november 8 2012

November 8, 2012 Niagara Regional Police Service Budget - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

November 8, 2012 Niagara Regional Police Service Budget Presentation 2013 Operating 2013-2015 Multiyear Operating 2013 Capital 2 Niagara Regional Police Service Under the provisions of the Police Services Act, the Police

  1. November 8, 2012

  2. Niagara Regional Police Service Budget Presentation • 2013 Operating • 2013-2015 Multiyear Operating • 2013 Capital 2

  3. Niagara Regional Police Service • Under the provisions of the Police Services Act, the Police Services Board is responsible for reviewing and approving the detailed budgets for Service programs. • The Municipal Act requires that the Service request approval by Regional Council of the consolidated budget request in the format and timeframe established by the Region. • The Service is governed by Adequacy Standards set by the province as defined in the Police Services Act. 3

  4. NRPS Overview - Statistics • Responsible for one of the largest geographical areas policed in Ontario, with a land policing area of 1,850 square kilometers and a water policing area of 160 km shoreline • Serve and protect residents and visitors within the 12 area municipalities • Over 90 programs including community policing, victim services, investigative services, court services, booking and detention, administration, administrative support and technology services • Niagara policing is divided into three distinct patrol regions • Over 131,000 annual calls for service (based on 5 year average) 4

  5. 2013 Objectives • The Niagara Regional Police Service Operating Budget is prepared with the objective of providing a realistic estimate of the cost of providing mandated policing services within an affordable and sustainable tax levy. The budget preparation process is conducted in consideration of Regional objectives, with efforts to balance the information requirements of the Region as outlined in the Municipal Act with the accountabilities of the Police Services Board under the Police Services Act. 5

  6. Mitigation of Budget Impact Rationalization and reduction of discretionary • expenditures. Continued restriction of backfill for civilians to • operationally essential positions. Reprioritization and realignment of resources. • 6

  7. Risks Arbitration Decision • Implementation of the Business Plan • Technology Advances • Workload Study • Unbudgeted Program Change Requests • Implementation of Long Term Accommodations Plan • 7

  8. Opportunities Implementation of the Business Plan • Service Delivery Models • Technology Advances • Implementation of Long Term Accommodations Plan • 8

  9. Authorized Strength Authorized Strength is the approved total complement by • the Police Services Board. Division 2012 2013 Change Actual Budget Uniform 704 704 - Civilian 319 319 - Total 1023 1023 - 9

  10. Multi-Year Forecast Assumptions • Guideline for planning for the continuity of policing services. • Assumptions made regarding impact of collective agreements. • Prepared under the current service delivery model. • Long Term Facility transitional initiatives will result in some service model changes. • The three year business plan for 2013 – 2015 is in progress. 10

  11. 2013 Budget and Multi Year Forecast Division 2013 2014 2015 Prior Year $122,606,945 $126,126,284 $129,216,678 -Savings/+Increases (203,085) 158,337 195,327 +/- One time adjustments - 575,000 - +/- Program Changes 43,948 - - + Contractual 3,678,476 2,357,057 2,359,014 Proposed budget $126,126,284 $129,216,678 $131,771,019 Year over Year Change 2.87% 2.45% 1.98% The multi-year forecast is prepared under the current service delivery models. 11

  12. 2013 Capital Objectives • Capital budget primarily consists of replacement of existing assets. • The most significant 2013 project is the replacement of the Voice Radio System. 12

  13. 2013 Capital Project Description Project Cost Capital Levy Debenture Vehicle & Approvals Equipment Replacement Fund Vehicles 1,600,000 - - 1,600,000 IT Equipment 800,000 800,000 - - Replacement Network & Telecom 100,000 100,000 - - Infrastructure Capital Asset 44,000 44,000 - - Acquisitions Voice Radio System 15,000,000 - 15,000,000 - Total 17,544,000 944,000 15,000,000 1,600,000 13

  14. Thank You Questions? 14


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