Islandmagee Road Railway Line K i n g s R Marine Parade o a d Cable Road B e l f a s t R o a d c OSNI Welcome to the public exhibition of draft proposals for the Whitehead Masterplan. These boards have been prepared to inform the people of Whitehead of emerging ideas for the future of the village. We would therefore like to invite you to study these proposals and to let us know your comments by completing a feedback form and/or emailing us at whitehead@pau This masterplan has been commissioned by GROW South Antrim through Carrickfergus Borough Council and is being developed by The Paul Hogarth Company, with guidance of a steering group of local stakeholders. It is one of three plans being developed simultaneously for Doagh, Toome and Whitehead. The masterplans seek to identify a range of initiatives by which to improve the village over the next 5 – 10 years. By studying and thinking about the village holistically, it is intended that individual projects can be coordinated to maximise their contribution to making Whitehead a better place in which to live, work, play, invest and visit. This plan will not replace statutory planning policy for the area, but help key organisations from the public and private sectors to target investment wisely. As we are all very much aware, Northern Ireland is in the midst of a major recession, resulting in spending cutbacks in both the public and private sectors. Funding for future projects will therefore be limited. It is therefore vitally important for villages such as Whitehead to plan for the future, so to ensure their own social, physical and economic sustainability. Once fjnalised, each of the projects identifjed in this plan will be subject to a process of costing, prioritisation and phasing. Key projects (or phases thereof) will then be taken forward by a range of different stakeholders subject to the availability of funding and more detailed development and consultation with landowners and 1 statutory agencies. This will be set out in an Action Plan to accompany the fjnal masterplan. Whitehead Draft Village Masterplan Introduction / Analysis
“ The unique identity of Whitehead will be strengthened to provide a safe and attractive place in which to live and to develop business and leisure opportunities. The Village will once again become a premier place to visit based on its rich heritage and wider natural environment. Increased accessibility combined with an array of sustainable community projects will assist in transforming Whitehead into a welcoming and thriving Railway Town shaped by its Victorian and Edwardian townscape and distinctive sense of place ” Establiched communities Green connection Railway preservation society of Ireland Potential landmark Village hub Approach routes Improved linkages Railway line Potential destination What kind of place would you like Whitehead to be in the future? Finding an answer to this deceptively simple question is a critical fjrst step in developing a masterplan for the village. The consultant team have worked with members of the local steering group to compose the above draft Vision Statement. This describes the kind of place we think Whitehead should be in the future. What do you think? Any comments on how to improve this vision are welcomed. To illustrate the vision, the above graphic has been developed in the style of a railway poster, helping to defjne and promote the village to residents and visitors alike. To achieve this vision, a series of Aims and Objectives have been identifjed, which also remain in draft so that you can shape them accordingly. These two statements spell out the priorities for Whitehead as a better place for its residents and for visitors to the town. By improving the town for local people, whilst sensitively enhancing its capacity to once again serve as a day trip or weekend destination, we think Whitehead has immense potential. The draft Concept Plan shown above is the fjrst step in physically applying the aims and objectives to the village. It outlines the key strategic moves proposed for Whitehead. This includes strengthening connections between all parts of the centre (Kings Road, the Recreational Grounds, Blackhead Path etc), so that they work together and that people can move easily between them. The concept plan also includes enhancing historic landmarks such as the castle, Victorian buildings and the White Harbour, so that they play a greater role in the life of the town and contribute to its social and economic 2 vitality. Whitehead Draft Village Masterplan Introduction / Analysis
Proposed Whitehead Wood and Allotments New tourist facility at Bentra Golf Club Extension of RPSI facilities Improved connectivity Reshaping of the recreation Promotion of a new grounds visitor destination linked to Marine Parade and Blackhead path New civic spaces Sensitive infjll development opportunities The Draft Whitehead Masterplan illustrates how the Public Realm village could look in 10 to15 years time. It is made Improvements up of a series of individual projects which combined would have a signifjcant impact on the village as a whole. Observation point at the “Blah Hole” The traditional centre of Whitehead, including Kings Road and Edwards Road, would be subject to public realm enhancements, improvements to shop frontages and formalisation of parking arrangements, with potential for new parking areas subject to landownership. Better foot and cycle linkages would be provided across the railway to the recreational grounds. This area would be comprehensively redesigned to improve the way in which the area looks and functions, including the creation of a civic space and improved setting for the Railway Preservation Society’s planned development. Links to the coastline would also be improved, with potential to refurbish and facilitate access to Whitehead Castle. Along the waterfront, upgrades to the quality of pathways and lighting would be accompanied by a more ambitious project to turn the Blackhead Path Car Park into an events space. This creates a much more attractive and lively area to increase the value of a refurbished Blackhead Path. Also, other key projects are the restoration of White Harbour as a potential destination for steam trains from the railway society. It is also proposed to enhance the arrival experience into Whitehead and to create better views to the town from the Coast and Glens Coastal Route, making it more attractive to the casual passer by. We’re keen to hear your thoughts on the draft plan. Do you think these projects would help to achieve the vision for Whitehead? Are there projects you particularly like or dislike? Do you have suggestions for other projects that could help improve Whitehead? 3 Whitehead Draft Village Masterplan Introduction / Analysis
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