Maryland Department of the Environment 12SW-A Modification Public Hearing Overview (7/24/18) General Permit for Discharges of Stormwater Associated with Industrial Activity ( 12-SW-A / MDR00 )
Background The modification: (1) authorizes trading as an option for meeting restoration requirements; (2) extends opportunity for generating marketable credits to those facilities who otherwise have no restoration requirements; (3) includes specific reporting requirements when trading is occurring; and (4) extends deadline for restoration requirements to December 31, 2020. Slide 2 12SW-A Modification
Trading as an Option Multiple Stakeholders were involved in development of a trading program. To support trading, trading regulations have promulgated (COMAR 26.08.11). Effective Date: July 16, 2018 Slide 3 12SW-A Modification
What is trading? Water Quality Trading is a form of exchange (buying & selling) of nitrogen, phosphorus or sediment reduction credits. These credits have a monetary value that may be paid to the seller for reducing point source (wastewater & industrial process water) or nonpoint source (stormwater, septic agriculture) pollution to the bay, after meeting appropriate permitted load reduction or restoration requirements. Slide 4 12SW-A Modification
Why would I want to buy credits? If you are not able to complete your restoration activity on-site, you can fulfill the restoration requirement through a trade with either • another facility, • with a WWTP that has credits for sale, • with the agricultural sector, or • through some combination of the above Slide 5 12SW-A Modification
Where do I find trading partners? The tool used for trading is found at this website: Slide 6 12SW-A Modification
How much are credits? The market will determine the price. The providers will base their price on demand and on costs to create the credit. The buyers will chose the most cost effective approach. These competing forces will determine the price. Slide 7 12SW-A Modification
Generating Marketable Credits Eligible to trade 1) if you have installed more than the required 20% restoration (for those subject to the 12SW restoration requirements), or 2) if you are a non-restoration facility and have installed any restoration. The resulting nutrient and sediment reductions may be traded to other permittees who have restoration requirements, or to industrial or WWTP plants who require reductions. Creates an incentive to perform Restoration. Slide 8 12SW-A Modification
Who does this impact? • 300 facilities that are subject to restoration requirements. • 720 smaller facilities not subject to restoration. • Any of these would be able to participate in trading, either generating or pursuing nutrient loads. Slide 9 12SW-A Modification
Reporting Requirements • Appendix G • Appendix G also Contains reporting Contains reporting requirements if you requirements if you are buying credits. are selling credits. • When buying credits, you must do so annually going forward. Slide 10 12SW-A Modification
Restoration Completion • No Later than December 31, 2020. • In order to gain additional time (beyond 12/31/2018) to complete restoration you will have to comply with additional requirements, i.e.: – Additional Reporting – Must Trade to come into Compliance with Permit. • Those who have already completed restoration (by 12/31/2018) have no additional requirements , other than to continue with any non-structural practices and maintain structural ones. Slide 11 12SW-A Modification
Today’s Hearing Comments on the modification can be provided today or up to 5:00 PM on Wednesday, September 19, 2018. Questions or comments on the actual trading program can be sent at any time. Slide 12 12SW-A Modification
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