5g from theory to practice

5G: From Theory to Practice Director of Marketing, Wireless Research - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

James Kimery 5G: From Theory to Practice Director of Marketing, Wireless Research ni.com | NI CONFIDENTIAL 1 The Next 30 Years: Expanding anding LabVIE IEW into System em Design Design Verification Product Verification Research/Modeling

  1. James Kimery 5G: From Theory to Practice Director of Marketing, Wireless Research ni.com | NI CONFIDENTIAL 1

  2. The Next 30 Years: Expanding anding LabVIE IEW into System em Design Design Verification Product Verification Research/Modeling Design/Simulation Verification/Validation Manufacturing ni.com | NI CONFIDENTIAL 2

  3. Starts with Design Hyper Connected Everything Data rate Power Consumption Security Capacity Coexistence Monitoring ni.com | NI CONFIDENTIAL 3

  4. Investments and Opportunity Design Test Verification/Validation Prototype ni.com | NI CONFIDENTIAL 4

  5. RF Communications Lead User Program • Established in 2010 • Goals: Further wireless research through prototyping • Research Institutions • Academic • Industry • Over 100 research papers published ni.com | NI CONFIDENTIAL 5

  6. Prototyping Is Critical for Algorithm Research “ Experience shows that the real world often breaks some of the assumptions made in theoretical research, so testbeds are an important tool for evaluatio ion under very realis listic ic operatin ing condition ions ” “…development of a a testbed that is able to test radic ical l ideas in a complete, working system is crucia ial ” 1 NSF Workshop on Future Wireless Communication Research ni.com | NI CONFIDENTIAL 6

  7. RF Comms Research Lead User Strategy Lead Users Strateg ategic ic Vector Industry R&D Academic Research NI R&D Systems Software Hardware Multi-rate Diagram Advanced RIO Form Factors Architecture DSP Toolkits Research RF Front Ends LV FPGA Team A/Ds, D/As Core LabVIEW NI Wireless Solutions ni.com | NI CONFIDENTIAL 7

  8. 5G Vectors PHY Enhancements Massive MIMO Densification mmWave Dramatically increased Consistent connectivity Improve bandwidth Utilize potential of number of antenna meeting the 1000x traffic utilization through signal extremely wide bandwidths elements on base station. demand for 5G structure improvements at frequency ranges once such as NOMA, GFDM, thought impractical for FBMC, & UFMC commercial wireless. ni.com | NI CONFIDENTIAL 8

  9. NI 5G Research Initiatives Massive MIMO Wireless Networks 5G Waveforms mmWave Personal Computers PXI Systems USRP RIO ni.com | NI CONFIDENTIAL 9

  10. 5G Vectors PHY Enhancements Massive MIMO Densification mmWave Dramatically increased Consistent connectivity Improve bandwidth Utilize potential of number of antenna meeting the 1000x traffic utilization through signal extremely wide bandwidths elements on base station. demand for 5G structure improvements at frequency ranges once such as NOMA, GFDM, thought impractical for FBMC, & UFMC commercial wireless. ni.com | NI CONFIDENTIAL 10

  11. Massive MIMO - Innovate Lund University is prototyping a massive MIMO with a 100 antennas at the Base Station and 10 User Terminals ni.com | NI CONFIDENTIAL 11

  12. Examples ni.com | NI CONFIDENTIAL

  13. 5G Massive MIMO at Lund University, Sweden Goal: Build a massive MIMO,100x10 antenna system to validate theoretical results with real time processing Prof Ove Edfos Prof Fredrik Tufvesson ni.com | NI CONFIDENTIAL 13

  14. 5G Massive MIMO Application Framework Goal: Build a cellular massive MIMO,100x10 antenna system to validate theoretical results with real time processing LTE-like System Parameters Parameter Values PXIe-1085 Master 10 18 No. of base station antennas 64 - 128 PXIe-8384_S1 PXIe-8384_S2 PXIe-7976_1 PXIe-7976_2 PXIe-7976_3 PXIe-7976_4 PXIe-7976_7 PXIe-7976_8 PXIe-8384_S3 PXIe-8384_S4 PXIe-8135 PXIe-7976_5 PXeI-7976_6 PXIe-6674T RF Center Frequency 1.2 GHz – 6 GHz Bandwidth per Channel) 20 MHz Sampling Rate 30.72 MS/s FFT Size 2048 x8 x8 x8 x8 No. of used subcarriers 1200 Slot time 0.5 ms PXIe-1085 Sub_1 PXIe-1085 Sub_2 PXIe-1085 Sub_3 PXIe-1085 Sub_4 Users sharing time/freq slot 10 PXIe-8262_17 PXIe-8262_32 PXIe-8262_33 PXIe-8262_48 PXIe-8262_49 PXIe-8262_64 PXIe-8262_1 PXIe-8262_16 ... ... ... ... PXIe-8381 PXIe-8381 PXIe-8381 PXIe-8381 • MIMO base station communicating with a single channel mobile user x4 x4 x4 x4 x4 x4 x4 x4 ... ... ... ... • IQ sampling of 15.7GB/s on the uplink USRP RIO USRP RIO USRP RIO USRP RIO USRP RIO USRP RIO USRP RIO USRP RIO 2x2 (1) 2x2 (16) 2x2 (17) 2x2 (32) 2x2 (33) 2x2 (48) 2x2 (49) 2x2 (64) and downlink • TDD operation enabling channel Antennas 1-32 Antennas 33-64 Antennas 65-96 Antennas 97-128 reciprocity ni.com | NI CONFIDENTIAL 14

  15. 5G Vectors PHY Enhancements Massive MIMO Densification mmWave Dramatically increased Consistent connectivity Improve bandwidth Utilize potential of number of antenna meeting the 1000x traffic utilization through signal extremely wide bandwidths elements on base station. demand for 5G structure improvements at frequency ranges once such as NOMA, GFDM, thought impractical for FBMC, & UFMC commercial wireless. ni.com | NI CONFIDENTIAL 15

  16. 5G Dense Networks Research • Hyper dense networks • Software defined networking (SDN) • Cloud radio access network (cRAN) • Cellular/802.11 coexistence and co-ordination • Next generation 802.11 stack ni.com | NI CONFIDENTIAL 16

  17. Architecture for Protocol Stack Explorations 802.11 LTE MTC IoT Open Source Upper Layer Stack (e.g. ns-3) 802.11 Ref Design LTE Ref Design PHY/MAC Stack in LabVIEW NI Hardware ni.com | NI CONFIDENTIAL 17

  18. 5G Vectors PHY Enhancements Massive MIMO Densification mmWave Dramatically increased Consistent connectivity Improve bandwidth Utilize potential of number of antenna meeting the 1000x traffic utilization through signal extremely wide bandwidths elements on base station. demand for 5G structure improvements at frequency ranges once such as NOMA, GFDM, thought impractical for FBMC, & UFMC commercial wireless. ni.com | NI CONFIDENTIAL 18

  19. NI and TU Dresden Collaborate on 5G Wireless • 5G Lab and Test Bed • 5G PHY exploration and prototyping • World’s first 2x2 MIMO GFDM prototype !! Dr. Gerhard Fettweis ni.com | NI CONFIDENTIAL 19

  20. 2x2 GFDM Demonstration in LabVIEW Communications ni.com | NI CONFIDENTIAL 20

  21. 5G Vectors PHY Enhancements Massive MIMO Densification mmWave Dramatically increased Consistent connectivity Improve bandwidth Utilize potential of number of antenna meeting the 1000x traffic utilization through signal extremely wide bandwidths elements on base station. demand for 5G structure improvements at frequency ranges once such as NOMA, GFDM, thought impractical for FBMC, & UFMC commercial wireless. ni.com | NI CONFIDENTIAL 21

  22. mmWave - Innovate Channel sounding at 28, 38, and 72 GHz Multi-GB/s Backhaul/Access Link Prototype ni.com | NI CONFIDENTIAL 22

  23. NYU Wireless: mmWave • Channel sounding at 28, 38, and 72 GHz • Prototype system uses NI FlexRIO & NI LabVIEW Prof. Ted Rappaport ni.com | NI CONFIDENTIAL 23

  24. MiWaveS Objective 1 ni.com | NI CONFIDENTIAL 24

  25. Nokia Using a Platform-based Design Approach for 5G mmWave “It took about 1 calendar year, less than half the time it would have taken with other tools” Dr. Amitava Ghosh, Head of Broadband Wireless Innovation, Nokia Networks Nokia Video ni.com | NI CONFIDENTIAL 25

  26. Nokia 5G at Mobile World Congress eNodeB deB Image from video on nokia.com • 73 GHz • 1 GHz bandwidth • 2.3 Gps peak rate UE UE ni.com 26

  27. NI and Nokia Demonstrate 10 Gbps Wireless Link Brooklyn 5G Summit ni.com 27

  28. mmWave PoC System @ 2GHz BW supporting 10 Gbps Peak rate New platform designed by NI to meet Nokia’s 5G specification Para ramete ters rs Value Operating 73.5 GHz Frequency Configuration 2 x 2 MIMO antenna polarization Bandwidth 2 GHz Peak Rate ~10 Gbps Modulation Null Cyclic-Prefix Single Carrier R=0.9, 16 QAM Antenna Horn Antenna ni.com 28

  29. Platform Based Design for 5G PHY Densification MIMO mmWave Next Gen Re Reconfi figurab rable High Perfo form rman ance ce USRP RIO USRP Inst struments ts IO IO SDR SDR ni.com 29

  30. www.ni.com/5g www.ni.com/sdr ni.com | NI CONFIDENTIAL

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