2017 09 19

2017/09/19 XENOPHOBIA CRISIS: A Comple x Soc ia l Disa ste r: SAL - PDF document

2017/09/19 XENOPHOBIA CRISIS: A Comple x Soc ia l Disa ste r: SAL GA E NGAGE ME NT WORKSHOP: 14 SE PT E MBE R 2017 Gre g Pilla y Disa ste r Risk Ma na g e me nt Ce ntr e BACKGROUND Xe no pho bic Vio le nc e e rupte d in the We

  1. 2017/09/19 XENOPHOBIA CRISIS: A Comple x Soc ia l Disa ste r: SAL GA E NGAGE ME NT WORKSHOP: 14 SE PT E MBE R 2017 Gre g Pilla y Disa ste r Risk Ma na g e me nt Ce ntr e BACKGROUND Xe no pho bic Vio le nc e e rupte d in the We ste rn Cape in Du No o n I nfo rmal Se ttle me nt, ne ar T able Vie w o n the 22 May 2008 and in o the r parts o f the Me tro po litan Are a and the Pro vinc e the re afte r, having c o mme nc e d a we e k e arlie r in Gaute ng. Go to Insert > Header & Footer > Enter presentation name into footer field 2 1

  2. 2017/09/19 Disaster Management as we know it today, had its origins in Civil Defence organizations. Concept of Civil Defence established during Second World War (1939 -1945). London Air Bombardments by Germany during May 1940 prompted authorities to implement certain measures to counteract this. Civil Defence measures included early warning (air raid sirens), underground protection (bomb shelters, bunkers), evacuation, etc. 3 Go to Insert > Header & Footer > Enter presentation name into footer field Emphasis was placed on self-sufficiency where community leaders were trained to assume command in conflict situations. Organizational arrangements included civilians trained in fire fighting and first-aid to alleviate serious injury and damage to property. Since South Africa at the time was part of the so- called Allied Forces, these concepts were transferred to it, as an attack on this country was quite possible then. Go to Insert > Header & Footer > Enter presentation name into footer field 4 2

  3. 2017/09/19 ACT IVAT ION OF DISAST E R CO- ORDINAT ING T E AM On 23 May 2008, the Disaster Co-ordinating Team (DCT) was activated in order to effectively manage the emergency that occurred. The Team assembled at the Disaster Operations Centre (DOC) in Goodwood. Disciplines from all emergency services, security services and essential services as well as Civil Society partners such as NGO’s and the Trauma Centre formed part of this multi- disciplinary team. The Disaster Operations Centre was managed on a 24 Hour basis and all role-players were present. 5 Go to Insert > Header & Footer > Enter presentation name into footer field 2001 : Public Hearings 2002 : Disaster Management Act 57 of 2002 promulgated 2005 : National Disaster Risk Management Framework Published Go to Insert > Header & Footer > Enter presentation name into footer field 6 3

  4. 2017/09/19 SAF E T Y SIT E S Around 20 000 refugees were quickly sheltered in various locations across the Metropole:- •Soetwater Campsite Resort, •Youngsfield Military Base, •Harmony Park Campsite Resort in Strand, •Silverstroom Campsite Resort on the West Coast and •Bluewaters Campsite Resort •Various community halls (14), •Various religious and civil society premises 7 Go to Insert > Header & Footer > Enter presentation name into footer field The refugees were housed at these relatively remote locations for their own safety. Go to Insert > Header & Footer > Enter presentation name into footer field 8 4

  5. 2017/09/19 SAFETY SITES The safety sites were managed on a 24 hour basis. Site managers were appointed to each safety site. Disaster Risk Management field staff together with Law Enforcement agencies, other City Officials, Civil Society, volunteers from various communities and NGO’s worked together in managing these safety sites. 9 Go to Insert > Header & Footer > Enter presentation name into footer field A HAZARD: is any set of conditions that places people or an area at risk. Examples of hazards include - floods, earthquakes, fire, drought, blizzards, tornadoes, epidemics, nuclear material, pollution, utility failures, transportation accidents, terrorism, riots, warfare, etc (World Disasters Report, 2002: 9). VULNERABILITY: simply put is the degree of loss that could result from a potentially damaging phenomenon (Republic of South Africa 2002: 10). ELEMENTS AT RISK : Includes a wide range of things that make up our society – people’s lives, their health, economic opportunities, equipment, livelihoods, crops, livestock, houses, roads, schools, natural environment, etc (Coburn, Spence, Pomonis, 1991: 19). Go to Insert > Header & Footer > Enter presentation name into footer field 10 5

  6. 2017/09/19 Types of Disasters FOUR (4) MAIN CATEGORIES: Natural Disasters Human-Caused or Man-Made Disasters Rapid Onset Disasters Slow Onset Disasters 11 Go to Insert > Header & Footer > Enter presentation name into footer field Go to Insert > Header & Footer > Enter presentation name into footer field 12 6

  7. 2017/09/19 INVOLVEMENT OF UNITED NATIONS • First time Republic of South Africa has dealt with a crisis of this nature. • Appeal was made by South African Government for United Nations assistance since foreign nationals were involved. • The UN inter-agency task team was committed to mobilising assistance and support on behalf of the UN. 13 Go to Insert > Header & Footer > Enter presentation name into footer field • The United Nations offered their assistance to the Province with regards to site management. • A co-ordinating structure of UN agencies (including OCHA, IOM, UNICEF, Red Cross and OXFAM) and the Province met at the Provincial Disaster Management Centre in order to provide their technical assistance regarding the ongoing humanitarian support. UNOCHA - United Nations Office for the Co-ordination of Humanitarian Affairs Mission is to mobilise and co-ordinate effective and principled humanitarian action in partnership with national and international actors. IOM - International Organisation for Migration The leading inter-governmental organisation in the field of migration. UNICEF - United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund Provide long term humanitarian and development assistance to children and mothers in developing countries. OXFAM - Oxford Committee for Famine Relief Focus on humanitarian work, assisting those immediately affected by conflict and natural disasters. Go to Insert > Header & Footer > Enter presentation name into footer field 14 7

  8. 2017/09/19 RELIEF TO FOREIGN NATIONALS The City of Cape Town together with NGO’s had to provide these persons with shelter, basic municipal services, food and medical care. 15 Go to Insert > Header & Footer > Enter presentation name into footer field THE NGO’S THAT WERE IDENTIFIED: Mustadafin Foundation • • Historically Disadvantaged Individuals (HDI) support • South African National Zakah Fund (SANZAF) • Red Cross Society • Salvation Army Go to Insert > Header & Footer > Enter presentation name into footer field 16 8

  9. 2017/09/19 RELIEF TO FOREIGN NATIONALS • In helping the victims of Xenophobic violence, the City of Cape Town was in the unusual position of having to deal directly with a international crisis that is not really within the City’s constitutional mandate as a local authority. • Dealing with attacks against foreign nationals by SA Citizens and provide relief and assistance to the victims is a National issue and nowhere in the world is a local government expected to manage complex issues such as repatriation of foreign nationals. This is more appropriately the responsibility of National Government and international organisations such as the United Nations High Commission of Refugees (UNHCR). 17 Go to Insert > Header & Footer > Enter presentation name into footer field • The Dept of Social Development of PG:WC with various NGO’s continued to provide nutritional meals for the displaced persons. • During the recent months the Department of Social Services provided meals for approximately 11 000 persons twice daily and continued to provide extra relief for mothers and babies. Go to Insert > Header & Footer > Enter presentation name into footer field 18 9

  10. 2017/09/19 The City spent R 206 million for its contribution in the management of the disaster. The Dept of Social Development of PG:WC was supported by the Red Cross (amongst other NGO’s) that assisted with the provision of blankets and clothing. 19 Go to Insert > Header & Footer > Enter presentation name into footer field Water and sanitation, primary health services were provided at all safety sites by the City. Go to Insert > Header & Footer > Enter presentation name into footer field 20 10

  11. 2017/09/19 • DECLARATION OF A DISASTER A Provincial disaster was declared on 29 May 2008, giving the Provincial Government the primary responsibility for handling the disaster. After initial estimates of up to 20 000 people that were displaced, it decreased to 11 000, as at 17 June 2008. 21 Go to Insert > Header & Footer > Enter presentation name into footer field • A joint Provincial/ City of Task Team was established on 13 June 2008, together with representatives from the Department of Home Affairs, United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) and the South African Police Services to further manage the crisis. • The task team agreed to establish specific Working Groups for Accommodation and Health, Re-integration, Safety and Security, Repatriation, and to compile an Integrated database. Go to Insert > Header & Footer > Enter presentation name into footer field 22 11


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