a new frontier content of this presentation

A New Frontier Content of this Presentation 1. What is Joint - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

JPI Healthy and Productive Seas and Oceans A New Frontier Content of this Presentation 1. What is Joint Programming? 1. Objective 2. Why? 3. Examples of other JPIs 2. Oceans as a grand challenge 1. Challenges 2. Opportunities 3. Policy

  1. JPI Healthy and Productive Seas and Oceans A New Frontier

  2. Content of this Presentation 1. What is Joint Programming? 1. Objective 2. Why? 3. Examples of other JPI’s 2. Oceans as a grand challenge 1. Challenges 2. Opportunities 3. Policy context

  3. 3. JPI Oceans 1. Why? 2. Added value 3. Goals 4. Objectives 5. How ? 6. State of play 7. Next steps

  4. What is Joint Programming?

  5. A concept to tackle challenges that can not be solved solely at national level

  6. Research funding in Europe Research Funding in Europe Intergovernmental and European Commission 15% 85% Member States

  7. Objective

  8. Increase the value of national R&D investments

  9. Why?

  10. EU2 7 + EC

  11. Examples of other Joint Programming Initiatives?

  12. Water challenges for a Changing World

  13. Agriculture, Food security and Climate Change

  14. A healthy diet for a healthy life

  15. Cultural heritage

  16. Urban Europe – Global Challenges Local solutions

  17. The microbial challenge - An emerging threat to Human Health

  18. More Years, Better Lives - The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change

  19. Connecting Climate Knowledge for Europe (Clik'EU)

  20. Neurodegenerative Disease Research

  21. Oceans as a grand challenge

  22. COMPETING CLAIMS Landuse Tourism Oil &Gas Mariculture Coastal Defence Ports & Navigation Military Activities Culture Conservation Dredging & Disposal Fishing Renewable Marine Mineral Submarine Energy Recreation Extraction Cables

  23. Marine litter

  24. Opportunities

  25. The EU’s maritime regions account for around 40% of the GDP

  26. Maritim e transport , responsible for 90% of EU's external trade and 40% of its internal trade, is vital for the EU’s The maritime economy : 3 to 5% economy.

  27. Maritime transport: 90% of EU's external trade

  28. Fisheries, aquaculture and food processing: €32 billion Euros yearly, 0.5 million jobs .

  29. The average consumption of fish is 22.3 kg/person/year in the EU .

  30. European maritime tourism : 3 million jobs and 72 billion Euros of revenue per year.

  31. Policy Context

  32. EU’s Integrated Maritime Policy

  33. EU 2020 objectives

  34. EU 20-20-20 targets

  35. JPI Oceans?

  36. IP , NoE IP , NoE FP5 IP , NoE IP , NoE IP , NoE IP , NoE IP , NoE MAR MARI MARIN AMPERA BONUS FP6 TEC FISH ERA Marine Environment Marine Resources MARI RENW MAR SEAS BIOT BONUS FP7 TEC FISH ENERGY ERA Horizon 2020 ERA-nets JPI Oceans

  37. A coordinating and integrating platform for marine and maritime research

  38. 16 Participating countries (+ Outer periphery regions)

  39. Why?

  40. Avoid Fragmentation...

  41. ...and unnecessary duplication

  42. Facilitate cooperation Plan common initiatives

  43. Look for synergies

  44. Added Value

  45. Long term perspective

  46. High Level commitment

  47. Voluntary basis (Variable geometry)

  48. Goals

  49. Knowledge based maritime economy

  50. Good environmental status of the seas

  51. Optimise the response to climate change....

  52. ...and its impacts

  53. Objectives

  54. Create the best enabling environment to maximise the development of marine renewable energy

  55. Develop the necessary knowledge and technologies to conquer the new deep-sea frontier

  56. Foster enabling cross-cutting marine technologies across the maritime sectors

  57. Understand climate change impact on coastal areas and the design of marine structures and activities, to optimise mitigation and significantly reduce costly damages

  58. Understand and mitigate the impact of climate change and pressure from human activities on the marine environment to reach GES of our seas by 2020

  59. Improve understanding of marine ecosystems and their processes, in particular delivery of ecosystem services and the impact of human activities

  60. Develop and sustain infrastructure to support an integrated data and information base enabling industrial development and supporting maritime governance

  61. Foster the inter-disciplinary human capacities that are necessary to fulfil the JPI’s goals

  62. Develop a policy research to mechanism

  63. Foster the marine bio economy

  64. How?

  65. Variable Strategic Management Board Geometry Advisory (high level MS/AC representatives) Action Plan Board Implementation Plan Strategic Operational Research & Toolkit Innovation Executive committee Agenda Secretariat

  66. Economy-Science-Governance interface Researchers Policy makers Industry & & & Technologists Society Services

  67. State of play

  68. Vision document

  69. National marine- maritime research spending (M€ ) 25 18 230 200 189 30 29 33 52 300 9 306 100 37 7 121

  70. Funds per person(€) 78 3 47 21 3 5 7 2 5 4 0.4 5 2 0.5 0.6 3

  71. Milestones 2011 April September December

  72. How can JPI Oceans add value to your organisation ? Thoughts, reflections,...

  73. Email: ka@rcn.no Website: www.jpi-oceans.eu

  74. Photo credits  zanzibar on Flickr  {maira.gall} on Flickr  F.d.W. on Flickr  danitarrino on Flickr  monkeyc.net on Flickr  kaibara87 on Flickr  ecstaticist on Flickr  acornchief on Flickr  gcaptain.com on Flickr  Ludovic Hirlimann on Flickr  http://www.pelamiswave.com/  Annamagal on Flickr  VLIZ Fotogalerij Onze Kust / Van  Fon-tina on Flickr Ginderdeuren, Karl, 2011  k.kazantzoglou on Flickr  jsorbieus on Flickr  patrmach on Flickr  Joseeivissa on Flickr  tom jervis on Flickr  OneEighteen on Flickr  Ifremer, Olivier Dugornay  Arthur40A on Flickr  Tom Gulbrandsen, 2011  Francisco-PortoPortugal on Flickr  Fon-tina on Flickr  IRRI Images on Flickr


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