2019 maximum tax increases why is a tax increase needed

2019 Maximum Tax Increases Why is a Tax Increase Needed? o - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

2019 Maximum Tax Increases Why is a Tax Increase Needed? o Inflation keep up vs. large catch up If we keep up with inflation we can help avoid large financial strains, such as what was experienced in 2013. o Valuation Appeals = Loss of

  1. 2019 Maximum Tax Increases

  2. Why is a Tax Increase Needed? o Inflation – keep up vs. large catch up •If we keep up with inflation we can help avoid large financial strains, such as what was experienced in 2013. o Valuation Appeals = Loss of tax revenue •ATI •Potential Union Pacific o Incrementally moving toward adequate staffing levels •Meet needs of growing community o Capital Improvements o Reduce dependence on PILT and Mitigation Fees

  3. Tooele County General Tax Levy The Tooele County The 5% increase Commission is would generate an proposing a maximum additional increase to the Tooele $288,493.65 of County General Tax revenue, based on levy of 5%. 2018 property values.

  4. The Tooele County Commission is proposing a maximum increase to the Tooele County Health Tax Tooele levy of 5%. County Health Department Tax Levy The 5% increase would generate an additional $37,466 of revenue, based on 2018 property values.

  5. Tooele County Municipal Services Tax Levy The Tooele County Commission is The 5% increase proposing a maximum would generate an increase to the Tooele additional $105,726.10 County Municipal of revenue, based on Services Tax levy of 2018 property values. 5%.

  6. Tooele County Assessing and Collecting Tax Levy The 10% increase The Tooele County Commission is would generate an additional proposing a $179,959.20 of maximum increase to revenue, based on the Tooele County A & C tax levy of 10%. 2018 property values.

  7. Total Impact – Incorporated Areas The total impact on a primary residence home or a business with a market value of $240,000 is as follows: Incorporated Total Annual Taxes on $240,000 Home Dollar Increase Per Year Dollar Increase Per Month $ 290.29 $ 16.53 $ 1.38 Annual Taxes on $240,000 Business Dollar Increase Per Year Dollar Increase Per Month $ 527.81 $ 104.93 $ 8.74

  8. Total Impact – Unincorporated (Municipal Services) Areas The total impact on a primary residence home or a business with a market value of $240,000 is as follows: Unincorporated Total Annual Taxes on $240,000 Home Dollar Increase Per Year Dollar Increase Per Month $ 448.71 $ 24.07 $ 2.01 Annual Taxes on $240,000 Business Dollar Increase Per Year Dollar Increase Per Month $ 815.84 $ 43.76 $ 3.65


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