15 150 fall 2020

15-150 Fall 2020 Lecture 18 Sequences and parallelism Stephen - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

15-150 Fall 2020 Lecture 18 Sequences and parallelism Stephen Brookes announcements Election Day! TAs will be posting lab solution videos (canvas, Thursday or Friday) TAs offer NEW weekly REVIEW SESSION (Thursday, 6:30pm Pittsburgh

  1. 15-150 Fall 2020 Lecture 18 Sequences and parallelism Stephen Brookes

  2. announcements • Election Day! • TAs will be posting lab solution videos (canvas, Thursday or Friday) • TAs offer NEW weekly REVIEW SESSION (Thursday, 6:30pm Pittsburgh time)

  3. sequences signature SEQ = sig type 'a seq note the type of exception Range mapreduce val nth : int -> 'a seq -> 'a val length : 'a seq -> int val tabulate : (int -> 'a) -> int -> 'a seq val empty : unit -> 'a seq val map : ('a -> 'b) -> ('a seq -> 'b seq) val split : 'a seq -> 'a seq * 'a seq val reduce : ('a * 'a -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'a seq -> 'a val mapreduce : ('a -> 'b) -> ('b * 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> 'a seq -> 'b end

  4. • The SEQ signature can be implemented in many different ways • Each implementation has its own work/span characteristics • lists nth i S is O(n) • balanced trees nth i S is O(log n) • arrays nth i S is O(1)

  5. comments • Last time: vector-based sequences • When length S = n > 1 and split S = (L, R) we had reduce g z S = g(reduce g z L, reduce g z R) • L and R have length ≈ n div 2 and we assumed g is constant-time, so we said W reduce (n) = 2W reduce (n div 2) + 1 • We forgot the work for split S, given as O(n) earlier, so we should have said W reduce (n) = 2W reduce (n div 2) + O(n) • The original answer is OK if split S has work O(1) Thanks to Sheng-Hsiang Sun for spotting this!

  6. your task • Given a structure Seq : SEQ with known work/span characteristics • Design correct and efficient solutions to some parallelizable problems • prove correctness • calculate work and span

  7. comments • We can also talk about our sequence operations abstractly , in a way that’s independent of the implementation • For example, just using SEQ functions: map f S = tabulate ( fn i => f(nth i S)) (length S) • Although map may not be defined this way in the Seq structure, the equation is valid (Both sides represent the same sequence) • But be careful: equal expressions may have different work , span (This is obvious, if you think about it!)

  8. behavior empty( ) = ⟨ ⟩ length ⟨ v 0 ,…,v n-1 ⟩ = n if 0 ≤ i < n nth i ⟨ v 0 ,…,v n-1 ⟩ = v i tabulate f n = ⟨ f(0), …, f(n-1) ⟩

  9. behavior empty( ) = ⟨ ⟩ length ⟨ v 0 ,…,v n-1 ⟩ = n if 0 ≤ i < n nth i ⟨ v 0 ,…,v n-1 ⟩ = v i tabulate f n = ⟨ f(0), …, f(n-1) ⟩ split ⟨ v 0 ,…,v n-1 ⟩ = ( ⟨ v 0 ,…,v m -1 ⟩ , ⟨ v m ,…,v n-1 ⟩ ) where m = n div 2

  10. reduce fun reduce g z s = case (length s) of 0 => z | 1 => nth 0 s | _ => let val (s1, s2) = split s in g(reduce g z s1, reduce g z s2) end reduce g z ⟨ v 1 ,…,v n ⟩ = v 1 g v 2 … g v n when g is total & associative, z an identity for g

  11. mapreduce fun mapreduce f g z s = case (length s) of 0 => z | 1 => f(nth 0 s) | _ => let val (s1, s2) = split s in g(mapreduce f g z s1, mapreduce f g z s2) end mapreduce f g z ⟨ v 1 ,…,v n ⟩ = (f v 1 ) g (f v 2 ) … g (f v n ) when g is total & associative, z an identity for g

  12. lecture notes • I added a new section about associativity and identity elements • Remember that reduce and mapreduce should only be used with suitable g, z • The Lecture Notes include a proof of correctness for reduce • Shows why you need these properties!

  13. lecture notes • I added a new section about associativity and identity elements • Remember that reduce and mapreduce should only be used with suitable g, z • The Lecture Notes include a proof of correctness for reduce • Shows why you need these properties! You should be reading the notes, too!

  14. example reduce (op +) 0 ⟨ v 1, v 2 ⟩ = (op +) (reduce (op +) 0 ⟨ v 1 ⟩ , reduce (op +) 0 ⟨ v 2 ⟩ ) = (reduce (op +) 0 ⟨ v 1 ⟩ ) + (reduce (op +) 0 ⟨ v 2 ⟩ ) = (v 1 + 0) + (v 2 + 0) = v 1 + v 2 reduce g z behaves “correctly” when g is associative and z is an identity element reduce (op +) 0 ⟨ v 1, v 2 ⟩ = v 1 + v 2 + 0

  15. example reduce (op +) 21 ⟨ v 1, v 2 ⟩ = (op +) (reduce (op +) 21 ⟨ v 1 ⟩ , reduce (op +) 21 ⟨ v 2 ⟩ ) = (reduce (op +) 21 ⟨ v 1 ⟩ ) + (reduce (op +) 21 ⟨ v 2 ⟩ ) = (v 1 + 21) + (v 2 + 21) = v 1 + v 2 + 42 reduce (op +) 21 ⟨ v 1, v 2 ⟩ ≠ v 1 + v 2 + 21

  16. thinking abstractly • Use cost semantics to predict work and span of code • before testing or correctness analysis • Use behavioral specs to help us design correct code • Use inductive proofs to validate specs and confirm cost analysis

  17. modular thinking • Don’t look inside the structure implementing SEQ • Just refer to the signature … • … and the specs

  18. work/span Assume we have an implementation of SEQ with expression work span + nth i s O(1) O(1) same O(1) O(1) length s specs as tabulate f n O(n) O(1) before O(1) O(1) empty( ) map f s O(n) O(1) O(n) O(log n) reduce g z s O(n) O(log n) mapreduce f g z s O(1) O(1) split s when length of s is n, and f, g are constant time

  19. gravitation • Newtonian laws • Simulate the motion of planets • for n bodies, this is O(n 2 ) work • Using sequences and parallel operations is very natural (!) • each body can calculate its step-by-step trajectory, independently • Will be faster than using lists and sequential evaluation

  20. n bodies n 2 forces

  21. Newton’s laws F = G m 1 m 2 / r 2 • Point masses attract each other with a force proportional to the product of the masses and the inverse square of the distance • Spherical bodies behave like point masses Newton, 1687

  22. laws of motion Law 1 : If an object experiences no net force, its velocity is constant: - it moves in a straight line, with constant speed . Law 2 : The acceleration of a body is parallel and proportional to the net force acting on the body, and inversely proportional to the mass of the body, i.e., F = m a . Law 3 : When one body exerts a force F on a second body, the second body exerts an equal but opposite force − F on the first. Law 4 : There is no Law 4.

  23. vectors Velocity, force and acceleration are vectors • Vectors have magnitude and direction speed = magnitude of velocity • Vectors can be added velocity + velocity = velocity acceleration + acceleration = acceleration • Vectors can be multiplied by a scalar scalar * velocity = velocity scalar * acceleration = acceleration

  24. our version • 2-dimensional universe • Scalars are real numbers • Vectors are pairs of type real * real Easy to generalize...

  25. bodies • A body has position, mass, and velocity • Positions are points , pairs of real numbers • A mass is a (positive) real number • A velocity is a 2D- vector • also represented as a pair of reals type point = real * real type vect = real * real type body = point * real * vect

  26. vectors signature VECT = sig type vect = real * real val zero : vect val add : vect * vect -> vect val scale : real * vect -> vect val mag : vect -> real … end

  27. structure Vect : VECT = struct type vect = real * real val zero = (0.0, 0.0) fun add ((x1, y1), (x2, y2)) = (x1+x2 , y1+y2) fun scale(c, (x, y)) = (c * x , c * y) fun mag (x, y) = Math.sqrt (x * x + y * y) end

  28. points type point = real * real fun diff ((x1,y1):point, (x2,y2):point) : vect = (x2 - x1, y2 - y1) fun displace ((x,y):point, (x',y'):vect) : point = (x + x', y + y')

  29. bodies ( mass, velocity ) position, type body = point * real * vect val sun = ((0.0,0.0), 332000.0, (0.0,0.0)) val earth = ((1.0, 0.0), 1.0, (0.0,18.0)) distance from sun to earth = one “ astronomical unit ” sun is 332000 times more massive the sun’s (relative) velocity is zero

  30. motion • To calculate the motion of a body in a timestep • find the net acceleration due to other bodies • adjust the position and velocity of the body

  31. accel accel : body -> body -> vect accel b 1 b 2 = use default of zero acceleration on b 1 when bodies are too close due to gravitational attraction of b 2

  32. accel accel : body -> body -> vect accel b 1 b 2 = use default of zero acceleration on b 1 when bodies are too close due to gravitational attraction of b 2 fun accel (p 1 , _, _) (p 2 , m 2 , _) = let val d = diff(p 1 , p 2 ) val r = mag d in if r < 0.1 then zero else scale(G * m 2 /(r*r*r) , d) end

  33. accel b 2 p 2 . m 2 b 1 Gm 2 /r 2 p 1 . m 1 r = distance from p 1 to p 2 = acceleration on b 1 due to b 2 Gm 2 /r 2

  34. accel b 2 p 2 . m 2 b 1 Gm 1 /r 2 p 1 . m 1 r = distance from p 1 to p 2 = acceleration on b 2 due to b 1 G m 1 /r 2

  35. accels accels : body -> body seq -> vect accels b s = net acceleration on b due to gravitational attraction of the bodies in s

  36. accels accels : body -> body seq -> vect accels b s = net acceleration on b due to gravitational attraction of the bodies in s accels b < b 1 ,...,b n > = accel b b 1 + ... + accel b b n

  37. accels accels : body -> body seq -> vect accels b s = net acceleration on b due to gravitational attraction of the bodies in s accels b < b 1 ,...,b n > = accel b b 1 + ... + accel b b n (vector sum)

  38. accels accels : body -> body seq -> vect accels b s = net acceleration on b due to gravitational attraction of the bodies in s fun accels b s = mapreduce (accel b) add zero s accels b < b 1 ,...,b n > = accel b b 1 + ... + accel b b n (vector sum)


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