48B EFFECTIVE UNIT ELECTIONS: MASTERING THE PRESENTATION Session Length: 50 Minutes Learning objectives: ! Recognize why unit elections are important in the OA and how the quality of presentation can improve the unit leader’s perception of the OA. ! Fully understand the youth and adult membership requirements and unit elections procedures. ! Review how to utilize unit elections resources to improve the presentation. ! Learn how to improve the presentation by resolving common problems that might occur before, during, and after an election. Required Materials: ! Training assistant ! Flipchart and or Power Point presentation ! Unit Election Video Part 2: Election Team Update ! Copy of Unit Elections Checklist for each participant ! Copy of unit election materials ! Copy of lodge unit election resources to distribute to participants TRAINER PREPARATION Arrange the room in a classroom type setting. This session is primarily lecture, with input from individual participants of the session. Remember the audience of this session is primarily chapter or lodge unit election chairmen and team members. It is also important to remember that the development level of the participants of this session is moderate. Many, but not all of the discussion may move quickly due to the knowledge of the group. SESSION NARRATIVE Introduction: 2 Minutes Trainer Tip: The session trainer should begin by introducing himself and the topic. He should briefly provide information on his Order of the Arrow experience, what lodge and city he is from and any other relevant items of interest. Although this session narrative is written in the first person, trainers should not read directly from the syllabus and work to develop their own style of delivery while maintaining the integrity of the content. Order of the Arrow 48B – 1 Boy Scouts of America
Lodge Leadership Development Session 48B Unit Elections: Mastering the Presentation I’d like to begin our session today by asking two key questions (seek feedback and discussion through guided discovery): “Why are successful unit elections important?” Conducting successful unit elections are important for a number of reasons. First, they help accomplish the Order’s purpose by providing new candidates for membership in the OA. The purpose of the unit election is to recognize those campers–Scouts and Scouters–who best exemplify the Scout Oath and Law in their daily lives. This is the cornerstone of the OA and it relies on the unit election to accomplish it. The unit election is also the first step in the induction process. The Order is a very unique organization because candidates are elected by members and non-members. Since the non-members are not familiar with the Order, the unit election must convey the principles and ideals of our organization so they can evaluate those who are eligible. “Do you think your unit election presentation can affect the Scoutmaster or Coach’s perception of the Order of the Arrow?” The impression you make with the Scoutmaster or Coach during the unit election can greatly improve or impair their perception of the OA. It is vitally important that every Scoutmaster and Coach realize the positive impact the OA can have in their unit. In most cases, your impression with the Scoutmaster or Coach can make or break your presentation. Today, we will be focusing on how you can master your presentation through your problem solving and Scoutmaster relation skills. Membership Requirements Review: 4 Minutes Trainer Tip: The membership requirements below were taken virtually word-for-word from the Guide for Officers and Advisers. It is suggested that you not read them directly from the narrative but to save time in your session, simplify each requirement, making sure to direct the participant to where they can find the full requirements. To be eligible for membership in the OA, a youth Scout, under the age of 21, must meet the following requirements: ! Approval by the Scoutmaster or Varsity team Coach. ! Be a registered member of a Boy Scout troop or Varsity Scout team and hold First Class rank. ! Experienced fifteen days and nights of Boy Scout camping during the two-year period prior to the election. The fifteen days and nights must include one, but no more than one, long- term camp consisting of six consecutive days and five nights of resident camping, approved and under the auspices and standards of the Boy Scouts of America. The balance of the camping must be overnight, weekend, or other short-term camps. Adult Scouters, 21 years of age or older and registered members of the Boy Scouts of America, can be considered candidates for adult membership in the OA. In each unit, if at least one youth candidate is elected, for every 50 registered Scouts, the unit committee may nominate one adult that meets the following requirements: ! Selection is based on their ability to perform the necessary functions to help the Order fulfill its purpose, and is not for recognition. ! The individual must be an asset to the Order because of demonstrated abilities that fulfill the purpose of the Order. ! The camping requirements set forth for youth members are fulfilled. ! The adult leader’s membership will provide a positive role model for the growth and development of the youth members of the lodge. Order of the Arrow 48B – 2 Boy Scouts of America
Lodge Leadership Development Session 48B Unit Elections: Mastering the Presentation Members of the professional service of the BSA recommended by the Scout Executive to serve in camp positions or whose council responsibility would be enhanced, may be inducted into the lodge upon the completion of the Ordeal experience and ceremony. Camp staff members, youth or adult, shall be elected or nominated in their own unit. For a full listing of the Order’s membership requirements, see the Guide for Officers and Advisers. Unit Election Presentation Resources: 10 Minutes Now that we have reviewed the OA’s membership requirements, lets take a look at what resources the OA and our lodge provides to help with your unit election presentation. Our lodge will provide each election team with the following materials: ! Unit Election Form ! Lodge Unit Election Manual/Resource Booklet ! Lodge Unit Election Ceremony ! Lodge Callout Ceremony Trainer Tip: The previous list is comprised of items your lodge may not produce or may not include items your lodge does distribute. Only cover those items that your lodge will provide for your election teams. It is suggested that you provide those items for the participants of the session. You might also want to briefly cover how your lodge utilizes each item. The OA produces the Guide for Officers and Advisers, which includes all of the membership requirements, unit election procedures, and a unit election ceremony. The OA also produces a unit election video, which includes two sections, “On Becoming an Arrowman” and “Election Team Update.” The first is shown during the election and provides the majority of the narrative for the team. The “Election Team Update” provides a brief overview of the eligibility requirements and the expectations of an election team before, during, and after the election. Now we will watch the “Election Team Update to give you a review of what is expected of you before, during, and after a unit election. Pay attention, because we will be reviewing the video’s points afterwards. Play Video #1 Unit Election Video : “Election Team Update” Time: 6:30 Unit Election Procedures Review: 5 Minutes Trainer Tip: For your reference, every procedure is outlined below. Although during the session you should not need to cover each point individually. Remember, this is simply a brief review for the participants. Let’s take a second to briefly review the elections procedures outlined in the video. Before the election, the unit election team should: ! Know the unit number, Scoutmaster/Coach’s name and phone number, meeting location, and the date and time of the unit election. ! Contact the Scoutmaster/Coach to confirm the unit election approximately one week before the scheduled election date. During the confirmation, it is suggested to discuss the: • Role of the OA in the unit. • Unit election and adult nomination procedures. • OA Troop/Team Representative; gain his information or discuss the program. Order of the Arrow 48B – 3 Boy Scouts of America
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