
1 Active recharge (not talking about passive) Talking about recharge - PDF document

1 Active recharge (not talking about passive) Talking about recharge (not direct use for now) 2 3 **Statement about unit cost may contradict the next slide on the costs** Variable hydrology and limited storage? Army Corps dams, etc. Peak flows

  1. 1

  2. Active recharge (not talking about passive) Talking about recharge (not direct use for now) 2

  3. 3

  4. **Statement about unit cost may contradict the next slide on the costs** Variable hydrology and limited storage? Army Corps dams, etc. Peak flows attenuation 4

  5. 5

  6. **Understand the projects behind this graph. Unit costs look too good to be true. Contradicts the challenges of high costs** Why aren’t we doing the low unit cost high yield projects now? Whats stopping it? OR are these costs not real? Add water supply costs Pump, disinfect & distribute: $100 ‐ 250/AF Contaminant removal Metropolitan 2013/14 Tier 1 rates Untreated Tier 1 is $593 for both CY 2013 and 2014 Treated Tier 1 is $847 for CY 2013 and $890 for CY 2014. 6

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  8. *calculations on capture and recharge may not be consistent across projects 23 projects Total Capital costs (2008 $) = $240 M Sediment removal 5954 channel improvement 654 distributed 1346 new centralized 5680 centralized improvement 28300 Total: 41933.5 15,000 AF/yr from Cable Creek Basin and Spreading Grounds ($1,000,000 capital cost)? 8

  9. Reimbursable services agreements (adopted by MWD in 2014) **see previous note** Elmer Avenue 9

  10. Centralized more cost ‐ effective than distributed Capture and infiltrate more effective than direct ‐ use (this comment seems more like an opinion) 10

  11. Evaluate the potential to fund projects using MWD’s reimbursable services program **check the criteria for this program and see if it matches. For example, reimbursable services were meant for drought response. Stormwater projects probably wouldn’t fit that category. Plus, the link to production (quantity of supplies) are not yet determined** 11

  12. Previously talked about distributed and centralized. 12

  13. 13


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