent material, each piece expressing its own unique OUR STORY personality. Ora Stone is a family business that prides itself on PRODUCERS OF NATURAL AND ENGINEERED STONE integrity and excellence in workmanship. Our point of difference being, that we offer a personalised, stress free service from the conception of your project to completion of installation.
03 WE SPECIALISE IN HIGH END RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL PROJECTS : Unique table and desk tops PRODUCERS OF NATURAL AND ENGINEERED STONE Reception areas Feature walls SERVICES Kitchen bench tops Bathroom vanities Outside dining areas Fireplace place surrounds Bespoke designs and spaces
04 O u r p a s s i o n . . . "MADE BY NATURE PRODUCERS OF NATURAL AND ENGINEERED STONE CRAFTED BY US.” We are experienced in working with Marble, Granite, Onyx, Porcelain and Engineered Products that are a multitude of colours and textures. . . . . i s s t o n e
05 OUR PROCESS PRODUCERS OF NATURAL AND ENGINEERED STONE PHASE 1 PHASE 2 PHASE 3 PHASE 4 We meet to discuss Quotation Offer will We complete a Presentations are your project, explore be made to you measurement template tools that can be your design either by email or in of the project once the used as lectures, aspirations and some cases, on site. supporting construction speeches, reports, show you various is secured. and more. stone samples
06 CONTRAST INTERIORS Monica D u nn , Designer . O r a S t one i s w i t ho ut a do u b t o ur S t one Fab r ica t o r of CLIENT choice . Thei r p r od u c t i s ama z ing , t hei r w o r kman s hip i s impeccable and t hei r commi t men t t o PRODUCERS OF NATURAL AND ENGINEERED STONE TESTIMONIALS c ust ome r s e rv ice i s among t he be st w e ha v e w i t ne ss ed .” HOME OWNERS HOME OWNER Colleen & George Andre w Macken z ie We w an t ed t o r eno v a t e o ur ki t chen w i t h a g r ani t e O r a S t one ha s j ust comple t ed a g r ani t e bench and I s land bench t op . Wi t h O r a S t one ’ s e x pe r ience , p r ofe ss ionali s m fo r m y ki t chen . I t w a s a r ea s onabl y diffic u l t job . I canno t and ca r e , w e ha v e an o ut come t ha t ’ s s impl y a w e s ome . r ecommend him highl y eno u gh !! 5* w o r kman s hip . The J ust lo v in ’ i t ." job look s stu nning "
09 FEATURED PROJECTS PRODUCERS OF NATURAL AND ENGINEERED STONE Our work has been featured in home and lifstyles magazines.
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