2/27/2017 Pennsylvania Family Support Building Your Toolbox: Impacts of Mental Illness on Family Dynamics ( B E GI N N E R / I N TE R M E D I ATE ) M AR CH 1, 2 0 17 10 : 0 0 A.M . Housekeeping Audio Quality Question & Answer Opportunities Interactive Polling Questions Handouts Family Support Webinar Housekeeping Computer Sharing Wenda Deardorff, wdeardorff@csc.csiu.org Online Evaluation Session Recording & Slides http:/ / www.pa-pat.org/ category/ recorded-events/ 1
2/27/2017 Presenter Shalawn Jam es External Youth Advocate Project Manager Mental Health Association in Pennsylvania Building Your Toolbox: Impacts of Mental Illness on Family Dynamics Table of Contents Mental Health vs Mental Illness? Types of mental illness Stigma Statistics Parenting Success Mental Illness Cycle Building Your toolbox Tools for the support professional 2
2/27/2017 Mental Health vs Mental Illness Mental Illness is: Mental Health is: Includes all mental disorders The ability to function that effect ones ability to effectively in the following perform in the area of life three areas of life needed for mental health. Daily activities (school, home, work, caregiving etc. Health relationships Ability to adapt to change Signs of Mental Illness Apathy Drop in functioning Feeling disconnected Illogical thinking Increased sensitivity Mood Changes Nervousness Problems thinking Sleep/appetite changes Unusual behaviors True or False A person that shows multiple signs of mental illness has a diagnosable disorder? 3
2/27/2017 Disorders Alcohol and Substance Abuse ADHD Anxiety Bipolar Depression Eating Disorders Intellectual Disorders Posttraumatic Distress Disorder Schizophrenia Stigma Stigma: the negative feelings or thoughts associated with a topic Stigma can cause: Lack of understanding or confusion Discrimination Lessened desire to seek help or assistance Bullying or violence What do the numbers say? https://www.nami.org/Learn ‐ More/Mental ‐ Health ‐ By ‐ the ‐ Numbers. Toolbox items Multicultural communities have different experiences Are there other factors that could effect statistics? 4
2/27/2017 Parenting with Mental Illness Factors Limiting Parenting Success Parent/Child Interaction Coping Coping Skills Skills Parenting Parenting Parental Parental Stress Stress Supports Parenting Knowledge Mental Illness Cycle….. Symptoms Poor Decision Outcomes making Safety/ Consistency Security 5
2/27/2017 Toolbox Resources Local MH/ID http://www.mhdspa.org/Pages/Local ‐ Contacts.aspx. Local MHA http://www.mhapa.org/about/affiliates/. Local Case Management List of Providers Emergency/Acute Care/Crisis Management Support Systems Spouse Extended Family Friends Neighbors Toolbox Relationship Building Eliminate the stigma Trust/Honesty Modeling Behaviors Additional Tools DSM ‐ V Prescription Handbook Pens , Paper, etc. Calendar/ Agenda Flexibility 6
2/27/2017 Necessary Skills for the Toolbox Clear and Concise Communication Consistent Expectations Goal Setting Planning Observation skills Questions? Closing Your opinion matters Please complete the survey Upcoming webinars April: TBD May 3, 2017: Support for Grand Families and Relative Caregivers: A Mosaic of Intervention Multiple ways to join Laptops and mobile devices 7
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