
2017 DISCANTO EUROPEAN ORCHESTRA Under the auspices of European - PDF document

2017 DISCANTO EUROPEAN ORCHESTRA Under the auspices of European Commission Representation in Italy GENERAL PRESENTATION SUMMARY INTRODUCTION..............................................................................................3 THE

  1. 2017 DISCANTO EUROPEAN ORCHESTRA Under the auspices of European Commission Representation in Italy GENERAL PRESENTATION

  2. SUMMARY INTRODUCTION..............................................................................................3 THE DISCANTO EUROPEAN ORCHESTRA.................................................4 SELECTION PROCEDURE OF MUSICIANS.................................................5 THE ORCHESTRA LEADER...........................................................................6 ACTIVITIES IN 2010........................................................................................6 ACTIVITIES IN 2011........................................................................................7 ACTIVITIES IN 2012........................................................................................7 ACTIVITIES IN 2013, 2014, 2015 AND 2016..................................................8 EVENTS CALENDAR......................................................................................8 THE ORCHESTRA'S REPERTOIRE...............................................................8 LOCATION.......................................................................................................9 INFORMATION & CONTACTS......................................................................10 APPENDIX 1: DATA SHEET SUMMARY......................................................11 Rev.3 del 03/10/2016 Page 2 Fondazione Discanto – Villa Vecelli Cavriani Via C. Bon Brenzoni 3 – 37060 Mozzecane (Verona, Italy) Mobile Ph. +39 392 2231 495 - P. IVA 03179430230 orchestra@accademiadiscanto.it Riconoscimento Personalità giuridica n° 831 – decr. Reg.Veneto n. 74 del 30/05/2016 C.F. 93265350236

  3. INTRODUCTION Discanto Foundation drew inspiration from the activities of Discanto Academy, that has gained years of experience in musical and artistic fields since September 1993. The main aim was to give an innovative planning and an original orientation to artistic and cultural existent proposals. The name Discanto comes from one of the first form polyphonic chant born in 11th century. It symbolizes all the people that, with their uniqueness and singularity, worked together to create the Foundation, contributing to its growth and its development. The central element of the planning is the harmonic development of programs and the opportunity of interaction among different cultural fields. The Discanto Foundation expressly clames to be non- profit-making. Over the years, Discanto developed important experiences and collaborations, some examples are: Diocese of Verona, Eremo del Garda, Foundation Chadoo (Poland), SPOT. Foundation (Poland), Cardet Education (Cyprus), Villarreal de Huerva (Zaragoza, Spain), Asociatia Culturala Patrimoniu pentru Viitor (Rumania), ProgettoMondo Mlal Onlus (Verona, Italy), Conservatorio Nacional de Lisboa (Portugal), European University of Cyprus, Conservatoire de Musique “Lucien Robert” Tamines (Belgium), Asociacion Argon Città di Roma Fundacion di Saragozza (Spain), Conservatory of Mannheim (Germany), Enac – Ente Nazionale Canossiano (Verona, Italy) Amani.it (Padua, Italy), Choir “Amici della Musica di Fumane” (Verona, Italy), Agimus Lombardia (Italy), Gaban Studios s.r.l. Rovereto (Italy), Protocol Academy di Roma (Italy), Ordine degli Architetti di Verona (Italy), Consorzio della Moda (Verona, Italy), SUMOSOFT (London, UK), TOP 5 S.R.L. (Italy), Associazione Cavalieri di San Silvestro (Rome, Italy), Associazione Onlus Piccola Fraternità Cerea (Verona, Italy), Croce Rossa Bassa Veronese (Verona, Italy), Cestim (Verona, Italy), Associazione San Zeno onlus (Diocese of Verona), Ulss 21 (Verona, Italy), Associazione sulle Orme di Soave AMGIB (Verona, Italy), Cooperativa Gramigna, Gruppo Il Germoglio. Collaboration with some public authorities: Veneto Region, Province of Verona, Municipalities of Sanguinetto, Mozzecane, Monteforte d'Alpone, Gazzo Veronese, San Zeno di Montagna and Bonavigo. Considering a research published by Eurostat in 2011, Italy was the European tail-end in the public investments dedicate to culture, with a percentage of 1,1%, overtaken also by Greece with 1.2%. In France, Germany and Great Bretain a good part of public budget was adressed to the organization of cultural activities. Another research, promoted in 2015 by Unioncamere and Symbola Foundation, entitled “IO SONO CULTURA. L'Italia della qualità e della bellezza sfida la crisi” , highlighted how art and culture are strictly connected with economy and finance, enriching with rare values an high part of the mass production. Rev.3 del 03/10/2016 Page 3 Fondazione Discanto – Villa Vecelli Cavriani Via C. Bon Brenzoni 3 – 37060 Mozzecane (Verona, Italy) Mobile Ph. +39 392 2231 495 - P. IVA 03179430230 orchestra@accademiadiscanto.it Riconoscimento Personalità giuridica n° 831 – decr. Reg.Veneto n. 74 del 30/05/2016 C.F. 93265350236

  4. Thanks to its important cultural heritage, Italy has an unique positive image in the world: this beauties are the results of years of ability and creativity, considering the greatest expression of the Italian know-how. In these fields Discanto works to promote and spread Italian cultural know-how, thanks to the creation and realization of activities which put together the excellence of artists and the pleasantness for the public, in an education to culture that allows the rediscovery of great cultural, artistic and environmental resources of the territory. THE DISCANTO EUROPEAN ORCHESTRA The encounter between tradition and innovation for the realization of a new musical Culture In recent years, due to the crisis which compromises all social, financial and economic sectors, many orchestras closed their activities or reduced their staff. With the realization of the European Orchestra, Discanto Foundation wants to create cohesive organism, in which young musicians coming from all European countries are joined in an unique high professional and human experience. The project wants to build an efficient network of collaborations among public authorities and private companies to share ideas and innovative planning strategies in cultural musical world, intended as a great universal value which unite people of different culture and language. The focus of activities will be the participation in prestigious regional, national and international projects, to comprehend and promote the great Italian material and intangible cultural heritage, the innate know-how, which can inspire entrepreneurial culture to change and to take on the global challenges. Private companies will participate in the project through their history, culture and identity. The Discanto European Orchestra wants to represent a heterogeneous group of people who share the same passions and ideas about the closest relationship between business and culture, promoting together new activities and projects. The activities of the Orchestra will be divided into three phases: 1. International guidance: This educational path training is based on the improvement and upgrade of the professional expertise with the proofs of each participant that come from different European countries. 2. Internship: Experience with a high technical and professional content, where the musicians will study the score for the concerts all together, in agreement to good practices of the most advanced methodologies. Rev.3 del 03/10/2016 Page 4 Fondazione Discanto – Villa Vecelli Cavriani Via C. Bon Brenzoni 3 – 37060 Mozzecane (Verona, Italy) Mobile Ph. +39 392 2231 495 - P. IVA 03179430230 orchestra@accademiadiscanto.it Riconoscimento Personalità giuridica n° 831 – decr. Reg.Veneto n. 74 del 30/05/2016 C.F. 93265350236

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