9/28/2017 Our Presenter Where Do We Begin? Good Ideas are Not Enough: Making Evidence-Based Practices The field has identified both efficacious and promising strategies that result in significant Work for Your Campus reductions in alcohol and other drug misuse and related consequences. There is no need to “reinvent the wheel” M. Dolores Cimini, Ph.D., University at Albany, SUNY Dr. M. Dolores Cimini University of Albany, SUNY Powered by: The Ohio State University 1
9/28/2017 What Is An Evidence-based Practice? What Helps Us Determine When A Prevention Possible Barriers to EBP Implementation Practice Works? Evidence-based practice (EBP) is an interdisciplinary Barriers can exist to approach to clinical practice that has been gaining Control or comparison group dissemination, ground following its formal introduction in 1992. It started in medicine as evidence-based medicine adoption, Pre- and post-program assessments (EBM) and spread to other fields such as audiology, implementation, and speech-language pathology, dentistry, nursing, child Behavioral outcome measures maintenance life specialty, psychology, social work, education, library and information science. EBP is traditionally Can show reduction in: (Rogers, 1995) Drinking and/or drug misuse defined in terms of a "three legged stool" integrating Consequences three basic principles: Both! • the best available research evidence bearing on whether and why a treatment works, clinical expertise (clinical judgment and experience) to rapidly • identify each patient's unique health state and diagnosis, their individual risks and benefits of potential interventions, and • client preferences and values 2
9/28/2017 Barriers Keep in Mind… Survey Considerations Proper training of those delivering a program We can learn as much from a hypothesis that is Select measures that best meet your needs and not supported as we can from a hypothesis that will provide answers you’re looking for A tendency to “reinvent” innovations is supported. (Rohrbach, D’Onofrio, Backer, & Be aware of the time frames of each measure Montgomery, 1996) The key is having a methodology in place to (e.g., past month, past three months, past year) really be able to interpret findings in context of follow-up Preventionist drift (i.e., issues of fidelity) Let’s look at several steps in the EBP assessment Consider a range of variables getting at your Need for ongoing assessment process… issues of interest and continued training Consider impact of in-person vs. paper-pencil vs. web-based vs. other alternative method 3
9/28/2017 Data Collection Considerations Data Analysis Considerations Data Analysis… Hold data collection Look for outliers periods constant Think critically about your findings (maintain a Select an incentive “healthy skepticism”) your students will see as attractive Analyze your data in a way that best detects and is sensitive to change Beware of categorical results…for example… 4
9/28/2017 Drawbacks of Making Categorical Summaries Before Declaring Success or Failure of Your EBP When EBP’s Don’t Work…Where Do We Look? Any one thing we do is part of an overall puzzle, and Consider these data: Collaboration there might be some students for whom a 85% drink 0, 1, 2, 3 or at the most 4 prevention/intervention effort is useful 15% drink 5 or more Networking and Program Promotion Examine moderators If a number of students who drink 12 reduce Building Intervention Capacity their drinking to 6, they’re still nevertheless in the Remember that sometimes data might move in the wrong direction 5 or more group. Evaluation of Our Interventions Example: A student who becomes more accurate at reporting Establishing a Diversified Funding Base consumption patterns These changes will not be detected! Calls for help, medical transport, and/or reporting Policy violations Engaging Stakeholders to Support Program Sustainability Fidelity is key. 5
9/28/2017 Collaboration Networking and Program Promotion Building Intervention Capacity Have we communicated regularly with our Have we ensured that multiple program staff or Have we increased program’s visibility and collaborators and nurtured relationships? coalition leaders and members are trained in the likelihood of sustainability? essential program elements or strategies? Have we strategically empowered our partners to utilize their strengths? Have we developed written resources, such as How well do our established networks offer manuals and ongoing documentation of program support and help to modify and improve efforts Have we engaged our partners in diversified roles? processes to ensure that programs are sustained with fidelity? through exchange of ideas and techniques? Have we addressed common barriers, such as varying priorities among members, conflicts of Have we kept a written record of collaborators and Are our networking efforts advancing insight into interest, and lack of or shifting funding? the roles that they have played in our project? sustainability strategies and resources that might As programs are implemented and refined, Have we If transitions are needed from one collaborator not have been identified locally, but have been added collaborators as needed? (individual or organization) to another, can this successful for similar programs or groups? position be filled more appropriately and seamlessly based on the infrastructures we have established? 6
9/28/2017 Evaluation of Our Interventions Establishing a Diversified Funding Base Engaging Stakeholders to Support Program Sustainability Are we working with a qualified evaluator who is Have we included sustainability funding options and knowledgeable about appropriate and current data support within our unit or campus strategic plan? analytic methods for our project? Have we identified the types of funding sources to be …A well -developed evidence-based program or pursued to operate and sustain particular program Are we using tools that can most accurately and intervention, in combination with a well-articulated elements, the manner in which the approach will be efficiently measure what we want to measure? made, and the person responsible for the approach? training, implementation, and sustainability plan, Are our samples of students large enough to detect Have we established a timeline to secure funding for the can offer a road map to enhanced effectiveness changes or differences when they exist? project?? and the capacity to implement and evaluate a Has our evaluator “cleaned” our dataset broad scope of evidence-based services Have we engaged stakeholders is sustainability discussions thoroughly? from the beginning of the project? delivered to our students in most need of them. What are the possible alternative explanations for negative or null results? 7
9/28/2017 Strategic Planning Locating Evidence-based Practices Good Ideas are Not Enough: Project Addictions Workgroup Research & Steering Making Evidence-Based Practices Center committee College AIM, National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Work for Your Campus https://www.collegedrinkingprevention.gov/coll Sustainability egeaim/ Presidents Advisory Presentations M. Dolores Cimini, Ph.D., Council on & National Registry of Evidence-based Programs AOD Publications University at Albany, SUNY Prevention and Practices, Substance Abuse and mental Health Services Administration https://www.samhsa.gov/capt/tools-learning- resources/national-registry-evidence-based- Consultation Media with Advocacy programs Colleagues Powered by: The Ohio State University 8
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