100 Drupal performance and scalability best practices Gord Christmas gord.christmas@acquia.com Saturday, April 6, 13 1
Long tail of performance tuning 20% of the performance tuning will give 50% of the improvements Potentially a hundred improvements will add up to 50% more possible performance improvements. This can be very expensive and involve a lot of R&D, which can distract from creating business value. Advanced performance can not be fixed immediately Saturday, April 6, 13 2
Performance and Scalability Options Additional Infrastructure Infrastructure Developer Hardware and set-up and Monitoring and tuning: Front and Systems operations tuning back-end Customization Different audiences have different skill sets Saturday, April 6, 13 3
Drupal scalable infrastructure Content Delivery Network Load Balancer Web Servers Application Database Servers Saturday, April 6, 13 4
Systems by Service CDN Content Delivery Network Proxy Cache Load Balancer Networked Object Web Servers Opcode Cache Cache Application Web Server Server Application Application Default Database Servers Database Database Caches Application Caches Saturday, April 6, 13 5
Systems by Service Cloudfront/Akamai Content Delivery Network Varnish/nginx Load Balancer Memcache APC Web Servers PHP Apache Drupal Drupal Drupal’s Page, Block, Database Servers Database o Query Cache Menu, Views, Panels, Drupal data Entity caches Saturday, April 6, 13 6
Profiling tools for systems Chrome developer tools, Akamai Yottaa, YSlow, Google PageSpeed Varnishhist, Varnishstat, Varnish/nginx varnishlog XHProf for PHP New Relic/Tracelytics for functions + Memcache APC DB + web trans + memcache Memslap & Mcstat & eviction stats Perf_stats mod for Memache and PHP Apache APC PKTools - very large Devel module Coder module Cache audit Drupal Percona Tool Kit (Maatkit) pk_query_digest NewRelic, Devel Module, Drupal’s Page, Block, Database Innotop Query Cache Menu, Views, Panels, Entity caches Show process list Explain slow queries micro sec cache stampedes for Query caches Saturday, April 6, 13 7
Drupal layers for tuning and optimization Application tuning Presentation layer files Caches features Saturday, April 6, 13 8
Drupal layers for tuning and optimization with recommendations Varnish and/or CDN module Yottaa/YSlow Purge w/ Expire module for invalidation Presentation layer files CSS & Javascript aggregation w/ module Gzip non-mobile pages (header specific) Advagg module Block cache (D7 has key) View_content_cache Optimize views API Panels_hash_cache Caches Authcache(or Varnish) Entity cache (?) Cache_warmer for large data sets Cache feeds Drush core check (Hacked!) ESI module Use non-db logging backend (syslog) Disable core statistics, use ga_stats Disable theme rebuild Fast 404 module Use Acquia cloud cron-wrapper.sh Application tuning Use Solr for search Views_lite_pager features Disable unused modules in production: Devel, Coder, Simpletest, Views UI Cache busting modules/code Saturday, April 6, 13 9
Resources http://msonnabaum.github.com/xhprof-presentation http://www.acquia.com/files/Acquia-Hosting-Checklist.pdf Saturday, April 6, 13 10
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