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10.00 overview Basiliko am Project EAS and waste management - - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Time Monday June 24 Tuesday June 25 Wednesday June 26 Time (Monday) (Tuesday Wednesday) 9.15 10.00 Plenary Skip Kingston: The Isotopic Periodic Table Guides Plenary Jeffrey Skousen: Use of Reclaimed Lands for Income Plenary

  1. Time Monday June 24 Tuesday June 25 Wednesday June 26 Time (Monday) (Tuesday Wednesday) 9.15 – 10.00 Plenary – Skip Kingston: The Isotopic Periodic Table Guides Plenary – Jeffrey Skousen: Use of Reclaimed Lands for Income Plenary – Robert Nairn: Can Natural Infrastructure Help Restore 8.45 – 9.30 am am Quantitative Measurement in the Mining Environment. Opportunities and Development. Watersheds? Ecotoxic Metal Retention in Ecologically Engineered Passive Treatment Systems , 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 11. Groundwater – 1. Indigenous 3. Industry: Closure 5. Biomining 1 7. Radiochemistry 9. CLRA Reclamation 13. Mining 15. Industry: Case 17. Wetlands and Communities Planning and Session 1 Mineral Interactions Atmospheric Carbon Studies Microbes Closure Risk 1 10.30 -10.55 Review of Mining Re-examining mining Overview of the Incorporating Geology and Mining Mineralogical L-CARE project Rehabilitation plans for Use of Floating 10.00 – overview – Basiliko am Project EAS and waste management - Elements of Biomining Radiation Protection History of Sudbury - Composition, the Goudreau Open Treatment Wetlands 10.25 am Project – Pits; Part 1 – History – Permits by Indigenous Chovan into Uranium and Rare Peloquin Weathering, and for Reclamation and/or Earth Mine Design – Communities - Mykytczuk et al, Alteration, to Manage Aiken et al. Treatment of Mining Specialist Technical Fleming et al ML/ARD in a Base- Process Water - Clark Team Approach – Metal Tailings Storage Facility – Durocher et Aiken et al al 10.55 – Brazil and Canada: A Planning for mine Ferric Sulfate Small Modular Physical Mine Hazard Mineralogical Controls Contrasting patterns in Rehabilitation Plans Plant influence on iron 10.25 – Rehabilitation – Taylor 11.20 am Comparative Study on closure - footprint Leaching of Pyrrhotite Reactors (SMRs) in on Arsenic dissolved for the Goudreau and sulfur 10.50 am Open Pits: Part 2 – the Mining Industry reduction through Tailings Under remote areas for et al. Occurrence, Release, concentration and transformation, mining – Caron et al towards the innovations in Mine Controlled pH and and Mobility in Mine isotopic signature in Water Quality Issues microbial communities, and Management – Indigenous Peoples - Waste and tailings ORP at 80 ℃ - Ren et Waste Rock human-impacted and long-term storage Leachate – Norlund et Sudbury area – Duarte management. - Josic al. Amores et al potential in a al. Couturier et al. constructed floating wetland system- Gupta et al. 11.20 – 10.50 – New Approaches to Advantages of Bioleaching of Nickel Mechanical, chemical, Challenges in Hydrogeological and Carbon sequestration Rehabilitation The influence of Progress at Glencore ’s 11.45 am Mine Closure: Inuit Brownfield Site from sulphide ores and structural, and rehabilitating historical Geotechnical Study for in Terrestrial systems - drought on uranium 11.15 am Development – Muir et Participation in wastes at radiological changes mine shafts in the an Iron Ore Mine in Yavitt Montcalm Mine in geochemistry in a Planning and al circumneutral pH associated with dietary former cobalt mining Labrador - Schmidt Timmins, ON - contaminated wetland complex – Parks et al Decision-Making in under denitrifying intake of nickel camp, northeastern Marshall Ontario – Story et al. Northern Canada - conditions - Mazullo et recovery slag in Monosky al. pigeon bone - Galiano-Riveros et al. 11.45 – 11.15 – The Future of Repurposing Mine Genomics-Driven The Effect of Impeller Bats like mines: Application of Novel Mitigating wildfire risk Continual Performance of a Agreements – 12.10 pm Waste for Cover Optimization of the Configuration on Mass Rehabilitation leads to Passive Groundwater in degraded metal- Improvement in SO 2 geosynthetic clay liner 11.40 am Henderson Applications with Bio-recovery of Transfer Coefficients habitat and species Sampling Techniques contaminated Reduction - Mucklow cover system at a protection – Noel et al Environmental Refractory Gold from and Particle at Northern Mine Sites peatlands through former Cu/Zn mine: Intelligence – Lindsay restoration – Arsenic-Rich Materials Suspension in Stirred- to facilitate Rapid microbiological – Khan et al. characterization – et. Tank, Bench-scale Hydrogeological Waddington et al. Bioreactors - Wiesner Assessments and Pakostova et al. Mine Remediation - Sundaram 12.10 – The Insufficiency of Planning for A meta-genomic and Optimization of Small Jeffrey Mine Investigations of Carbon sequestration Use of Ammonium The potential role of 11.40 - 12.35 pm Free, Prior and Sustainable Mine meta-metabolomic Modular Nuclear Reclamation Project: Groundwater as a due to regreening sulfate concentrate Halothiobacillus spp. in 12.05 pm Simply Amazing – across time – Informed Consent Closure - Ritchie et al. analysis of a microbial Reactor Integration at Water Supply in derived from mine sulphur (FPIC) as Ethical community enriched Remote Mine Sites in Englobe Northern Guinea- Levasseur et al. ammonia removal unit oxidation and acid Justification for from high arsenic mine Canada - Eastick Bissau (Farim in fertilization of black generation in circum- Economic tailings - Methe et al. Phosphate Mine) - spruce ( Picea neutral mine Development – Kwon Foster mariana ) and Jack tailings reservoirs - pine ( Pinus banksiana ) Whaley-Martin et al in a greenhouse and forest environment – Magdouli et al.


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