a bi bird d doesn t s sing be beca cause it it has has an

A bi bird d doesn't s sing be beca cause it it has has an an - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

A bi bird d doesn't s sing be beca cause it it has has an an an answer, it it sin ings bec ecau ause it it has has a a song. Ma Maya An a Ange gelou The Journey 17 Y 7 YEARS OL OLD Ent ntrep epreneu eneur??? Brunei

  1. A bi bird d doesn't s sing be beca cause it it has has an an an answer, it it sin ings bec ecau ause it it has has a a song. Ma Maya An a Ange gelou

  2. The Journey 17 Y 7 YEARS OL OLD Ent ntrep epreneu eneur???

  3. Brunei Darussalam Chinese Taipei Indonesia Thailand Malaysia Viet Nam People's Republic of China Canada Russia The United States Hong Kong Mexico Republic of Korea Chile Japan Peru S ingapore Australia The Philippines New Zealand Papua New Guinea APEC C MEMB ME MBER ECON ONOM OMIES

  4. “We cannot achieve peace, prosperity, security or any of our other shared goals without the full partnership and participation of women around the world”

  5. The Idea! =


  7. Franchising NATION Imagination www.nationimagination.com

  8. Strategic Planning Human Leadership Resource Development Strategy CONS NSULTING ING Economic Organization Development Analysis Team Building

  9. THE E POWER ER OF OF The e momen ent y t you doubt w t wheth ther er you ou can fl fly, you ou c cease for or e ever t to o be a able le to do i it. . J. M M. B Bar arrie ie – Peter P Pan IMAGINA INATIO TION Imagina nation i n is more important nt th than n knowledge. K Knowledge i is limited. Imagination e encircles t the w world ld. Al Albert E Ein instein in

  10. UN UNWOME MEN’S N’SEMP MPOWE WERME MENT NTPR PRINCIPL PLES 1. Establi 1. lish sh h high-level corporate l leadership f for g gender equal alit ity 2. 2. Treat all women a and nd m men f n fairly y at t work – respect a and nd sup upport h hum uman n rights a and nd no non d n discrimination 3. 3. Ens Ensur ure th the h health, s safety, and nd w well-being o of all ll women n and nd m men w n workers 4. 4. Promote educat atio ion, n, t traini ning ng, a and p professional nal devel elopmen pment f t for w women en 5. Impl 5. mplemen ement e t enterprise d e developmen pment, t, s supply c chain, and ma marketing pr practices t that em empo power w women men 6. Promote e 6. equa uality th y throug ugh community i y ini niti tiatives and nd advoca cacy cy 7. Measure a 7. and nd p pub ublicly r report on n progress to a achieve gender e equal alit ity

  11. Imagina nation i n is more important nt th than k n knowledge. Knowle ledge i is s li limited. . Imagina nation e n encircles th the world ld. Al Albert E Ein instein in


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