M A D i M A N M ul ti m edi a A ppl i cati on f or D i et M A N agem ent ? ? ? A l essandro M azzei PhD , Researcher, U ni versi tà degl i Studi di Tori no D i parti m ento di I nf orm ati ca D roi dcon Tori no 6- 7th February 2014
Scenari o G reen Econom y The f ood i s C ool H eal th and w el l ness Persuasi ve M essages: Parem pi val i nta U bi qui tous com puti ng H um an C om puter I nteracti on A rti fici al I ntel l i gence i s am ong us N atural Language Processi ng: W atson A utom ati c Reasoni ng: Room ba, Farm er D roi dcon Tori no 6- 7th February 2014
3 U ser I nteracti on si tuati ons R estourant M ensa H ospi tal D roi dcon Tori no 6- 7th February 2014
3. NLU/IE Servi ce A rchi tecture Service 2. DietManager 1. APP Service Recipe 4. Reasoner Service 5. NLG Service DB users DB recipes D roi dcon Tori no 6- 7th February 2014
M A D i M A N Team U ni versi ty 2 A . I . Researchers 1 N utri ti on Researcher 2 students Pri vate C om pani es A pp D esi gn N LP C l oud A rchi tecture D roi dcon Tori no 6- 7th February 2014
Core Technologies C ore Technol ogi es A rti fici al I ntel l i gence f or di et m anagm ent N LP f or reci pe anal ysi s A utom ate Reasoni ng about di et and reci pes Persuasi ve m ul ti m edi a N LG enerati on C l oud A rchi tecture D roi dcon Tori no 6- 7th February 2014
The Market Diet ~10k APPs Free -> ... -> 2€ -> ... -> 7€ Food Enterprises Exki McDonald's D roi dcon Tori no 6- 7th February 2014
The real competitors DailyBurn Lose It! MyNetDiary AlowGIDiet WeightWatchers Dizionario Alimentare... Project strenghts: AI for food-diet analysis Project weakness: AI for food-diet analysis Market presence D roi dcon Tori no 6- 7th February 2014
Request For C om m ents! D roi dcon Tori no 6- 7th February 2014
Thanks! http: //di . uni to. i t/m adi m an Parti al l y f ounded by: Program m i annual i Pol i d' I nnovazi one PO R FESR 2007/2013 - A sse I - A tti vi tà I . 1. 3 http: //w w w . regi one. pi em onte. i t/i ndustri a/pol i _program m a. htm D roi dcon Tori no 6- 7th February 2014
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