A Convolutional Attention Network for Extreme Summarization of Source Code
ATTENTION MECHANISM ➤ “ Attention: Withdrawal from some things in order to deal e ff ectively with others” ~William James
LIBGDX ➤ Cross-platform game and visualization development framework ➤ Write code once and use it in multiple platforms ➤ As low level as you want
GHTORRENT PROJECT ➤ Monitors Github event time lines ➤ Gets the content and their dependencies ➤ Stores raw JSON to MONGODB ➤ Distributed
POS2VEC The "Pos2Vec" component is a Deep Belief Network that consists of 4 stacked autoencoders, that are trained layer by layer, unsupervised
SPEARMINT Spearmint is a package to perform Bayesian optimization
➤ Sample weight vectors with the first probability
THANK YOU ➤ Sources: ➤ Lectures of Andrew NG ➤ Lectures of Geoffry Hinton Neural Machine Translation by Jointly Learning to Align and Translate
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