3 golden rules for data journalism in a local newsroom

3 golden rules for data journalism in a local newsroom 1. Training - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

3 golden rules for data journalism in a local newsroom 1. Training Centrale Coordination -> a central team to manage datasets, tools and dataviz for local newsrooms Collaboration -> Multi-title projects L Italia delle slot

  1. 3 golden rules for data journalism in a local newsroom 1. Training Centrale Coordination -> a central team to manage datasets, tools and dataviz for local newsrooms Collaboration -> Multi-title projects

  2. L ’Italia delle slot Investigative reporting How many slot machines (and not only this) are there in our Italian cities? You can check with an interactive website, and a local investigative reporting for each local newspaper of Gedi Gruppo Editoriale

  3. L ’Italia delle slot 1. A collaborative project (Visual Lab + Dataninja + EffeCinque + 14 local titles + 2 national titles) 2. A FOIA to get the dataset 3. A big table in ten thousand pdf pages 4. Now a shared google spreadsheet Use data to tell a story! 5. 13 regional abstracts written by a central newsroom for the 13 local newsroom 6. Dataviz realized centrally for all 7. Local investigative reporting

  4. Broadband gap Broadband gap: how fast is your Internet connection? - A datajournalism article (with the official dataset) - A website - A collaborative reporting with our readers: They sent to the Messaggero Veneto about 200 speed tests - A public event with the mayor, internet companies and readers


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