
>700 tunnels, and pipelines 20 Pumping plants Hydroelectric - PDF document

Item No. 4 4/5/2017 Municipal Water District of Orange County Board Workshop April 5, 2017 Demetri Polyzos Resources Implementation Section Miles of canals, >700 tunnels, and pipelines 20 Pumping plants Hydroelectric power Thermalito

  1. Item No. 4 4/5/2017 Municipal Water District of Orange County Board Workshop April 5, 2017 Demetri Polyzos Resources Implementation Section Miles of canals, >700 tunnels, and pipelines 20 Pumping plants Hydroelectric power Thermalito Diversion Dam 5 Lake Thermalito plants Oroville Hyatt Pumping generating 4 plants Gianelli 34 Storage facilities San Luis Reservoir Employees ~1,200 Needed to Edmonston Alamo Warne Operate Mojave Castaic Devil Canyon 1

  2. 4/5/2017 By Region County of Butte Feather Plumas County FC&WCD River City of Yuba City M&I Napa County FC&WCD North Bay Shasta Solano County WA Lake Alameda County FC&WCD Zone 7 South Bay Alameda County WD Santa Clara Valley WD Lake Oak Flat WD Oroville County of Kings San Ag Dudley Ridge WD Joaquin Empire West Side ID Valley Kern County WA Tulare Lake Basin WSD Central San Luis Obispo County FC&WCD Coastal Santa Barbara County FC&WCD San Luis Reservoir Antelope Valley‐East Kern WA M&I Castaic Lake WA Coachella Valley WD Crestline Lake Arrowhead WA Desert Water Agency Littlerock Creek ID Southern Metropolitan California Mojave Water Agency Palmdale Water District San Bernardino Valley MWD San Gabriel Valley MWD San Gorgonio Pass WA Ventura County WPD By Contract Amounts (Table A) County of Butte Feather Plumas County FC&WCD River City of Yuba City M&I Napa County FC&WCD North Bay Shasta Solano County WA Everyone Else Lake Alameda County FC&WCD Zone 7 South Bay Alameda County WD 31% Santa Clara Valley WD Lake Oroville Oak Flat WD 46% County of Kings Ag San Dudley Ridge WD Joaquin Empire West Side ID Valley Kern County WA Kern County WA 24% Tulare Lake Basin WSD Central San Luis Obispo County FC&WCD Coastal Santa Barbara County FC&WCD San Luis Reservoir Antelope Valley‐East Kern WA M&I Castaic Lake WA Coachella Valley WD Metropolitan’s Crestline Lake Arrowhead WA Desert Water Agency Table A: 1,911,000 AF Littlerock Creek ID Southern Metropolitan Metropolitan California Mojave Water Agency Palmdale Water District San Bernardino Valley MWD San Gabriel Valley MWD San Gorgonio Pass WA Ventura County WPD 2

  3. 4/5/2017 FY 2016‐2017 Supply Supply Program Power Demand Management 5% 3% 7% 27% Capital Financing 24% O&M SWP 34% Contractual obligation to repay actual costs No commodity charge for water Two types of charges: Lake Thermalito Oroville Conservation Hyatt Capital ‐ O&M Transportation Gianelli Capital – O&M – Power San Luis Reservoir Edmonston Castaic 3

  4. 4/5/2017 Conservation Conservation Transportation Transportation Power Power Proportional Proportional Use of Use of Table A Table A Energy/AF Energy/AF Facilities Facilities Factor (PUFF) Factor (PUFF) ($ millions) $513 $ 152 Variable $ 225 O&M $ 137 Capital Projected Water Delivery @ 1.24 MAF 4

  5. 4/5/2017 On Average: 600 1 MAF 1.80 $ 450 M 1.60 500 1.40 Dollars millions Million Acre‐Feet 400 1.20 1.00 300 0.80 200 0.60 0.40 100 0.20 0 0.00 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Power Charges Fixed Charges Water Improved annual budget & project cost control processes Operations Maintenance and Engineering Committee Richardson Audit Increased oversight of regulatory compliance and habitat restoration activities Delta Compliance Programs Committee 5

  6. 4/5/2017 Reimbursement Agreement Joint Powers Value Authority Engineering Design Const. Enterprise Contract Extension Perris Recovery Wells Proposed Conveyance Proposed Conveyance Sacramento Sacramento Sac River Sac River Tunnels SJ River SJ River SWP Pumps SWP Pumps CVP Pumps CVP Pumps 12 12 12 12 6

  7. 4/5/2017 DWR working to finalize Shasta operations for the Lake remainder of the year Lake Oroville San Joaquin Flows San Luis Reservoir Sacramento N Shasta Lake Sacramento River Flow Lake Oroville San Joaquin River Flow OMR reverse Old/Middle (negative) Stockton San Luis Rivers Reservoir flows Exports Banks and Direct flow Delta Jones PP to pumps Map 7

  8. 4/5/2017 Flows expected to remain high through Shasta Spring Lake Lake • Above Normal Snowpack Oroville • CVP Reservoirs already Water Year Water Year to Date to Date making flood control releases San Luis Reservoir • Similar conditions as 2011 where high flows continued into July APR‐JUN APR FEB‐MAR • Metropolitan has received ~43,000 AF of Fill San Luis Article 21 supplies Reservoir • Limited during Clifton Meet Court outage in April Contractor • Anticipate ~100,000 AF Demands of additional deliveries starting in May Excess Export Capacity 8

  9. 4/5/2017 1.5 1.0 – 1.2 MAF Estimated Storage Put Capacity Million Acre‐Feet 1.0 ~ 100 TAF Anticipated Additional A21 Supplies ~ 913 TAF 0.5 ~ 722 TAF 700 TAF Max Historic Put (2011) 0.0 60% SWP 70% SWP Allocation Allocation End of Year Balances 5 4 Million Acre‐Feet 3 2.2 MAF 2.0 MAF 2 2.7 2.4 2.3 1.8 1.7 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.0 0.9 1 0 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Emergency Storage Dry‐Year Storage 9

  10. 4/5/2017 SWP is not perfect, but it delivers Metropolitan stands ready to assist the Department of Water Resources Continue to look for opportunities to influence decision making and reduce costs Focus is on water supply reliability and smart water management 10


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