5 year regional economic competitiveness strategy

5-Year Regional Economic Competitiveness Strategy Complete Strategic - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

5-Year Regional Economic Competitiveness Strategy Complete Strategic Framework VISION: A REGION THAT WORKS FOR EVERYONE ACCESS Goal: Everyone is Goal: Everyone has access to options for a healthy prepared to advance in a HEALTHY &

  1. 5-Year Regional Economic Competitiveness Strategy

  2. Complete Strategic Framework VISION: A REGION THAT WORKS FOR EVERYONE ACCESS Goal: Everyone is Goal: Everyone has access to options for a healthy prepared to advance in a HEALTHY & PREPARED & lifestyle and quality, productive career and HOUSED PRODUCTIVE affordable housing. lifelong learning. CORE GOAL: ACCESS ACCESS UPWARD ECONOMIC MOBILITY Goal: Everyone can Goal: Everyone can thrive connect to the people, ENGAGED & CONNECTED & in a robust global places, and information EMPLOYED RESILIENT economy. needed to have a resilient, prosperous life. ACCESS BEDROCK: COLLABORATIVE LEADERSHIP, CULTURE OF TRUST

  3. The Teams - 2018 Healthy & Prepared & Connected Engaged & Housed Productive & Resilient Employed Regional Workforce Poverty Marketing Housing Collective Alliance 2.0 Task Force Affordability Impact Strategy Approach

  4. PRIORITY: Amplify the region’s identity as a global economy Expand the regional economic development marketing Engaged & Prepared & Connected alliance’s activities . & Resilient Productive Employed o Atlanta Site Selection Consultants Event @ Comcast HQ Suntrust Park 9.6.2018 o Greenville Site Selection Consultants Event 11.15.2018 Regional Map Marketing Poverty Housing Discouraged Alliance 2.0 Task Force Affordability Workers/ Strategy Services

  5. PRIORITY: Increase availability of quality housing that residents can afford across the region. Facilitate a regional housing strategy. Healthy & o Create a regional housing strategy based on a collective impact model Housed and data-driven approach. o Evaluate the demand for middle and lower cost housing against available supply. o Develop an info repository, defining the region’s housing challenges Regional o Build on the Regional Housing Forum to hold regional dialogues on Housing housing challenges Affordability o Develop a tool kit for local governments to increase inventory of Strategy affordable housing

  6. Regional Housing Strategy – Co Chairs Jim Durrett Meaghan Shannon-Vlkovic Executive Director VP & SE Market Manager Buckhead CID Enterprise Community Partners

  7. Process and Timeline November – May Oct 17 th Develop Strategy via small working groups Summer ’19 Leadership Designed with direction from Leadership Committee Leadership Committee Groups from all 10 counties, various sectors Committee Kick-off (meetings, phone calls, emails, etc) Wrap-Up Strategic Final Using Existing Quarterly Meetings: Direction Housing Advisory Council: Leaders from Various Sectors Strategy on Regional Review & Housing Task Force: Local Gov’t and Housing Authorities Housing Next Steps Strategy Monthly Email Updates to Leadership Committee

  8. PRIORITY: Re-engage unemployed and disconnected workers Prepared & Connected Establish a collective impact approach to reengage disconnected workers across the region. & Resilient Productive o Working with United Way/CareerRise, Community Foundation, HDCI Metro Atlanta and 5 Workforce Boards to develop a plan of action. o National funding opportunities Regional Discouraged Poverty Housing Workers/ o Upward Economic Mobility a critical factor Task Force Affordability Regional Strategy Workforce Services


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