R ESEARCH CONTEXT S UMMARY OF RESULTS D ISCUSSION T ALK OUTLINE 1 R ESEARCH CONTEXT Location- and context-aware services and queries in indoor environments Research challenges 2 S UMMARY OF RESULTS A hierarchical and context-dependent indoor data model Continuous query processing architecture Query language for navigation-related queries in indoor environments Continuous processing of location-dependent queries 3 D ISCUSSION Activities and achievements during the STSM Research perspectives I MAD AFYOUNI (IREN AV ) M OVE - D ELFT M EETING 2012 15 M ARS 2012 2 / 15
R ESEARCH CONTEXT S UMMARY OF RESULTS D ISCUSSION T ALK OUTLINE 1 R ESEARCH CONTEXT Location- and context-aware services and queries in indoor environments Research challenges 2 S UMMARY OF RESULTS A hierarchical and context-dependent indoor data model Continuous query processing architecture Query language for navigation-related queries in indoor environments Continuous processing of location-dependent queries 3 D ISCUSSION Activities and achievements during the STSM Research perspectives I MAD AFYOUNI (IREN AV ) M OVE - D ELFT M EETING 2012 15 M ARS 2012 3 / 15
R ESEARCH CONTEXT S UMMARY OF RESULTS D ISCUSSION L OCATION - AND CONTEXT - AWARE SERVICES AND QUERIES IN INDOOR ENVIRONMENTS L OCATION - AND CONTEXT - AWARE SERVICES AND QUERIES IN INDOOR ENVIRONMENTS Context-aware indoor navigation services exploit context dimensions in order to ⋆ anticipate user’s needs ⋆ customize the user’s experience Many components that contribute to the design of a context-aware system should be reflected by the spatial model underneath I MAD AFYOUNI (IREN AV ) M OVE - D ELFT M EETING 2012 15 M ARS 2012 4 / 15
R ESEARCH CONTEXT S UMMARY OF RESULTS D ISCUSSION L OCATION - AND CONTEXT - AWARE SERVICES AND QUERIES IN INDOOR ENVIRONMENTS L OCATION - AND CONTEXT - AWARE SERVICES AND QUERIES IN INDOOR ENVIRONMENTS Context-aware indoor navigation services exploit context dimensions in order to ⋆ anticipate user’s needs ⋆ customize the user’s experience Many components that contribute to the design of a context-aware system should be reflected by the spatial model underneath Location-dependent queries (LDQ) comprise requests triggered by the user to “pull” some location-dependent information about objects of interest ⋆ Position queries ⋆ Navigation queries ⋆ Range queries ⋆ K nearest neighbour (kNN) queries I MAD AFYOUNI (IREN AV ) M OVE - D ELFT M EETING 2012 15 M ARS 2012 4 / 15
R ESEARCH CONTEXT S UMMARY OF RESULTS D ISCUSSION R ESEARCH CHALLENGES R ESEARCH CHALLENGES Developing a context-dependent indoor data model that ⋆ represents the features that populate the environment along with their dynamic properties ⋆ supports a large spectrum of services and queries (at different levels of abstraction) I MAD AFYOUNI (IREN AV ) M OVE - D ELFT M EETING 2012 15 M ARS 2012 5 / 15
R ESEARCH CONTEXT S UMMARY OF RESULTS D ISCUSSION R ESEARCH CHALLENGES R ESEARCH CHALLENGES Developing a context-dependent indoor data model that ⋆ represents the features that populate the environment along with their dynamic properties ⋆ supports a large spectrum of services and queries (at different levels of abstraction) Designing a continuous query processing architecture for LDQs in indoor environments Introducing a query language to improve expressiveness of navigation-related queries Developing algorithms to process continuous navigation, range, and nearest neighbour queries in indoor environments I MAD AFYOUNI (IREN AV ) M OVE - D ELFT M EETING 2012 15 M ARS 2012 5 / 15
R ESEARCH CONTEXT S UMMARY OF RESULTS D ISCUSSION T ALK OUTLINE 1 R ESEARCH CONTEXT Location- and context-aware services and queries in indoor environments Research challenges 2 S UMMARY OF RESULTS A hierarchical and context-dependent indoor data model Continuous query processing architecture Query language for navigation-related queries in indoor environments Continuous processing of location-dependent queries 3 D ISCUSSION Activities and achievements during the STSM Research perspectives I MAD AFYOUNI (IREN AV ) M OVE - D ELFT M EETING 2012 15 M ARS 2012 6 / 15
R ESEARCH CONTEXT S UMMARY OF RESULTS D ISCUSSION A HIERARCHICAL AND CONTEXT - DEPENDENT INDOOR DATA MODEL A HIERARCHICAL AND CONTEXT - DEPENDENT INDOOR DATA MODEL FloorExit 01 FloorExit 02 e 9 e 10 Bathroom Bathroom Room17 e1 e2 e3 e 6 e 7 e 8 e 11 e 12 e 13 e 14 Room01 HW01 Room16 e4 e5 e6 e 4 e 5 e 2 e 3 HW02 MeetingRoom01 e8 Room15 Balcony e7 Balcony e9 hierarchical link (parent-child) HW03 1 e 1 0 t i x E horizontal link (directly accessible) r o Balcony o l F Room02 e10 e11 Room14 Balcony HW04 e12 Stair 01 Stair 02 e13 e14 e15 Room03 Room13 Room09 Bathroom HW 03 Balcony Balcony Room08 Bathroom Room04 Room12 Room11 Breakroom Room10 HW 02 HW 04 Bathroom Bathroom Bathroom FloorExit02 HW05 HW06 HW07 HW08 Room05 MR 01 HW 01 R 15 R 02 R 03 BT 01 R 13 R 14 Room06 MeetingRoom02 MeetingRoom03 Room07 Balcony Balcony Balcony R 01 BT 02 R 17 R 16 BT 01 I MAD AFYOUNI (IREN AV ) M OVE - D ELFT M EETING 2012 15 M ARS 2012 7 / 15
R ESEARCH CONTEXT S UMMARY OF RESULTS D ISCUSSION C ONTINUOUS QUERY PROCESSING ARCHITECTURE C ONTINUOUS QUERY PROCESSING ARCHITECTURE SQL-like query Rewriting Generating Phase 1 System Phase 2 Phase 3 Parsing Phase 4 and User an SQL- interface the query analysing like query the query Phase 5 Query execution engine • Update queries with the loca- Route manager tions of relevant objects and with Is route the new set of relevant routes, if • Refine candidate routes based Generating Phase 7 Phase 6 computa- standard on updated edge weights needed yes tion queries • Maintain the set of relevant required ? • Execute standard queries • Correlate results of standard routes up-to-date queries • Present the answer no Distribution manager Graph Graph no & & Cancel ? context context data data yes Graph Graph & & context context data data stop I MAD AFYOUNI (IREN AV ) M OVE - D ELFT M EETING 2012 15 M ARS 2012 8 / 15
R ESEARCH CONTEXT S UMMARY OF RESULTS D ISCUSSION Q UERY LANGUAGE FOR NAVIGATION - RELATED QUERIES IN INDOOR ENVIRONMENTS Q UERY LANGUAGE FOR NAVIGATION - RELATED QUERIES IN INDOOR ENVIRONMENTS Example of a navigation query : Find the shortest route from person General query structure ‘userID1’ to person ‘userID2’, showing the results at the room level : Query → (Standard-query | Navigation-query) SELECT gr(‘room- level ’, RO.id) Navigation-query → select (Attr-Projections | ‘*’) from All- FROM Person AS P1, Person AS P2 routes-expression (‘,’Class-names)* All -routes(gr(‘micro’, P1), ( with Stop-vertices) ? ( where Conds) ? gr(‘micro’, P2)) AS RO ( optimization-criteria ) ? WHERE P1.id = ‘userID1’ AND P2.id = ‘userID2’ All-routes-expression → All-routes ‘(’Loc-Ref ‘,’ Loc-Target ‘)’ MINIMIZE length(RO) Loc-Ref → Object-id (‘.’‘coord’) ? | gr ‘(’Map-id ‘,’Object-id ‘)’ | gr-map ‘(’ Map-id ’,’ Gr-id ‘)’ | Vertex-id Example of a range query : Retrieve all the communicating entities in the Loc-Target → Class-name | Object-id | Vertex-id vicinity (at a distance smaller than 100 meters) of a user identified by ‘userID’ ‘.’‘coord’ | gr ‘(’Map-id ‘,’Class-name ‘)’ and with a communication range of at least 200 meters : Location-dependent conditions LDQ-Cond → inside ‘(’ Args-Inside ‘)’ | nearest SELECT CO.id ‘(’Args-Nearest ‘)’ | ... FROM Object AS CO WHERE inside(100 meters, Args-Inside → Radius ‘,’ Loc-Ref ‘,’ Loc-Target gr(‘micro’,‘userID’), CO) AND CO.Communicate = true Args-Nearest → K ‘,’ Loc-Ref ‘,’ Loc-Target AND CO.commRange >= 200 I MAD AFYOUNI (IREN AV ) M OVE - D ELFT M EETING 2012 15 M ARS 2012 9 / 15
R ESEARCH CONTEXT S UMMARY OF RESULTS D ISCUSSION C ONTINUOUS PROCESSING OF LOCATION - DEPENDENT QUERIES P ROCESSING OF CONTINUOUS NAVIGATION QUERIES STEP 1 → STEP 3 : H IERARCHICAL PATH SEARCH Find the optimal path within the initial granule until reaching the nearest exit 1 Search at the abstract level for the optimal path from the exit of the initial granule 2 to the granule containing the target object Find the optimal path within the last granule to the target object starting from the 3 corresponding entrance of the granule I MAD AFYOUNI (IREN AV ) M OVE - D ELFT M EETING 2012 15 M ARS 2012 10 / 15
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