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  3. Number of greenfield terminals n that have adopted the solution Modes of automated solutions currently Number of brownfield terminals that have adopted the solution adopted in terminals n 2 2 1 Rail Remote controlled RTG:s Automated C-RMG:s Remote controlled C-RMG:s 2 2 0 Stacking yard Automated Stacking Cranes Automated C-RMG:s Automated RC RTG Automated Straddle carriers RTG:s ~25 11 2 0 4 2 3 4 9 1 ~12 ~11 1 1 1 1 4 0 2 5 transportation Horizontal Automated Terminal Terminal Manned Manned Manned Tractors Tractors Shuttle carriers Shuttle carriers 1 AGV:s AGV:s 4 5 Quay Remote controlled quay cranes 5 Automation implementation options for brownfield terminals | Timo Alho 2/21/19 3

  4. There are over 100 fully automated/semi-automated projects on the radar by 2025 An exponential growth would more than double the number of automated terminals by 2025 Numbers of terminals 250 Number of EUR 5 billion market brownfield potential in medium term conversions and extensions 200 dominates There are two reasons that future growth potentially postpone the development: 150 • Wait for confirmed efficiency improvements • Lower degree of growth 100 50 Greenfield Brownfield Extensions Other 0 1990-1999 2000-2009 2010-2014 2015-2019 2020-2024 21 February 2019 5

  5. Perceived benefits and risks of automation for container terminals § Safety improvement § High initial investment cost § Consistency of productivity § Implementation challenges to the existing terminals § Financial benefits, lower operating costs § Increased preventive maintenance cost § Good visibility to the operational parameters § Requires new kind of skills § Helps to address labour availability issues § No need to optimize the labour headcount during quiet times – full fleet always in use § Low corrective maintenance cost § Operator work ergonomy improvement § Terminal competitiveness improvement Automation implementation options for brownfield terminals | Timo Alho 2/21/19 6

  6. !"#$%&#'$()'*)($#)&(+%$,-)$(.+)/$,)%-0&)#-,%'(&.* %&'()*'+(,-+)./0)0,'*'+(,-(.'+(,1-2(3-43(5,2+0/6-'03)+,*/1-7-8+)(-%/9( !"!#"#$ :

  7. Automation options for brownfield terminals

  8. Challenge in brownfield terminals § How to get all people onboard with the change? § What to do with the existing equipment having still residual value? § How to manage the change in IT environment? § How to phase the construction works? § What kind of new skills will be required? How to ensure there will be minimal disruption to the current operation?

  9. >*))%'%,& -%8(093%,& 8+&72 !"# $%&'()*&"+,-".'+-/+0"*,1'%+2%"()"+/&(3+&*(, 0%4%0 5"# 67+,.%"(8%'+&*,."3(-%"&7'(/.7"+"9+'-"%:8+,2*(, 14-&5)#4+0$#+-02) 6-,7+)02)#).02+#-2',) 3#,5)'"%#27-02)#25) $#/')+8#+) 0%',#+-02#&9)02.') +8#+)-7)502'9) :,#54#&&3)6-2-78)+8') '"-7+-2:)3#,5)#7) ;'&& ;"# <*."=+,."+88'(+17 <027+,4.+)+8') #4+0$#+-02)737+'$) -2)+8')$-55&')06) 0%',#+-02= >8,04:8)#)780,+) 50;2+-$')$#")6';) 5#37).02?',+)6,0$) $#24#&)+0)64&&3) #4+0$#+'5 !"#$%&'()*#+,-./)*0,+)10+#23

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  12. Remote control for cranes § Safety Enables people to stay out of the dangerous load handling environment, climbing on stairs, moving in the terminal area for accessing the cranes etc. With semi-automation crane will do the positioning automatically and the operator can focus on ensuring the safety of the operation on truck lane. § Ergonomy Comfortable work environment indoors, better working position with ergonomical seating and possibility to stand. § Work satisfaction Teamwork with colleagues, easy access to toilet, canteen and other facilities. Hi-tech environment that attracts also new generation people. § Efficiency No time wasted for transporting people in and out of the cranes. As the operator is not physically tied to a single crane unit, a person can handle more moves per hour. Especailly benefitial during non-peak hours, providing better customer service. Also possibility to work longer shifts.

  13. Thank You. Timo Alho Vice President, Terminal Design Services Kalmar Tel. +358 40 8656912 timo.alho@kalmarglobal.com


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