New ....,` /�--./ \ I KOWEN _- - / S-L KI N GSTON South / FORREST • ) \./ \ _* DEAKI L)/\ ._I _, v J / - " \ GRIFFITH f -'. I -.-.�Lt).` '. \ K_ r'\--,. ' CAMPBELL". / / / / CANBERRA CENTRAL_ \, 1 I ,"( -O ---/ ---.�-:KI-..____` "( BARTON,- \f...../ I \ _- 'K V � I PARKES J_iiu�setL ) J YASRALUMLA ,/J _ ,,,/ ) 1-, I , , J CAPITAl / I 1/ This map shows the boundaries of the ACT Legislative Ass�mbly Wales ,, Australian Capital Territory into electorates pursuant to the Electoral Act 1992 Electorates for the ACT Legislative Assembly of Brindabella, Ginninderra, Kurrajong, Murrumbidgee and Yerrabi Boundaries of electorates Division boundaries District boundaries electorates of Brindabella, Ginninderra, Kurrajong, Murrumbidgee New and Yerrabi and the number of members to be elected from each electorate as determined by the Augmented ACT Electoral Commission pursuant to section 35 of the Electorbl Act 1992. Roger Beale AO Dorte Ekelund Phillip Green Jefgrey Brown Dawn Casey Cassandra Gligora Augmented ACT Electoral Commission May2015 fW;X/'«kldu�e.oc..2�,1�� Soulh Redistribution of the --.._` . I -- -2_- y __] ------. / � '> p-- ..../ ../--" I ', J ' , � JERRABO�BE�RA / I -- / / / ! / HUM E / / I '] PIALLIHO ,.,. 1 11/,/' Kilometres 4 3 2 WALET \ / DICKSON , "( ' --- / / 0 \./ O'CO N NOR '] / _/_,-. --...K ' ;� LYNEHAM / 1, y / / '. f OO� E R 'I I '. TERRITORY ' A PITAL C AUS"OlALIAO ' /( WATSON- � / I �,/r --� ,,,/,,,/1-) AINSLI SOVTI < \ PROSPECT / MOLONGLO_:::. co �\ , _ \-. .<(-) STROMLO ) / / \../ '. I\ '. / r:j E NMA N '-. I \ VALLEY 1 1, 1-) MOLONGLO ./, Wales s, BRINDABELLA E / / KURRAJONG i � \;__:s � NER � RAP � N (5 MEMBERS) (5 MEMBERS) / f r---.,v \ ,-1../ >) - - @ PADDYS RIVER NEW Town Centres - co-locate activity \ I- - - _.]- HACKETT\ l _,,/ _,-. _-) / � CITY y R E IO\ "# MAJ / URA f �ACTO N L .A/ / ' ,./ , ,/ / FYSHWICK ' \ - - - "'] ,-.__....,,/ / .....` \ I R E D H I L � \ . J . / : A R R A B U N D A H � L ' j__,,.,/ " I � \ r ; : e ./ "". � ....._` '. � "i:llj i!/1'1( 1!'11"# � - - S Y M O N S T O N I -(
Pitch n Putt A Offices Callum Loss of facilities Bar Bar Bar Bar Bar Alley Bowling Lovett and Basketball A - 3 hectares Expansion Cemetery CIT and Ice Skating At risk - Pool Courts Tennis Bowling Greens Stadium Poor connectivity
Location of Higher Education
Location of publicly funded pools Arts ACT
ArtsACT facilities Forde Community Centre Gungahlin Community Centre Belconnen Arts Centre Watson Arts Centre Strathnairn Ainslie Arts Centre Gorman House The Street Theatre Arts Centre Theatre 3 University housing Canberra Glassworks; Canberra Glassworks Manuka Arts Centre chapel; Canberra Contemporary Fitters' Workshop; Art Space Former Transport Depot; Wentworth Avenue Offices, Tuggeranong Arts Centre
15 .* 0 14 • r- - 14 ---2 •J::m 1 ...../ ··"'-j C . Offjees Ofgices 9 � underpass Podostrian � 14 1 970 1 4
Comparison of the Town Centre precinct codes – the draft variation for Woden needs to include many of the elements included in the Gungahlin precinct code. There is not equity between the features of the town centre precinct codes. Draft Woden Belconnen Tuggeranong Gungahlin Precinct Code Date March 2017 14 December 2012 21 August 2015 28 August 2015 Building heights 28 storeys No limit - Minimal 38m approx. 12 various detrimental storeys impacts, including overshadowing and excessive scale Road hierarchy no no no yes Pedestrian and no no no yes Cycle network Bushfire no no no yes protection Leisure and no no yes no Accommodation area Entertainment no no no Yes – noise precinct allowed Public Transport no no no Yes – provide stops identified comfortable environment for public transport patrons Sites for surface no – can be no – can be no – can be yes public car developed developed developed parking Design of public no no no Hibberson Street realm Gungahlin Place Active frontage yes yes yes yes landscaping 1 no some Yes - Inc. trees around car parks to provide shade Major no no no Yes - building community and height 14m recreation Minimal detrimental
facilities impacts, including precinct overshadowing and excessive scale
Some recommended changes to the Territory Plan 15
Areas subject to rezoning - Retain Arabanoo Park as open green space 18
Overshadowing of the Woden Town Square 19
Figure 1 Existing car parks, active frontages and community recreation facilities – however there are no community facilities identified 20
Proposed building heights a - 12 to 16 storeys with the existing 3 storeys on the Town Square b - 12 to 16 storeys c - 4 to 6 storeys on Callum Street (entertainment precinct) c - 4 to 6 storeys on Melrose Drive c - 12 to 16 storeys on Hindmarsh Drive (shades the road) d - 5 to 6 storeys e - 5 to 6 storeys f – 4 storeys but in a PD 3 area (prohibited residential use) Building heights of 4 to 6 (medium rise) adjacent to the suburbs with 6 to 8 storeys for 'transitional' areas (with big trees in front) for human scale. Some taller, 12 to 16 storey buildings, should only be permitted where they do not overshadow public spaces or other residential 21
Community Facility Woden Belconnen Tuggeranong Gungahlin North South Canberra Canberra Community/Art Centre No Yes Yes Yes Yes Higher Education No UC, CIT CIT CIT ANU, ACU, CIT ADFA, CIT Multi-purpose sports hall No Basketball Basketball Swimming pool (public funded) No AIS Yes Yes Yes Yes
It is important to use remaining land for its best purposes - considering the community R20 R12 R12 R12 R R R R R R R R12 R5 R10 R5 R5 R5 R6 R6 R6 R6 R6 R6 R6 R12 Arts Centre R12 R12 C allum Chifley Offices - WCS Cemetery Cafes Pool 3 x Open CIT school Community R16 hall groups sports Indoor c e I n g k a t i R12 s
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