
1 A resolution is a proposal from the Interamerican Scout Committee - PDF document

26th Interamerican Scout Conference INTERAMERICAN SCOUT REGION Houston 2016 Presentation of Suggestions for Resolutions 1. INTRODUCTION An important part of the Interamerican Scout Conference is the resolutions presented by the Interamerican

  1. 26th Interamerican Scout Conference INTERAMERICAN SCOUT REGION Houston 2016 Presentation of Suggestions for Resolutions 1. INTRODUCTION An important part of the Interamerican Scout Conference is the resolutions presented by the Interamerican Scout Committee and the National Scout Organizations of our region, full members of the World Scout Conference. The Conference elects a Resolutions Committee, which operates in times and manner agreed to by the Conference through the Rules of Procedure. This Committee must verify that the suggested resolutions are presented in the correct time and form, and verifies that these do not disobey the Regional and / or World Constitutions and avoid being repetitious with resolutions adopted by previous Regional Conferences. Also, they cooperate in provide essay and style to the proposed resolutions where and when required, integrate resolutions or proposals which have a common theme, and reject those proposed resolutions which may be irrelevant or inadmissible, and finally presenting the resolutions to the Conference for its consideration. Is important to consider the following points: - The deadline for submitting resolutions, in accordance with the Rules of Procedure, is Wednesday, October 26th, 2016, at 8 p.m. - The Resolutions Committee will report to the Conference, during the plenary on Friday, October 28th, with regards to the received resolutions and will later present the results of their reviewed work and to then submit them for consideration to the Conference. The submitted resolutions will be the only ones taken into consideration and new - resolutions may not be integrated into the agenda. Resolutions may have amendments proposed by the NSOs according to the analysis and voting process that has been stipulated in the Rules of Procedure. At the time of the presentation, the resolutions will be presented in the both official - languages of the region, which are English and Spanish. The resolutions adopted will be subsequently reported to the National Scout - Organizations. 2. A REQUEST TO THE NATIONAL SCOUT ORGANIZATIONS. With the aim of speeding up this process and to promote the quality and clarity of the resolutions it is requested that the National Scout Organizations respect the following procedures: • Use the format presented below to suggest resolutions. • Present them written in both languages (English and Spanish). • Deliver them printed, attaching the relevant electronic files in Word format. • Use language, which is easy to understand, simple in context and correct grammar Here you will find a section of questions and answers. . What is a resolution? 1

  2. A resolution is a proposal from the Interamerican Scout Committee or from a NSO to be considered by the Conference. Is there a resolutions format? Yes, you can find it in this document. What is an amendment? An amendment is a proposed change to a proposed resolution. Is there a format for presenting amendments? The attached form, with some adaptations, can also be helpful. Where should we deliver the resolutions and the amendments? During the Interamerican Scout Conference, resolutions and amendments shall be submitted to the Resolutions Committee. What is the deadline for submitting resolutions and amendments? Resolutions may be submitted at any time until Wednesday October 26 at 20:00 hrs. Amendments to any resolution may be submitted until the time of its consideration during the plenary of the Conference. However, to facilitate the process we encourage all NSOs to present their resolutions as soon as possible. When will the resolutions and amendments be presented? The Resolutions Committee will present the resolutions at the plenary session on Friday 28th. At that time the proposed amendments will be presented to the Conference. We now present a practical guide for the manner in which a resolution is presented. First steps To put your idea into a resolution form, take into consideration the good points of the resolution proposal: - Clearly identify a need, challenge or problem - It is relevant to Scouting - It has it an impact on several NSOs - It clearly defines its background and the desired outcome. - It defines an specific action(s) to follow Organize your thoughts. Decide what the Interamerican Scout Committee should do about what you are offering. You must be practical and propose a way forward. When writing, use a clear, concise and appropriate language. Composition 2

  3. In a way, a resolution proposal is a statement along with some semicolons to separate ideas. It may seem confusing, but it really is not, so you must work with language. Normally the motions are: Title - - Considerations - Operative Party. The title sets out the subject of the proposal, and establishes the author and who is supporting it. It is the Interamerican Scout Committee or an NSO the proposer and one or more NSOs who second it. The considerations simply explain the need, problem or situation. Explain the purpose of the proposal and define the main reason for the needed operational part. Considerations should refer specifically to situations, events or incidents regarding the issue at hand. Some words or phrases that will help to draft considerations include: Affirming Completely Pointing with aware satisfaction Appreciating Completely Pointing with Believing concern Approving Recalling further Pointing with approval Mindful Guided by Nothing more Believing that Having adopted Observing Given that Having Realizing considered Whereas / also Having had your Reaffirming attention Declaring Having examined Remembering Deeply concerned Having listened Recognizing Deeply convinced Having received Referring With the desire to Having studied Looking Empathetically Impressed by Having into account Hoping that In addition Taking into consideration Expressing Have in mind Taking note satisfaction Expressing Besides Seeing with appreciation appreciation Fulfilling Pointing Inviting Welcoming with interest Searching for Convinced Wishing Highlighting Emphasising Noting with concern Noting with satisfaction Being consistent with The operative part clearly explains the actions to be taken. And lists the resolutions to the action. Some words or phrases that will help you with the operational side: Accept Declare Invites Affirm Demand Notice Approve Designate Proclaim 3

  4. Authorize Lead Reaffirm Recognize Draw attention Recognize Adopt Emphasize Recommend Applaud To stimulate Remember To call Support Regret Call around Establish Apply for To congratulate Solemnly affirm Express appreciation Confirm Express the desire To stress To consider Also invites Put up with Declare according Also resolves Suggest Decide Also requests Need Welcome with joy Support Celebrate Define Appoint Exhort To urge Ask To urge FILING A MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION As noted above, the Interamerican Scout Committee or an NSO shall file the motions. The motions may be submitted in the indicated form, to any member of the Resolutions Committee before the closing period. Resolutions must be submitted in both official languages of the Interamerican Region (Spanish and English) and also in a digital format, which will facilitate the work of the Resolutions Committee. SECOND THE MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION If you want your proposal to be debated or voted on, you need to find at least one NSO to share your opinion and second your proposal. This is achieved through by the signing of the Head of Delegation of the NSO seconding the proposal, in the indicated form. AMEND A RESOLUTION PROPOSAL The amendments are used to modify a proposed resolution before being voted. Amendments must contain the specific proposal that it addresses and how it is addressed. The proposal can: • Add new words or phrases • Remove words or phrases • Replace certain words with others • Replace a different proposal with the same subject • Divide the topic between one or more points, to obtain votes for each point. If the amendment is removed, the original resolution is put to a vote. If the amendment is adopted, the proposal is modified before being put to a vote. 4

  5. A proposed amendment may also be subject to be modified, before the voting process of the original amendment. VOTING A RESOLUTION PROPOSAL The Resolutions Committee will present the motions, after having them analysed at a plenary session of the Conference. The chairperson of the plenary session on resolutions will request to the Resolutions Committee to read the resolutions. The chairperson of the meeting will invite those present to the discussion, to propose amendments and will encourage the voting either for amendments or resolutions. The chairman of the meeting may limit the number of times and time for discussion among delegates. The value of the resolution proposals will only be achieved if the discussions and debate are open but effective. 5


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