Supporting improvement of governance and quality in MENA tertiary education : A close-up at the financing of institutions
Disconnects in Higher Education
Other Disconnects
Demographics Source: Source: U.S. Census Bureau (2016)
CRISIS: Syrian Refugees in Tertiary Education Country Number of Syrian Refugees Tertiary Registered Education Syrians Number Percentage Lebanon 1,033,513 5860 0.6%
Introduction Governance Score Institutional and Lessons Learned and Card national Reports Accomplishments University Governance & Quality Assurance A partnership between the World Bank and the Marseille Center for Mediterranean Integration addressing three areas of work: 1) UNIVERSITY GOVERNANCE – 2) FINANCIAL SUSTAINABILITY – 3) INTERNATIONALIZATION – .
Why Benchmarking? Identification and self-awareness of Institutional level: Governance models Identification of used-C omparison of Strengths and self-assessment weaknesses, base (perception) and line for comparison questionnaire overtime (reality) Country level: International level: Identification of Comparisons models, differences between models, between institutions, correlations between correlation between models and models and performance performance 7
Governance Institutional and Lessons learned and Introduction Score Card national Reports a c h i e v e m e n t s • The University Governance Screening Card is a tool that helps to assess to what extent tertiary education institutions in the MENA Region are following good Governance and Quality practices aligned with their Institutional goals. • Also, it allows participating institutions to monitor their progress, and to compare themselves with other institutions.
University Governance Score Card Version 1.0 (2013-15) 113 universities in 7 MENA countries Building capacity and shared 60 universities developing learning regional events Action Plans Creation of University Governance Regional Network
An expanded focus • 9 countries: • Expanded capabilities: • Self-external assessment • Morocco • Online benchmarking • Algeria • Tunisia • Institutional Action Plans • Egypt • Palestine • Inter-institutional network • Iraq • Lebanon • Expansion plans in and beyond • Jordan the MENA region: • Afghanistan • Vietnam • India • More than 150 tertiary • Mexico education institutions
University Governance Screening Card – Dimensions Outlook
Towards an increasingly interdependent world
Policy Recommendations • Seeking new sources of financing to cope with the growing student demand-such as partnering with the private sector. • Identify priority activities for spending • Employability, research, STEM, equity, internationalization… • Fund effectively • Increase public resources (which may not be only monetary) • Improve efficiency of private and public funding • Complement with private funds (transparent, fair and equitable system of fees and loans; matching grants) • Develop appropriate mechanisms (performance-based financing, performance contracts) for managing finances within the institution • Introduce a participatory approach to decision making and budgeting • Align quality assurance and evaluation mechanisms with budgeting
Governance Score I n sti tut iona l an d Introduction Lessons Learned and Card n a t i o n a l Re p o r t s Accomplishments Timely and individualized information for decision- making Institutional National Regional On-line Topic Analysis Reports Reports Reports benchmarking
For more information: Hana Addam El-Ghali American University of Beirut Email: World Bank Group Email:
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