2012 Annual Meeting Annual Business Meeting
Where We Are – President’s Address Judy Romano, MD Chapter President
The Four Pillar Approach Pedia iatric tric Chi hild ld Hea ealth lth Adv dvoc ocacy Practi ctice Operati tions ons 3
Child Health Child Health represents all areas of care of children but with the priority to have an overall shift in approach from treatment-focus to child wellness.
Pediatric Practice Pediatric Practice represents all areas that relate to practitioners, such as coding, billing, and ACO’s. Also outreach to specific populations of pediatricians such as hospitalists, sub-specialists and young physicians. Pediatric Care Council - The Pediatric Care Council maintains a dialogue between pediatricians and insurance plans, bringing to light administrative "glitches" or "kinks" in coverage or in the provision of pediatric care. The Chapter's work in this area has already resulted in Ohio pediatricians receiving thousands of dollars in denied claims.
Advocacy The Ohio AAP has a long and successful history of advocating for children and pediatricians. The Chapter has advocated for such topics as bike helmet legislation, Medicaid reimbursements for primary care codes, childhood obesity prevention and nutrition standards.
Operations The Chapter’s Maintenance of Certification programs, and relationship to the Ohio AAP Foundation, as well as fiscal responsibility to the organization, are examples of Operations. Quality Improvement (QI) / Maintenance of Certification (MOC) - Certified pediatricians are knowledgeable and motivated by a desire to provide the best possible care. Pediatricians who participate in our QI/MOC programs learn how to measure quality of care and effectively fill the gaps in their own practice. The Chapter currently runs QI/MOC programs in asthma, injury prevention, mental health, and obesity prevention and management.
Who We Are – Membership Update Judy Romano, MD Chapter President
Your Board 2012-2013 Judith Romano, MD, President Gerald Tiberio, M.D., Past President Andrew Garner, M.D., Vice President Robert Murray, M.D., Treasurer Allison Brindle, M.D., Delegate Mike Gittelman, M.D., Delegate Jill Fitch, M.D., Delegate
Board of Directors: Judith Romano, MD, President Gerald Tiberio, M.D., Past President Andrew Garner, M.D., Vice President Robert Murray, M.D., Treasurer Allison Brindle, M.D., Delegate Mike Gittelman, M.D., Delegate Jill Fitch, M.D., Delegate Organizational Chart Executive Executive Pediatric Director: Nominating Liaisons/ Committee: Ex-Officio: Past Department Melissa Wervey Representatives Committee Committee Presidents Chairs Arnold Chairs BEACON Quality MOBI Project Director of MOBI Administrative Improvement CATCH Manager: Education: Elizabeth Assistant: Planning, Coordinator: OSMA Delegate Karen Kirk Dawson Joanne Gordon Programs and Heather Hall PAC Performance AAP Resident Section Committee AAP Breastfeeding Operations/Planning, Coordinator(s) Implementation and Performance Council Advocacy Council Practice of Pediatrics Council Pound of Cure Pound of Cure Child Health Council Maximizing Office Ounce of Prevention Learning Based Immunizations Collaborative Maximizing Office CQN Asthma Based Immunizations Ohio Pediatrics Injury Prevention Clerical Annual Meeting Learning Ohio AAP Today Collaborative Trainings/Regional/ Webinars Maximizing Office Based Immunizations Ounce of Prevention/ Program Pound of Cure Coordinator: Mental Health Learning Sean O’Hanlon Administrative Collaborative Assistant: Asthma Quality Building Mental Hayley Southworth Improvement Collaborative Wellness Injury Prevention Learning Collaborative Injury Prevention
Ohio AAP Membership 1% Over 3,000 5% 6% 7% Members 5% Affiliate 4% Associate Member, Honorary Member, Retired Fellow Candidate Member Emeritus Fellow Fellow Resident Member and Post Residency Training Member Specialty Fellow 72%
What We Are a Part of : National AAP Judy Romano, MD Chapter President
60,000 Voices for Children Over 77% of Board Certified Pediatricians are national members of the AAP Over 25% of Fellows are Sub-Boarded Pediatric Subspecialists or Pediatric Surgical Specialists Over 40% of Members are Under the Age of 40. Over 95% of Residents are AAP members
National AAP Membership Associate and Affiliate Members Candidate Members Emeritus/Retired Fellows In Training Members International Member 63,149 Members Fellow and Specialty Fellows 15 15 Mar 12 Mar 12
National Structure Districts-Regional organizational centers Chapters-State organizational centers Sections-Subspecialty and special interest organizational centers Committees-Policy development centers Councils-Policy and education centers
What We Are Doing Now: Program Update Kate Krueck, MD & Robert Murray, MD Planning, Implementation, and Performance Committee Co-Chairs
What We Are Doing Now: Program Update Kate Krueck, MD & Robert Murray, MD Planning, Implementation, and Performance Committee Co-Chairs
Maintenance of Certification – Part 4 The Ohio Chapter has been named a Portfolio Sponsor for MOC activities by the American Board of Pediatrics. • Only 17 Portfolio Sponsors in the nation • Ohio AAP is the ONLY AAP Chapter with the designation Current QI/MOC Programs run by the Chapter Building Mental Wellness – 25 points Chapter Quality Network Asthma Project – 40 points Injury Prevention – 25 points Pound of Cure – 25 points
Building Mental Wellness Through the Building Mental Wellness Learning Collaborative... Primary care providers are trained to promote protective skills, screen and identify mental health issues earlier, provide office-based interventions, link with community resources, and appropriately use psychotropic medication by: • Enhancing anticipatory guidance for building mental wellness through protective skills • Improving behavioral and psychosocial screening in early childhood, and alcohol and depression/anxiety screening in adolescence • Improving child and/or parent perceptions of support around mental health issues
Building Mental Wellness Through the Building Mental Wellness Learning Collaborative... Primary care providers are trained to promote protective skills, screen and identify mental health issues earlier, provide office-based interventions, link with community resources, and appropriately use psychotropic medication by: • Increasing the use of practice-based interventions to address anxiety and depression in children and adolescents • Improving resources available to practices, including the Pediatric Psychiatry Network, community resources, and a mental health tool kit • Improving diagnosis and medical management of anxiety and depression in children and adolescents.
Accomplishments • Wave 1 of the BMW Learning Collaborative launched June 2012; the collaborative will run through February 2013 – Practices participating in Wave 1: 8 • Recruitment has begun for Wave 2 which will launch in November 2012 – Looking for 12-20 practices to participate in this 8- month collaborative
Goals for the Future • The BMW project team is soliciting feedback to target areas for improvement in Wave 2. • We are currently recruiting at least 12 practices to participate in Wave 2 of the project. – We are actively recruiting practices from a geographically diverse area. • The Learning Session for Wave 2 will kick off on November 14-15.
Asthma Project The CQN Asthma Project works at the practice, state, and national levels to build a network of AAP Chapters with the ability to lead quality improvement collaboratives to achieve measurable improvements in the health outcomes of children. Participation in this project will provide you with 40 MOC points!
Asthma Project In addition to educational resources, support for the program includes: Access to a Quality Improvement Consultant (QIC). The QIC helps Chapters assist practices in making system-based changes that improve care for children with asthma within a medical home. Access to the Academy ’ s Education in Quality Improvement in Pediatric Practices (EQIPP) asthma module, as the data collection tool. The national office provides monthly data reports to Chapters and practices to provide feedback on practice performance. Participation in the learning sessions (as part of the learning collaborative) will help you earn CME/CIVE credits.
CQN Wave 3 • The Ohio Chapter was awarded a $75K grant from CareSource to continue our goal of optimal asthma care in Ohio • Recruitment begins this fall; learning collaborative expected to start in January/February 2013 ─ Looking to recruit an additional 10-15 teams • The Ohio Chapter is partnering with Partners for Kids (PFK) to create one unified Ohio team for Wave 3
CQN3 Project Team Christine Bill Long, MD Kimberly Kimberly Elizabeth Dawson O’Connor Giuliano, MD Spoonhower, MD Co-Lead Project Manager Project Manager Medical Director Asthma Expert PFK for PFK
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